Good morning everyone!
Shoegal, what neat fitness presents! Very glad you had a nice Christmas... had to look up your Rebecca Small, as I hadn't heard of her, and she sounds like she does a wonderful job especially at step. The website specifically mentioned her choreography - so no wonder you're excited to get her new dvds! Hope work was okay yesterday ... always hard to go back.
Michelle, didn't you mention you were reading Jingle Bell Bark? That's the poodle-mystery series, right? I loved those - among my favorite cozy mysteries. Sad to see it end. The author mentioned awhile back she was going to try a thoroughbred horse racing mystery so hopefully she'll have that out some day ... didn't look like it would be any time soon from the website. How are you doing with the snow storm???? Airports closed, lots of pics of people shovelling - well, hopefully you are snug and warm! And oooohhh, the yoodle thing Renee mentioned sounds just wonderful
Circuit Blast ... hmm, it is on my shelf unopened. What's it like besides sweaty? is it easy to do as a lower impact workout ... ?
Janie, completely missed that you have a rebounder now. Neat!Tell us about those workouts. It has always sounded like a lot of fun, and good for the joints. Does Joey do the rebounder too? BTW, how are things going with the dogs next door? Thought of you in the mall the other day ... a really nice couple were there, selling all kinds of home-made crafts, including soaps. They had glass blowing, soap, hand painted ornaments, all kinds of beautiful things. Your card looks very nice: it is up on our decorated spiral staircase (I tape our favorite cards there so we can enjoy them for a longer time).
Renee, you have some terrific fitness goals set and are clearly starting out th year right! What with all those different activities, you're getting such a well balanced workout that I bet you feel great (though maybe a little sore!) and energetic. Do you have classes starting next week, or is it the second week in Jan for you?
Renee, you asked about presses ... My press isn't anywhere near as consistent as my squats (which are really coming along - back up to 166 pounds yesterday). I prefer doing them with dumbbells, since there's no squatter, and the best I'd done was probably with my pair of 30's and some pace mates. Probably - 70 pounds when I was doing STS in summer? It is taking much much longer for my press to come back and I've only rebuilt them to using a pair of 25s, and have begun supersetting to rebuild endurance. Am hoping to improve those this year. It would be nice to hit 100 pounds in the press ... my adjustable dumbbells would let me do it safely without a spotter, but they're so bulky. One of my fitness gifts was a system for adding resistance to the pushup via bands, and that's supposed to really help the press. Maybe it will help my shoulders, too ... another weak point. Those get stronger SO SLOWLY!!! For running, have you discovered Cardio Coach? Some people use that to spice up their running workouts, and you may enjoy it too. All those intervals would help prevent boredom.
BTW, Shoegal, you and your decorating over the years have been quite an inspiration, getting me to rethink the whole 'not decorating' approach. This year my husband and I both did far decorating than usual ... with BULBS! Actually, Christmas lights, but we have been calling them bulbs and that seems appropriate since they're up in large quantities (for us). It's been amazing having so many up. At night, our very large plate glass windows everywhere reflect the bulb-covered staircase and mantles and windows, just as though we were in a house of mirrors, or living inside a prism. It's as though the house were twice as big and had three times as many lights! Pictures don't really do it justice. It's really beautiful, and fun, and so thank you for sharing all of what you do.
Laura, you're doing some pretty great workouts during what must be an incredibly busy times, with the girls and all! Lots of kickboxing
Hopefully you will have an easier time getting more skiing in - and that the weather will cooperate for you. BTW, did you ask me about some fitness books awhile back, or was it Michelle???
Elle, that's great that you're not just on track, but improving weight during the holidays! What discipline! Hope you had a great Christmas, and enjoyed yourself mightily
Also BTW, everyone, I completely forgot to mention one major fitness purchase around here, because it isn't a Christmas present and I wasn't regularly posting at the time of making the order. My new Trek Desk!!!! This is for my home office. A Trek Desk fits over a treadmill. It lets you walk at a slow pace while working on the computer (or whatever). I first read about them reading a book on fitness and the brain (Spark, by John Ratey, and Renee you might really like it - it includes an inspirational story about using fitness in schools to improve learning). The Trek Desk itself came right before Christmas, and my husband put it together on Sunday. It's huge! I had to completely redo my office to clear out an area for it, and to clear a space for the treadmill, but I sure don't mind. Being able to move while working just sounds wonderful, and it's supposed to be great for back therapy and to reduce neck tension also. I found a good treadmill on huge sale at SportsAuthority, and ordered that to go along with The shipping company called Monday/yesterday to let me know that the treadmill part is coming today. Yippeee!!!!! Take a look here if you are curious: If all goes well, we'll have it working this week. Since the treadmill is sold separately, I'm crossing my fingers it will fit and the whole thing will work ...
