Meso 2 is soooo different! the weights felt soooo heavy on Disc 13 today!! Definitely felt the 'shock value' on hypertrophy focus. The best thing about the workout was the 60 second rest periods!!!! :eek:
Meso 2 is soooo different! the weights felt soooo heavy on Disc 13 today!! Definitely felt the 'shock value' on hypertrophy focus. The best thing about the workout was the 60 second rest periods!!!! :eek:

The break was perfect because it gave me time to rest, stretch, drink water and write down my reps. My meso 2 weights were good and heavy...just imagine how strong we will be by the time we get to meso 3:D
i agree , chris! the rests were great. let me tell you, i did disc 14 yesterday and i am soooooo sore you would not believe it. it is painful to get up, walk, move, LOL!, whatever. have fun with it, ya'll.
but robin, are we gonna live to see meso 3? LOL! ok gals, it just gets harder. i did abs/weights & plates today. UNBELIEVABLE !!!! i think cathe spends hours trying to figure out how to torture us!!! :) this is the first time in a looooong time i could not finish a workouts. had to quit on the last plate excercise. if ya'll haven't done it, i would recommend trying it out before you do it after another workout, (like i did :(). it is very advanced. i am wiped out. i did the firm's calorie killer w/2# gloves on and the 8" step for my cardio today. so, i will now go and die.
Surprised by disc 13

doing it seemed so straight forward, non-complicated. I even thought at the time, that I could probably have gone heavier with the bench press. Then came the end, triceps, had to go down in weight, my arms were DONE.

It was a full 12 hours before I felt any pain, but WOW, DOMS have settled in seriously. Especially my chest--guess I'm glad I didn't go heavier with bench press. :)

After having a week off and looking so forward to meso 2, then the intensity of disc 13, I almost couldn't do cardio today--then I reminded myself I'm in "training" again. :D I'm excited to do disc 14 tomorrow.
yep, know what ya mean lark's mom, they are uncomplicated, but extrememly difficult.
and cardio is hard after these tough workouts. i am not going as hard on the cardio, cuz i get so exhausted i won't be able to keep up. and i have been having 2 rest days a week, mainly becuz of work and grandkids being here. it you can call being outside riding horses and doin chores rest days. anyway, get ready for 14, it is very hard. have a good snack before hand , cuz your'e gonna need the calories.:)

I started Meso 2 this past week. Completed Disc 13 and 14 (legs). While doing these workouts, I thought to myself, "well yes, these are difficult, but no more difficult than Cathe's other tapes." WRONG!!! I am certainly feeling the DOMS - way down deep (the pain is good pain, not injury pain). For those who have not started Meso 2 yet - prepare yourself for the most awesome workouts of your life. There is no way that these workouts won't do what they say they will do. I'm excited to see the transformation at the end (both mind and body)!
I just finished discs 13 and 14 also. I did disc 13 on Monday and disc 14 today. I really had a hard time convincing myself to leavt the endurance cycle (Meso 1). It was so much fun!

Well, I think Meso 2 will be just as fun, but tougher. I think that I am really gonna love this one even more. I didn't think that would ever be possible.

Disc 13 had my arms shaking just trying to type or raising my arms in the shower to wash my hair. I was shaking like a chiuaua(sp)

I completed Disc 14 - M2 Legs and unfortuately with injury pain, my back is killing me. I am not sure what I did. I had good form, drank plenty of water, did stretches and right when I finished I have a this pain in my lower back. I am hoping it's just a really tight muscle and it will go away before I have to do disc 15. I love the workout though.
Jo Ann, I do hope your back pain is temporary, maybe you should take a couple extra days off before disc 15 (back!).

I loved disc 14, legs, though questioned my sanity with my weight selections. I was sweating as much as I do during an intense cardio workout! Only real problem I had was the calf raises, and that was my feet--they wanted to cramp on me so I couldn't do them as I normally do.

It's awfully nice reading everyone's reactions to these workouts, and knowing so many of us are sort of working out together! :D Misery does love company!

I completed Disc 14 - M2 Legs and unfortuately with injury pain, my back is killing me. I am not sure what I did. I had good form, drank plenty of water, did stretches and right when I finished I have a this pain in my lower back. I am hoping it's just a really tight muscle and it will go away before I have to do disc 15. I love the workout though.

I've noticed more lower back pain with STS, and I'm pretty sure it's the deadlifts. Nothing in my experience works the lower back the way deadlifts do, so it kind of freaked me out to feel DOMS there. Usually if I feel discomfort in my lower back I figure I'm getting close to my period or about to go into labor. If neither of those is the case, then I've assumed it's an injury of some kind. But now that I'm doing deadlifts, I pretty sure that's what's causing it. Obviously, I'm not saying this is the situation with you - I'm just throwing it out there as something to consider.
I completed Disc 14 - M2 Legs and unfortuately with injury pain, my back is killing me. I am not sure what I did. I had good form, drank plenty of water, did stretches and right when I finished I have a this pain in my lower back. I am hoping it's just a really tight muscle and it will go away before I have to do disc 15. I love the workout though.

Yes Jo Ann, I agree with the other poster. Anytime that I do a leg workout that involves dead lifts, I am careful. I had an injury before while doing those darn deadlifts. I LOVE deadlifts don't get me wrong. Form is real crucial with this exercise. Make sure your back is straight and like a table top as Cathe says. Don't let your shoulders drop forward at all - I mean keep them back and in alignment.

Take it easy for a few days. I hope you feel better real soon.

Thanks guys for the well wishes. I have my heating pad going, have taken a couple of back pain pills and will take tomorrow off. If I decide to workout on Fri., it will be to do biceps only with some modifications. And I agree it had to be the deadlifts even though the weight I normally use when using the barbell is about 45 lbs, but today I didn't which my weights out and used 35 lbs and I thought my form was pretty good. Who's knows?

I had a problem with the calf raises and I think it was because of the height of my chair so I had to lower my high step. I hope I won't have to miss too many days out of this cycle.
jo ann, i also have had some lower back pain. cathe told me to not go as deep in the plate sliding and deadlifts and something else, now i can't remember. but, i was super careful w/disc14 and i haven't had it this week. i will see if i can find her answer, but i'm not very good at navigating. what i did was wait almost one full week to do the next leg routine to give it a chance to rest. these workouts are really tough. i rarely have back pain in any workout. but i have whole body pain w/STS. LOL!
i can't believe it, i actually found her post.

Hi Cathy (nice name, tee hee)! If you have back pain, don't go down as far in plate slide exercises, wall squats, deadlifts, or narrow stance squats. You may also need to keep your leg lower on the fan kicks, leg lifts with plate on hip (from leg bonus too) and drop side lunge into leg abduction. Just something to tuck away for next workout if it happens again.

hope this helps joann.

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