Got a friend who knows everything?

Never mention around my DH that you feel like you are coming down with a cold. He'll have something bordering on pneumonia the next day!
Is that a guy thing? I noticed that about my husband early in our marriage. He'd be perfectly fine until I mentioned something like a little sore throat or a slightly stuffy nose.

Within the hour, he'd be dragging, complaining of body aches, and informing me that HE was going to bed early (leaving me with the kids, of course). :rolleyes:

I'm a quick learner though. I discovered whoever got to the bed first was the one who could claim being sick. So I wouldn't utter a word about a sore throat or headache until I was actually, physically IN BED. :D (How childish is THAT?!)
My 14 year old son. Knows it all. Eight foot tall, bullet proof, can fly like an eagle and has a PhD.
There is an entire section of my family (that thankfully lives far, far away) that would outdo, out opinionate, outtalk, and out show-off everyone you know. How's that for one-upping? :p

Hey, maybe we are related! I am the youngest of six, and whenever I see the older three, either alone or the three together it is a non-stop competition fest, with each other and with everyone else. At my father's funeral, in the ante room (geez, don't know what they call it), they were still competing with each other. I finally said, "would you three knock it off - your in your fifites and you've been doing this as long as I can remember." That shut them up only until the first round of drinks arrived with dinner, then it was back on the competition train. And they wonder why I never utter a peep.
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Hey Lori - oh yeah? Well I have a friend who knows tons more than your friend who knows everything...
...just kidding...:p

I've met lots of people like this. Just recently I met someone who has this problem very badly. She was so blunt, rude really, to my other friend, about the most trivial things. I got to know her a bit and she is nice and does have a sense of humor about herself, but the one-upping thing is so abrasive!

This discussion reminds me of the SNL character Penelope, played by the brilliant Kristin Wiig. Here's a link to one of the skits (there are several). Absolutely hilarious!!!

Amy, that's her!!! :eek: "Speeding so fast, I broke the sound barrier." "That's my eye on the Pyramid."

I'm going to start referring to her as Penelope.
my friend,who i dont talk to anymore, is a no it all and arrogant. i got tired of it and only say hi to her if i see her around.EVERY time i talk to her she tells me about all the things she did and how she was the best at it.she thinks no one knows more than she and is as good at anything

Just so you guys don't think I'm exaggerating :p , my personal Penelope told me ~ right after asking me where my daughter was in her Science course ~ that her daughter understood Einstein's Theory of Relativity before she started Kindergarten. We're talking somewhere around the age of 4 or 5.

Now. I understand that it's possible. Some kids are naturally extremely bright and interested in very complicated, adult concepts at an early age. But I've met this kid. She's nice. She's sweet. She's a great bud for my daughter. And she cannot explain Einstein's Theory of Relativity. I know this because I asked her (I was hoping she could explain it to me in terms I can understand :eek: ).

So I don't think my Penelope is trying to relate to or bond with me. It definitely feels like she's being competitive.
My gut instinct in this case would be to make up some ridiculously unrealistic story and see what they say! Something like: "I was at the beach one day and went in the water on my boogie board. Suddenly, I heard screaming from the shore and wouldn't you know it? I was surrounded by five 12' long great white sharks! I could swear one of them was laughing!"

If that person tries to one-up THAT story, you know you should say something!

So I don't think my Penelope is trying to relate to or bond with me. It definitely feels like she's being competitive.

Lori - You should get all competitive right back at her and wear this shirt the next time you see her :D:D:D:


I bet Scooby could explain the Theory of Relativity!!!!
Tee hee....I had the best time reading this thread. You guys are a hoot! Thanks so much for the laughs. I do know some people like what's been described here. I had fun reading your stories though.

I like the laughing shark idea...I may have to use that one! (unless I come up with a better idea of course, which I could easily do.... for example, my sharks would be blue...) lol

So I don't think my Penelope is trying to relate to or bond with me. It definitely feels like she's being competitive.

My Peneolpe said to me - after I mentioned that maybe I would go back to school some day (I was just trying to get a word in edgewise - oh and keep in mind she is about three inches from my face) she says "Oh, in your case I just wouldn't bother, it would be so much harder for you than me, well, because these days you have to be really sharp."

OMG! I still laugh about that!
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Lori - You should get all competitive right back at her and wear this shirt the next time you see her :D:D:D:


I bet Scooby could explain the Theory of Relativity!!!!

OK, Gayle, I NEED that shirt--where'd you find it?!?

I have a relative who is a bit like that, but in his case (and his wife's case--she's just like him) it's more like every time you tell them something they have a hilarious outrageous story to top yours. Not so much bragging on themselves but that they know someone who's done something crazy (and often their stories aren't believable). They're also huge hypochondriacs so I think they are just hyperbolic in general.
My Peneolpe said to me - after I mentioned that maybe I would go back to school some day (I was just trying to get a word in edgewise) - oh and keep in mind she is about three inches from my face - she says "Oh, in your case I just wouldn't bother, it would be so much harder for you than me, well, because these days you have to be really sharp."
I cannot believe she said that to you!! She makes my Penelope look humble.

Lainie, I bet you can find that at I found some great t-shirts, Boston ones included, using the search function. Hope your sweet little Pepper is doing well. :)

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