Getting it done for July & December 2015


Belinda: Awesome job on your workouts the last couple days!

Sherry: How's everyone feeling today?

My workouts:
Friday: 0
Saturday: just a walking wo on the TM from ifit 2.20 miles
Today: RWH chest, shoulders and triceps.

I had to rearrange my schedule once again.....
Tomorrow's plan: RWH circuit lower body
Tues: back, biceps and delts (it says shoulders but it really is delts)
Weds: plyo 1 and abs 2
Thurs: Circuit upper
Friday: LEGS!
Sat.: plyo 2 and abs 1

This is the plan so hopefully I can stick to it this week! I have also joined: 30 day clean/fit challenge from Studio Sweat on-demand.
Going to try to eat clean with their Vegan 30 day plan. Will see....lots of prep to do first.

Have a great Sunday!
Good morning,

Just finished Kickboxing Tabata. My eating wasn't great yesterday, needed to burn off some cal :)

Heidi - have fun with RWH chest, shoulders and triceps today. Like your plan for next week, looks great. I need to clean up my eating too. I will join you :)

Sherry - hope everyone is feeling better today.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Sunday, everyone. I need to go grocery shopping.
Hi all!

Working from home today - this cold has us all down. DD finally recovering, but DH and I are miserable. We tried going to a ball game yesterday (had pre-planned with friends) but I'm afraid we were a bit party poopers.

Eating way off here, too, so when this cold is over . . . cleaning it up, too.

You are doing great! Keep it up! And stay healthy!
Good morning,

Jenny F. TB and ab workout is done.

Sherry - sorry to hear you still under the weather :( Feel better soon.

Hi Heidi, hope you have a great workout today.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hi all!

Working from home today - this cold has us all down. DD finally recovering, but DH and I are miserable. We tried going to a ball game yesterday (had pre-planned with friends) but I'm afraid we were a bit party poopers.

Eating way off here, too, so when this cold is over . . . cleaning it up, too.

You are doing great! Keep it up! And stay healthy!

Oh So sorry to hear you and your DH are both not feeling well. Maybe a couple rest days from exercise and work might help speed up the healing.

Get well soon wishes to you all!

Good morning,

Jenny F. TB and ab workout is done.

Sherry - sorry to hear you still under the weather :( Feel better soon.

Hi Heidi, hope you have a great workout today.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Awesome job Belinda!:) Do you have your meals planned for the week? :)

Today's workout plan is DONE!
Fits test:
2 min each: push-ups 50, sit-ups 51
1 min mile: 12.32

Then on to RWH circuit LEGS! Oh My! I ended up taking a 5 mile walk yesterday with my DH and my legs are pretty Tight today.
This WO did help and the stretch was good at the end. Will be needing more stretching before this day is through however.

Have a good day!
Good morning,

I will do JF Cardio Intervals today.

Heidi - wow, on your workouts yesterday. How are you legs feeling? LOL! Lately I am planning a few meals a week. This way I have everything handy :) How about you?

Sherry - how are you and your family feeling? Feel better soon.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hi all!

Thanks for the well wishes. Finally turning the corner on this cold - though not completely over it yet. Actually took the dog for a walk and then did Firm Lower Body Sculpt - on of the easiest wo's I have.

Heidi - Great leg work - how are they feeling. Are you back to planning all your meals? All the meals or just the dinner ones?

Belinda - Nice wo's yesterday and today. Are you still following the 21DF portions? Still leaning to paleo?

That's about it here today. Catch ya tomorrow.
Good morning,

I will do Jenny F. TB cardio and abs shortly.

Sherry - glad to hear you starting to feel better. Good job on that walk yesterday. I am still following the 21 DF portions loosely :)

Heidi - what are you plans today?

I will try to be back later today. Happy Hump Day :)
Happy Wednesday!

Made it in to the office today. Sinuses feeling better, but horrible headache for over 24 hours. Since pain meds and caffeine not working, starting eating sugar and carbs, and finally subsiding a bit - not good. Did get in some exercise - dog walk and Firm Express Cardio. Obviously I'm reaching for the easier wo's while I don't have much stamina.

Belinda - Nice job continuing on with your JF rotation. Loosely? I'm sure it's working though, right? After I get over this thing, will be focusing on the eating better again. Right now, none of us have taste buds working very well.

Heidi - what are your plans today?

That's it for today. Hope you had a good one.
Been rough last couple days. Lack of sleep and busy at work. No WO's for tues and weds.

Bike WO 28 min SSOD 9/26/2013 PHEW! 7.85 MILES

Then my challenge:
2 min each of: sit-ups (36) and push-ups (63)

10 pull-ups
100 mountain climbers
25 supermans

Off to shower and work!

Sherry: I hope that you don't have a sinus infection...this is going around with all the other crud. :/ Great job doing what you can do and have energy for.

Belinda: How was your workout? Great job on your following the 21D fix program. :)

Make it a good one!

Good afternoon.

I did Jenny F. Cardio Interval today.

Heidi - sorry you having a touch few day's :( Hope it lightens up soon. Good job on your workouts today.

Sherry - sorry about your sinus :( Hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about your eating right know, I am sure since you are sick you can't eat that much anyway :) It's all good.

Good night, ladies.
Hi all!

