GETTING IT DONE January 2016 - January 2020

Quick check in : I also did Leslie Swanson Walk it Off in 30 Days - Burn 30 workout = 30 min. It's to cold and windy for a walk outside.

I will be back tomorrow.
Ugh - Monday and back to work. This morning was rough. DD had school today. The guys were still off.

Happy to report that D30 is done, so now halfway through M3 - only 6 wo's left. I am definitely stronger. :) Too bad there is a layer of fat covering the muscle. :(

Belinda - High five that you didn't succumb to the sales . . . yet. I'd have to look at my DVD's - it's really only the Cathe's that have premixes, which I do tend to forget about. I'll think about it . . . after the marathon - that's my focus for now.

Waving Hi to Heidi and Allee.

Heading to bed - need to adjust back to the school/work schedule. Be back tomorrow.
Good afternoon,

I went and saw my doc this afternoon about my knee. They been bordering me for a few month now :( He took some x-ray's. He wants me too keep everything low impact, no more jumping :) Which I haven't been doing anyway :) He thinks I have arthritis in my knees from exercising, running, high impact :( I have to wait a few day's for the X-ray's results.

I never posted my workout from yesterday, had to take my husband to his doc in DC. I did workout before we left, I did premix #1 Low Impact HiiT + Core #1 - 49:22. Today I did STS D40 Legs and LS Firm 30.

Sherry - yeah, on D30 :) I gained a lot of strength too. Thanks on the sales :D I really don't need anymore dvd's. Cathe has some awesome premixes. I do have a few different instructors that have also premixes on each dvd, lol.

Heidi - how are you doing?

Good night ladies. I will be back tomorrow.
Happy Wednesday!

Yesterday - Rest day. DS back to campus.
Today - D31 - I am cruising along!

Belinda - Great job squeezing in your wo's between all the doc appt's. Maybe ICE is just what you need for your knees? Definitely gaining strength with STS - loving it!

Heidi & Allee - getting any wo's done?

Ok, time to wind down for the night. Be back tomorrow.
Good morning,

I will do cardio today,,,,not sure what yet?

Sherry - nice job on D31. ICE isn't low impact, IMO. I don't consider jumping jacks, burpees, air jacks or anytime you lift your foot of the ground low impact :( Amanda isn't doing a good job showing modification either :( I know a lot of people are upset about the low impact or the lack of modification in this series :( I hope the rest of the dvd's show better modifications? We shall see.

I will be back later.
Good Morning All,

Happy New Year! I hope all of you had a great holidays.

Oh boy! I think I ate too much.

I am sorry I have been missing. I was having issues with my computer. I updated to window 10 and oh boy was it a big mistake.
Computer was down for a week. Finally my cousin was able to fix some of the bugs. Still having little issues here and there. Fingers crossed will be fine soon.

You all are doing great.

This year goals: to drink more water. aiming for at least 3 to 4 workouts a week.

Have a great Thursday.

Wow so far this week was a bust for my WO plan. Can't believe it is Thursday already!

First thing this morning: Made a smoothie to get things started off on the right foot eating wise. Made the smoothie and went
to rinse my special jar and cap to put it in...the cap has cut-outs in it and they are sharp! OUCHIE! Sliced my middle finger good.

Still determined to start the day off right....
I did my first WO of the week. Trying to follow the ice and low impact series rotation.

Today: Ice low impact sweat: timesaver #5 with core. I went super light with the weights! Modified moves where needed to
keep my back safe too.

Yeah I finally did something! Felt great to break a sweat again. :)

Allee: Great plan! Glad you got some help with your computer issues. :)

Belinda: I agree! ICE is not low impact for the most part. You really need to watch yourself and modify where you can.
Have a great cardio workout! :) How's you DH doing with his recovery?

Sherry: Nice job on D31! I am still recovering from my back issues. Taking it slow!

Time to get a shower and head into work.
Have a great day everyone!
Good morning,

I did KCM 30 Min to Fitness: Kickboxing workout #2 = 30 min and Brazil Butt Lift Cardio Axe = 30 min.
KCM has a lot of premixes on that dvd, just found 2 more under the ab section :)

I got a phone call from my doc this morning. the X-rays confirms I have arthritis in both knees :( I was hoping he was wrong, lol.

Heidi - sorry about your finger. You have no idea how often I cut myself with stupid things like that :( Good for you for modifying as needed. Be careful with your back and good job on your good start today. DH is doing much better. Thanks for asking.

Allee - sorry about the computer. Very frustrating I know. Keep up the good work.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hi all!

D32 is done! Thought I might not have given it my all for all plyo moves - like one leg squat thrusts - really?!

Belinda - Good wo's today. Found more premixes to add to your list? That'll keep you busy. Sorry about the docs diagnosis. I haven't cracked open ICE yet so can't discuss it at all yet.

Allee - Empathy for your computer issues. Good plan on water and wo's - small achievable goals will get you there.

Heidi - On no about your finger! Yes, modify where you need to take care of the back.

Time to get rolling on dinner. Be back tomorrow.

Belinda: Great job on your kickboxing/cardio axe workouts. :) That's great news on DH!
Argh! Sorry to hear about your knees. What do they recommend?

LOL! Sherry! Sounds like that D32 plyo workout was tough. Nice job!

Allee: What is the plan for today? I am looking for something other than Turbo Barre. This has lots of leg lifts in it which are
not going to happen for my back issues.

