Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July.
Walked with Joey and Rolly this morning before the weather got hot. Was great. Will do another walk tonight when the sun is down. Will try to eat better today, since I haven't been lately.
Michelle, Reading your book with all the lovely surroundings must have been serene. Good that you are listening to your body and taking it a little easier than usual.
I understand about people not paying attention to the no wake rule. I think those kinds of people visit our neck of the woods too. It's very disconcerting.
What a neat idea to give your animal a floor fan. I'll do that when we get home for our animals. Thank you for the idea.
Renee, You seem to be consistent again with your workouts and you just can't get better than that. I'm going to look into Karate when I get home. It just sounds so cool.
Enjoy all the compliments you get, you work hard to get there and deserve the attention.
Elle P, I couldn't get on Cathe either. Glad it's working OK now. Oh my, those Spa days are wonderful. Aren't they. My son treated me to a manicure at this huge and beautiful resort. Never had one before so kept an eye on what she was doing and now can do my own. It was so expensive! I could of had a pedicure, but I don't like people touching my feet. After wards though, I might have changed my mind. Maybe next time.
Good job on the yoga and ME.
I know how hard you are trying to watch your eating. It can be very difficult at times. But you are back on track and that's all that matters. I too (since I've been in Vegas) have been off more than a bit though, and hope to correct it asap. I can feel myself getting bigger and bigger everyday.
It's so frustrating.
Laura, I bet the girls will enjoy the horse back riding. How cool is that? Great job on your workouts. Nothing like hiking with friends and getting in a full body workout with your Pilates. Always a good idea to confuse the body.
Shoegal, Your garden is going to be just beautiful, I can tell.
Having fun on your boat seems to be such a joy for the both of you. Good for you! Kennywood does sound like a lot of fun. What a great way to spend the 4th of July weekend. Full of activities!
Deborah, Hi to ya, and hope you had a great 4th!
Walked with Joey and Rolly this morning before the weather got hot. Was great. Will do another walk tonight when the sun is down. Will try to eat better today, since I haven't been lately.
Michelle, Reading your book with all the lovely surroundings must have been serene. Good that you are listening to your body and taking it a little easier than usual.
I understand about people not paying attention to the no wake rule. I think those kinds of people visit our neck of the woods too. It's very disconcerting.
What a neat idea to give your animal a floor fan. I'll do that when we get home for our animals. Thank you for the idea.
Renee, You seem to be consistent again with your workouts and you just can't get better than that. I'm going to look into Karate when I get home. It just sounds so cool.
Enjoy all the compliments you get, you work hard to get there and deserve the attention.
Elle P, I couldn't get on Cathe either. Glad it's working OK now. Oh my, those Spa days are wonderful. Aren't they. My son treated me to a manicure at this huge and beautiful resort. Never had one before so kept an eye on what she was doing and now can do my own. It was so expensive! I could of had a pedicure, but I don't like people touching my feet. After wards though, I might have changed my mind. Maybe next time.
Good job on the yoga and ME.
I know how hard you are trying to watch your eating. It can be very difficult at times. But you are back on track and that's all that matters. I too (since I've been in Vegas) have been off more than a bit though, and hope to correct it asap. I can feel myself getting bigger and bigger everyday.
Laura, I bet the girls will enjoy the horse back riding. How cool is that? Great job on your workouts. Nothing like hiking with friends and getting in a full body workout with your Pilates. Always a good idea to confuse the body.
Shoegal, Your garden is going to be just beautiful, I can tell.
Deborah, Hi to ya, and hope you had a great 4th!