Shoegal, what neat fitness presents! Very glad you had a nice Christmas... had to look up your Rebecca Small, as I hadn't heard of her, and she sounds like she does a wonderful job especially at step. The website specifically mentioned her choreography - so no wonder you're excited to get her new dvds! Hope work was okay yesterday ... always hard to go back.
Michelle, didn't you mention you were reading Jingle Bell Bark? That's the poodle-mystery series, right? I loved those - among my favorite cozy mysteries. Sad to see it end. The author mentioned awhile back she was going to try a thoroughbred horse racing mystery so hopefully she'll have that out some day ... didn't look like it would be any time soon from the website. How are you doing with the snow storm???? Airports closed, lots of pics of people shovelling - well, hopefully you are snug and warm! And oooohhh, the yoodle thing Renee mentioned sounds just wonderful
Janie, completely missed that you have a rebounder now. Neat!Tell us about those workouts. It has always sounded like a lot of fun, and good for the joints. Does Joey do the rebounder too? BTW, how are things going with the dogs next door? Thought of you in the mall the other day ... a really nice couple were there, selling all kinds of home-made crafts, including soaps. They had glass blowing, soap, hand painted ornaments, all kinds of beautiful things. Your card looks very nice: it is up on our decorated spiral staircase (I tape our favorite cards there so we can enjoy them for a longer time).
Renee, you have some terrific fitness goals set and are clearly starting out th year right! What with all those different activities, you're getting such a well balanced workout that I bet you feel great (though maybe a little sore!) and energetic. Do you have classes starting next week, or is it the second week in Jan for you?
Renee, you asked about presses ... My press isn't anywhere near as consistent as my squats (which are really coming along - back up to 166 pounds yesterday). I prefer doing them with dumbbells, since there's no squatter, and the best I'd done was probably with my pair of 30's and some pace mates. Probably - 70 pounds when I was doing STS in summer? It is taking much much longer for my press to come back and I've only rebuilt them to using a pair of 25s, and have begun supersetting to rebuild endurance. Am hoping to improve those this year. It would be nice to hit 100 pounds in the press ... my adjustable dumbbells would let me do it safely without a spotter, but they're so bulky. One of my fitness gifts was a system for adding resistance to the pushup via bands, and that's supposed to really help the press. Maybe it will help my shoulders, too ... another weak point. Those get stronger SO SLOWLY!!! For running, have you discovered Cardio Coach? Some people use that to spice up their running workouts, and you may enjoy it too. All those intervals would help prevent boredom.
BTW, Shoegal, you and your decorating over the years have been quite an inspiration, getting me to rethink the whole 'not decorating' approach. This year my husband and I both did far decorating than usual ... with BULBS! Actually, Christmas lights, but we have been calling them bulbs and that seems appropriate since they're up in large quantities (for us). It's been amazing having so many up. At night, our very large plate glass windows everywhere reflect the bulb-covered staircase and mantles and windows, just as though we were in a house of mirrors, or living inside a prism. It's as though the house were twice as big and had three times as many lights! Pictures don't really do it justice. It's really beautiful, and fun, and so thank you for sharing all of what you do.
Laura, you're doing some pretty great workouts during what must be an incredibly busy times, with the girls and all! Lots of kickboxing
Elle, that's great that you're not just on track, but improving weight during the holidays! What discipline! Hope you had a great Christmas, and enjoyed yourself mightily
Also BTW, everyone, I completely forgot to mention one major fitness purchase around here, because it isn't a Christmas present and I wasn't regularly posting at the time of making the order. My new Trek Desk!!!! This is for my home office. A Trek Desk fits over a treadmill. It lets you walk at a slow pace while working on the computer (or whatever). I first read about them reading a book on fitness and the brain (Spark, by John Ratey, and Renee you might really like it - it includes an inspirational story about using fitness in schools to improve learning). The Trek Desk itself came right before Christmas, and my husband put it together on Sunday. It's huge! I had to completely redo my office to clear out an area for it, and to clear a space for the treadmill, but I sure don't mind. Being able to move while working just sounds wonderful, and it's supposed to be great for back therapy and to reduce neck tension also. I found a good treadmill on huge sale at SportsAuthority, and ordered that to go along with The shipping company called Monday/yesterday to let me know that the treadmill part is coming today. Yippeee!!!!! Take a look here if you are curious: If all goes well, we'll have it working this week. Since the treadmill is sold separately, I'm crossing my fingers it will fit and the whole thing will work ...
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