I guess my plan for today is cycle max instead. I am feeling my WO from yesterday. Glutes especially. :)

Oats with 1/2 banana and cinnamon for breakfast today. :)
Lunch will be lentil soup from Forks over knives with a small broiled chicken breast.
Snack: Smoothie with spinach, apple, banana, ginger and almond milk
Dinner: To be determined


Have great one Ladies! Happy Friday to you all!
Good morning,

Today is my last workout for STS :) I will do D36.

Heidi - my doc recommends to try taking Tylenol for the pain. He wants me before I workout to apply heat to my knees and after a workout ice my knees. If that doesn't help, he wants to discuss a different approach. I have arthritis in both knees from overuse of exercise.....running for years and high impact exercises. Which are not good on your body. From now on, I have to train smarter not harder. I have to keep everything low impact. No more running or high impact for this old girl :p My doc said to me, your body is like an old car :p That made me laugh. But he is right. I am 52. Doc my age I don't need to do high impact anymore, he is right :) Have fun with Cycle Max today.

Sherry - I am already at *25* at my dvd goal. I haven't put a dent into my dvd collection. I really don't need anymore workout dvd's for the rest of my life :) I think, it would take me years to go through all of them. I will take it to the test :p You need to open ICE :) The workouts are fun as long as you don't have any problems with your knees or whatever. And jumping, more jumping isn't bordering you. I think eventually all this high impact is catching up everyone, especially if you getting older :( It's wear and tear on your body.

Allee - did you get your workout in yesterday?

I will be back after my workout.
Good morning,

Just finished my last workout in STS :) I did STS D36 and Brazil Butt Lift Tummy Tuck. I am not sure, what I will do for my recovery week? If I take one :)

I will be back tomorrow. Enjoy your workouts and day.
Good evening,

I just got my workout in. I went dress shopping for the wedding. Couldn't find anything :(

I did Cathe Timesaver DVD #1 = 38 min + Cathe Yoga Relax = 52 min

Sherry and Heidi - what did you do today?

Good night ladies.
Happy Sunday!

Friday - rest day - also, the day after D32 and glutes were really feeling it - not sure what little bit was different, but it worked them just right!

Saturday - was worn out from the week back, so slept it, didn't go to ballet class, and then got caught up in errands, etc., nothing special but did delay my wo.

Sunday - Yay - D33 is done! One week more of STS and I've finished it for the first time ever!

Belinda - Yes, wo smarter not harder. You do have more time or dress shopping, right? I'll open ICE, but need to start ramping up the running - slowly each week - and spinning.

Heidi - How was your cycle wo? DH has been perusing FOK for recipes, too.

Today - perfect day to make chili - a bit of snow and temps dropping - will be below freezing all week.

Hope you are having a good one. Be back tomorrow.
Good evening,

I just got my workout in. At least I got one in, right? I went shopping for a wedding dress today. I found one too. It's really pretty :)

Sherry - good idea to ramp up your running. ICE can wait.

I did Cathe's Timesaver #2 = 40 min.

I will be back tomorrow.
Happy Sunday!

Friday - rest day - also, the day after D32 and glutes were really feeling it - not sure what little bit was different, but it worked them just right!

Saturday - was worn out from the week back, so slept it, didn't go to ballet class, and then got caught up in errands, etc., nothing special but did delay my wo.

Sunday - Yay - D33 is done! One week more of STS and I've finished it for the first time ever!

Belinda - Yes, wo smarter not harder. You do have more time or dress shopping, right? I'll open ICE, but need to start ramping up the running - slowly each week - and spinning.

Heidi - How was your cycle wo? DH has been perusing FOK for recipes, too.

Today - perfect day to make chili - a bit of snow and temps dropping - will be below freezing all week.

Hope you are having a good one. Be back tomorrow.

Hi Sherry! Awesome job on your STS workouts. One of these days I will do STS all the way through. ;)
I never got to my cycle workout the other day. No workouts all weekend either... :/

DH is making chili tonight I think by the earlier phone call for what we had onhand. ;)

I vowed last night to get in my workout today! I did it!

BRB to report...
Good evening,

I just got my workout in. At least I got one in, right? I went shopping for a wedding dress today. I found one too. It's really pretty :)

Sherry - good idea to ramp up your running. ICE can wait.

I did Cathe's Timesaver #2 = 40 min.

I will be back tomorrow.

Belinda: OH Boy that day is coming up fast for your Son! Very exciting for all I am sure. :) Glad that you found a dress in plenty of time too
Great job on your workout and yes at least it was something. :) Something is always better then nothing.

YEAH! Finally a workout!

ICE metabolic total body. Nice workout! I used lighter weights and was very careful to support my back while doing it.

I am at work now and boy oh boy am I feeling my shoulders already! Took some advil to see if that would help. Back is fine so far.

Hey Allee! How are you doing on the ICE rotation?

Nice job ladies on your continued workouts and being consistent. :)

Good morning,

Today I did Cathe Timesaver #3 = 45 min + XTrain Low Impact Triceps & Biceps premix : Round 1-6 = 32 min + KCM Punch + Kick Mix = 22 min and Cathe Yoga Max Express premix #2 = 34 min. I am done for today, lol.

Heidi - nice job on ICE Metabolic TB :) And good job on to listen to your body. Glad you feeling better again.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.

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