For Catheites

I'm 41 and have been doing Cathe for 1 1/2 years. Before discovering her, I'd been doing the Firm since 1987 (with wonderful results), but I am thrilled to have discovered Cathe! She really kicked my fitness level up a notch.
I will be 47 next month and have been doing Cathe for about a 1 1/2 years. I have never looked or felt better. I lost 15 pounds in about 5 months. I had been doing aerobics at a gym and strength training at home for about a year, with no real results. I also wish I had found her a long time ago!

I'm 48 and have been doing Cathe since 1995. She's kept me strong and fit and ready to face my 50's like a "warrior princess" ... bring it on !!! (and keep bringing on those great workouts, Cathe!!)

Hi :)) I'm 22 and have been doing Cathe videos for about 4 years, almost continuously... I have to pipe in for my mom, too, because I'm so proud... she's 55 and has been doing these videos for the last 2 years (it took me those 2 to convince her :) )


I am 39 and have been doing Cathe for 5 years. Like alot of you I graduated from "The Firm" and "Fitprime" over to her. Her weight workouts are the absolute best on the market.

wow...seems to be alot of 39 year-olds here! I'm 39 and have been doing cathe almost exclusively for 1 year and 5 months.

I am Susan and 44 years young I have been doing Cathe's tapes about 3 years. I love them. I own about 30 of her videos. I just preordered the new series (can't wait) I am trying to stay young & fit for as longas I can:7
I am happy to say I am 35 years young and have been using Cathe videos for about 5 years. I found her shortly after the birth of my daughter,Morgan. She really helped me get back into shape afer the birth of my son too! Susan
Hi! I'm 40 and have been doing Cathe workouts since last summer.
Cathe is in a class by herself. No others can campare. Like some of you, I wish I had known about her sooner.
Well Maverick I'm 49 yrs. young. I've been working out w/Cathe since MegaStep Blast came out! WOW talk about a looong time. Cathe & her crew have come a long way & so have I. Kathy:7
Nothing for me but Cathe since 1995! She's absolutely the best instructor, hands down!! All my old workouts have been gathering dust ever since:p My husband thinks she's a slave driver, but he keeps working out with me. We can't wait for the new DVD's!!

redrocks (I'm 40)
Looks like a lot of relatively newer Cathe fans here.
I'm 46 and have been "doing" Cathe (}( ) for almost 13 years. My first Cathe tape was Step in Motion III.

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