Getting it done for July & December 2015

Sherry: I am with you on being exhausted today. Awesome job getting in your workout just the same.

Belinda: Great job on your workout! :)

RWH Low impact #1

Then another busy work day.

Exhausted and ready to crash. Have a great night ladies!

Good evening,

I did Jenny Ford TB workout today. I am with on being exhausted today? Must be something in the air? I didn't wanted to do anything today :(

Sherry - are you feeling any better today?

Heidi - wtg, onRWH Low impact #1 today.

Good night, ladies.

Belinda: Not sure what is going on with this week being tired. Change in the weather? Nice job on your workout last night!

Today's WO:
TM interval run: 3.1 miles
Ab Challenge: 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches, 30 leg lifts and 1.30min plank
Stretch Max: #3 with the band. Boy did that feel great! :)

What are your plans for this Friday? I hope you both are feeling more energy today.

I feel better now after my workout. I didn't sleep well last night due to another bad headache. I woke around 2am for meds...that didn't work and my head was ringing. Argh. Took Excederine migraine this morning and by the time I headed to do my workout it was finally kicking in.

Have a great Friday!

Really for a short week, it was exhausting! I think I'm done with the "parent" homework from the 1st week of school - all forms signed and all checks written, and all last minute supplies purchased. Looks like the change in weather was getting to all of us a bit, that or in my case, probably just all the running around.

As for wo's - yesterday, dog walks and Pedal Power. Today, rest day. Picked up DS after work so he could take more stuff back to school. Tomorrow will be a run day. It's finally cooling down, so it should be a good one.

Heidi - Great wo's the past couple of days. So sorry about the headaches.

Belinda - Looks like you are doing a JF rotation? Glad your pup is happy with the stitches out.

Relaxing with the kids tonight. Hop you had a good one.

Busy run around yesterday getting prepped for the wedding today. Nails are all done and I finally decided on what to wear. LOL!
Just need a quick hair trim that might or hopefully get done today. The wedding is at 5PM so gives me a little time.

Not planning on a workout today.

Sherry: Great job on your bike workout! :) Now that everyone is back in school things should settle down a bit...hopefully.

Thank you both for the comments and well wishes. Feeling OK so far this morning. No Alcohol! That is my goal today for I don't want another one of these headaches. Been having them way to much lately. (Not because of alcohol but just a weird faze right now)

Belinda: Nice workout! What's the plan today?

Have a great Saturday and workout!
Happy Saturday!

WO done - 4.5 mile run plus dog walks (usual loop is about a mile) for both wu and cd, followed by SM #1. Already running kids around, so squeezed all that inbetween. Now, to run errands, etc. for the rest of the day.

Heidi - Enjoy the pampering and then your evening at the wedding. A rest day will be good for you.

Belinda - What's on tap for you?

Gotta shower and head out. Have a good one!
Hey girls,

Quick check in : I did a stretch today :) That's it!

Sherry - fantastic job on your run/walk today. Yes, I am doing Jenny Ford's 30 Day Challenge this month. Thanks about Brawler :) he is doing great.

Heidi - how fun and enjoy your pampering. Have lots of fun at the wedding this evening. I used to get headaches with certain wines. Hope you feel better.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.
Happy Sunday!

DS back at school with more stuff, laundry done, some groceries bought, yard work done - lots of weeds are gone - and a bit of an official wo - dog walk, leg presses and single leg glute bridges.

Belinda - enjoy your stretch. Sounds like you have 30days planned.

Now, to bed. Hope you had a good one.
Good afternoon,

JF Marching w/Moves and ab workout is done :)

Sherry - I need a break from high impact this month. JF rotation is perfect :) Nice job on your walk. You did a lot yesterday. Hope you took a break in-between :)

Hi Heidi :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Wedding went well and I didn't not have any drinks. Not one! Good thing too because of course I got a splitting migraine by 10PM.
Music/DJ was way too loud. OI! My ears were ringing by the end and I couldn't yell loud enough to have a conversation. I just nodded and smiled like I could hear what the other person was saying.

Anyway...Sunday was a recoup day and catch up on house stuff.

Today was my typical Monday. Very busy. No WO.

Tomorrow it is ON! :)

Nice job you two on your workouts over the weekend. :)

Have a great evening!
Good afternoon,

JF Full Body workout is done.

Heidi - glad the wedding went well. Good for you not having one drink :) Sorry you still got a splitting migraine :( That is horrible about the music being so loud. That is no fun :)

Sherry - how are you doing?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hi all!

Well, both kids came down with a sore throat/cold, and they were kind enough to share it. Definitely have the sore throat. Hoping to stave off the cold part, but definitely have not energy. Exercise the past couple days has been limited to leisurely dog walk, then laying down to rest when we get home - so not typical. Working from home today so I could get more sleep and not contaminate my coworkers.

Tonight is Open House at school (our last one ever!). I hope I get some energy by then.

Belinda - A low impact rotation is a good change - and still very challenging. If you have time, check out Hungry Girl - I think you would like the recipes and might actually have to to peruse and then try them.

Heidi - Glad you enjoyed the wedding. Sorry about the headache. What are your plans today?

Time to jump on the next call. Have a good one! Get in a good sweat for me!

Yesterday was another bust for by planned WO. My Mom called early for a ride w/her BF to get his car. An hours drive or so
to the destination. Then lunch out with them....however finding the place he wanted to go was pretty funny. We got lost several times
going around and around. Trying to follow someone like that is pretty difficult. LOL! He wouldn't listen to me about using my GPS on my phone...MEN! ;)

So today I finally got in a workout! YEAH!
RWH Circuit upper body. Phew! Sweated buckets and was completely out of breath at times. I guess my body is sort of out of it from
not working out and lack of rest. Food hasn't been very good lately. Late eating or skipping meals is not helping.

Oh Sherry! The school year has just started and they are bringing junk home already. :/ Sorry I hope you and all are feeling better today.

Belinda: Nice job on your workout! It feels great finally getting something in.

Well off to another busy work day. Have a great one Ladies!
Good afternoon,

JF Cardio Interval and ab workout is done.

Heidi - nice job on your weight workout this morning.

Sherry - Oh no! Hope your kids feel better soon. I will check out Hungry girls.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout,everyone.
Hi all! Happy Saturday!

Well, this cold's had me running on empty. Only dog walks, and that's leaving me short of breathe and worn out. Too frustrating. We did go see the women's soccer team play the other night, and I couldn't wait to get home to go to bed. Finally starting to feel a bit like myself again. If I can get my head cleared up a bit (morning's are always the worst), I might actually try something today.

Belinda - don't know how you do it when you have a sinus infection! Looks like you are having fun with your wo's.

Heidi - too funny about the adventure finding the restaurant. Food no so great here, either. Got to get that together.

Hope you have a great day, and get your wo's done!
Good evening,

I did Jenny's stretch workout today. Plus a lot of walking.

Sherry - glad you starting to feel better and listen to your body. I have no idea how I do it when I have a sinus infection? I am a nut.

Hi Heidi!

Good night, ladies.

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