Good morning everyone! Thanks for the nice welcome 'home' 
This week, I opted out of a four day trip and it feels great
It's part of learning prioritization, right? Despite not having posted about that for awhile, I'm still practicing daily to get better at managing my choices about time. It's helping - I'm happier about the balance in my life, and feeling (a little) less guilty about not getting enough done.
Cancelling the trip was a big deal for me, but wholly supported by management, who are pleased I'm not working myself to death
The people I had intended to visit are disappointed and the trip was going to be useful ... but the list of things that needed doing was so long, clearly something had to give. Instead of spending Tuesday in a plane, then, I was able to catch up on a bunch of business activities, have a sensible breakfast, lunch and then enjoy pizza-dinner (very naughty! very yummy!
) with my husband instead of eating hotel food. The dogs got their walk, the horse tanks are now full, and I got a full night's sleep. I finally managed to get to the dentist to have the permanent cap put on that root canal tooth
Best of all, Atreides and I went for a lovely ride/gallop in the woods. We both needed it
Today I will get more work caught up and slip in another ride, and maybe brush out one of the dogs.
Workouts - one light day, one rest day, and yesterday my two new Kelly CM's came! One has an Olympic lift workout that I'm looking forward to. I started with Circuit. I really liked Circuit. It had a lot of sweeping multiplanar moves while holding a dumbbell, some quite different. One or two people on VideoFitness have mentioned this as repetive but I sure didn't feel that way. The puzzlement is that no body part feels worked out to failure or tiredness, so perhaps I should consider this to be heavy cardio??? Cardio with upper body strength? That would let me do lower body weights today. Regardless, this dvd is one I'm going to use quite a bit once I figure out a recovery strategy.
Laura, speaking of sweeping moves and dumbbells, you asked about kettlebells. One reason I liked those kettlebell workouts last week so much is that they have you moving around in multiple planes with a weight, many lifts from floor to reaching overhead, which is one reason I liked the KCM circuit so much. I'll often start out with a light dumbbell for a kettlebell move so as to get the positioning down first, and also because I have more weight options that way. It isn't quite the same - you won't have as much fun with the swings - but you can still do most of the moves. Even the Turkish Getup, which I'd like to master this year.
Janie, so glad you had a wonderful time with the family! Sisters are definitely for hugging
Rolly continues to live a wonderful life - such a lucky doggie! How is your garden doing, by the way? I haven't asked about that in awhile. The weird weather has certainly affected our plants ...
Elle, very good to hear you are feeling better! Funny that we both picked circuits - do they seem extra energizing to you too? Congrats on the weight loss
BTW, speaking of fruits and veggies, do you do smoothies? We replaced our blender and I am back on a smoothie kick again. It's an easy way to get a lot of fruit in, though depending on how you make them the calories can creep in easily too.
Shoegal, what a week you've had socially! You are a real trooper for handling all those visits. It's wearing to be on the go all the time. However, with all your decorating, is it fun to have these couples over to see what you're doing with the house? What's the next holiday? New workout preorder - well, I am going to do it. I am sure to want them all. Except step. We complement each other there! You could have the step, and I will take the kickbox. Isn't pre-ordering about to start?
Okay, Rene and Michelle, you must realize that we are all bursting! We need to hear about the road trip! Am guessing you are both so worn out from leaping high into the air, and rolling down on the ground, and punching up a storm after stepping fast and furious, that even your typing fingers cannot move and your glutes will not allow lengthy periods of sitting at the keyboard even if they could

Hope you had one terrific time and that it was a wonderful 'vacation' for you both.
This week, I opted out of a four day trip and it feels great
Cancelling the trip was a big deal for me, but wholly supported by management, who are pleased I'm not working myself to death
Workouts - one light day, one rest day, and yesterday my two new Kelly CM's came! One has an Olympic lift workout that I'm looking forward to. I started with Circuit. I really liked Circuit. It had a lot of sweeping multiplanar moves while holding a dumbbell, some quite different. One or two people on VideoFitness have mentioned this as repetive but I sure didn't feel that way. The puzzlement is that no body part feels worked out to failure or tiredness, so perhaps I should consider this to be heavy cardio??? Cardio with upper body strength? That would let me do lower body weights today. Regardless, this dvd is one I'm going to use quite a bit once I figure out a recovery strategy.
Laura, speaking of sweeping moves and dumbbells, you asked about kettlebells. One reason I liked those kettlebell workouts last week so much is that they have you moving around in multiple planes with a weight, many lifts from floor to reaching overhead, which is one reason I liked the KCM circuit so much. I'll often start out with a light dumbbell for a kettlebell move so as to get the positioning down first, and also because I have more weight options that way. It isn't quite the same - you won't have as much fun with the swings - but you can still do most of the moves. Even the Turkish Getup, which I'd like to master this year.
Janie, so glad you had a wonderful time with the family! Sisters are definitely for hugging
Elle, very good to hear you are feeling better! Funny that we both picked circuits - do they seem extra energizing to you too? Congrats on the weight loss
Shoegal, what a week you've had socially! You are a real trooper for handling all those visits. It's wearing to be on the go all the time. However, with all your decorating, is it fun to have these couples over to see what you're doing with the house? What's the next holiday? New workout preorder - well, I am going to do it. I am sure to want them all. Except step. We complement each other there! You could have the step, and I will take the kickbox. Isn't pre-ordering about to start?
Okay, Rene and Michelle, you must realize that we are all bursting! We need to hear about the road trip! Am guessing you are both so worn out from leaping high into the air, and rolling down on the ground, and punching up a storm after stepping fast and furious, that even your typing fingers cannot move and your glutes will not allow lengthy periods of sitting at the keyboard even if they could