Head still on the mend, but since it is getting better, pretty certain it's just been a nasty cold (way too early in the season) and not becoming a sinus infection. Did a dog walk then Firm Super Body Sculpt. All those leg presses really get the heart going, but was much better breathing this time.

Been getting Hungry Girl newsletter in e-mail - lots of good ideas - now need to get the energy to follow through.

Heidi - Great wo today - makes up for the past days off.

Belinda - Great wo - you are so awesome with the consistency.

Time to shower and get relax for the evening. Hope you had a good one!

WO done! Fit WO: plyo push-ups, boxing punches and plank punch throughs. Then a 2.16 TM run in Belgium w/ ifit. LOL! :)

Knees are a little achy today... :/ Being careful so extra jumping around today.

Sherry: So glad that your feeling better! Those colds early are awful for sure. I disliked the kids starting school for that reason. They always brought something home. Argh!
Excellent job on your workouts!

Belinda: Great job on your cardio interval! :)

Off to work for the day. BBL Make it a good one!
Good morning,

Yesterday I did Jenny's TB workout. Today I will do a stretch.

Sherry - glad you starting to feel better. Nice job on your dog walk and Firm workout. What do you think about the Firms?

Heidi - wow, on your workout yesterday. Got tired just reading it :p How many hours do you workout?

I will be back later.
Happy Saturday!

Yesterday, Friday, was a rest day - scrapbooking/wine with the gals.

Today - tried something new - went to ballet class! With only one kid at home, now have the time to do a few things for myself - so taking up ballet again. It's an adult class, so not competing with teenagers. I'd taken for a couple years after college but stopped with the kids. Will definitely be a challenge, as I'm not quite in the same shape I was 20 years ago. Also, DH decided that we must get a suspension trainer but also must have DVD wo's to go with it, and Wal-mart just happened to have Rip-60 on clearance, so we now have that set, just have to mount it. I'm sure that will challenge us, too.

Heidi - Great wo's! Running through Belgium sounds fun - do you actually get a video to see the sights, or is it just a map?

Belinda - I bet that stretch felt nice, especially after yesterday's TB. The Firms are easier than Cathe, so I do revert back to them when I'm needing to "start-up" again. The LB wo's have lots of leg presses, so those do work the booty good. Don't know if I'd buy them now, but since I have them, I do put them to use.

About time to grill burgers for dinner, and relax the rest of the evening. Hope you are having a good one.
Good evening,

Yesterday DH and I went to DC visiting my son and his fiancé. We had a lot of fun :) Ate way to much :( I gave my son's fiancé German cooking lessons :D My son wanted a Wiener Schnitzel with cucumber salad which we ate for dinner today. And he wanted a pot roast with Kloese (German potato dumplings) for tomorrow :D

Sherry - the reason I ask about the Firms is, the are discontinuing all the Firms. I never done any?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. Good night, ladies. Did you buy the suspension trainer ? Let me know what you think about Rip60 :)

Heidi - how was your weekend?

Good night, ladies.
OK! Here it is Monday once again... Another busy one for me.

Very busy with house/yard stuff and guests. Trees are all ready with their fruit to be picked now so that's what
we are concentrating on. Next weekend is Kiwi picking time! :)

Sensitive knee by Friday so I took a couple rest days.

Sherry: Great job on your workouts and nice to get out to a class once in awhile. Something different is always good. :)

The ifit workouts control your tm or you can change the speed/incline on your own. Yes, if you have an ipad/kindle or even your phone you can see the workouts and streets etc. Helps to keep me motivated instead of staring off across the boring cellar.

Hmm ripped in 60? Who is it by? Sounds interesting.

Belinda: Oh Boy! Food sounds wonderful too! Great time I am sure and learning to cook is a valuable lesson for your Son. :)

Well I better get moving on into work now. Not sure what my plan is for a wo just yet. Will see after all the stair climbing etc. OI!

Have a great one!
Hey girls,

I finished my workout this morning. I did Jenny's Cardio Interval + upper weights.

Heidi - it was yummy :) My son posted a pic on FB and tapped me. I should my son's fiancé how to make the Wiener Schnitzel and roast :) My son was watching the game :) Love kiwis. What happened to your knee? Be careful.

Hi Sherry!!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and evening.
Hi all! It's Monday!

Got in a run today - 2 miles, plus dog walks for warm up and cool down. I'm amazed how fast I lose any cardio conditioning. Very frustrating.

I'm not sure who made Rip 60, but we read the reviews, and it is considered a comparable suspension trainer to TRX and Lifeline's Jungle XT. Plus it comes with 12 dvd's and was on clearance, so for the price of the WOSS trainer (which we nearly ordered, as was also reviewed as comparable) we got the trainer and the DVD's. Not bad at all. I'll let you know how we like it.

As for the Firms, I like the old ones, which have tons of leg presses. Not as impressed with the newer "pink" ones, newer meaning anything released after to 2000(?). I have the originals on VHS. Maybe I should upgrade to DVD if they won't be in stock any more . . .

Belinda - how fun to teach your son's fiance how to cook German style. Maybe your son should learn how to cook, too? That's how my son learned to cook cinnamon rolls from scratch - he ate them way too vigorously!

Heidi - Yep, resting the knee is a must. though will you be able to with that bountiful harvest you need to pick?

Time for bed. Hope you had a good one.

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