For Cathe re: your special loss.


:-( Cathe, I am so sorry to hear about your beloved "Dakota". I know he is looking down upon you from "Rainbow Bridge" just as you described. I just want to let you know my prayers are with you and your family. I know my pug dogs are very special to me, part of the family, and could not even imagine what you have gone through. At least you were there with "Dakota" in his final moments. :*
I hadn't heard or read about this but want to also give my thoughts of sympathy. I love all animals so i can relate having had to put my 2 cats of 16 yrs to sleep in 2001 because of illness.. My thoughts are with you & yours Cathe.

I'm so sorry to hear about Dakota. You posted the nicest message to me after our 1999 VF Road Trip when I mentioned that my dog, Annabelle, had died right before the trip. I'm sending it back to you below. Your support meant a lot to me then, and I know what you're going through. We had to put our beloved Cocker Spaniel, Opie, to sleep this past Feb. after 16 wonderful years. It's so hard to lose our special doggie friends. They give us such love. I've also found the Rainbow Bridge poem very comforting. I'm glad that it's helping you. Take care of yourself. I hope that my Opie and Annabelle were able to give Dakota a warm and friendly greeting!

Subject: Sorry about your doggie!
Name: Cathe Friedrich
Time/Date: 00:08:59 5/04/99

Oh Amy, I am so sorry to hear about your doggie. I had no idea. I hope having Addi and Hampton there was not too much for you to handle. I'm glad that everyone helped to lift your spirits. If I had known I would definitely have given you a great big hug. Well take care of yourself. I know this has got to be a difficult time for you. I'll be thinking of you and sending you plenty of "cyber support". I'll also be sending my prayers up to doggie heaven tonight. Lots of hugs to you!!!

I had not read about this either, but my heart goes out to you.
I know how much it hurts.
We lost our beloved Lucy (Shar-pei) back in Feb. We had to put her down, and though it was a comfort to be there with her, it was still so incredibly heartbreaking.
The sadness comes in waves--even now.
An aunt of mine who is a cat lover (though I don't hold it against her;) ) said to me that "it's the hurt you accept ahead of time when you bring an animal into your life". How true.
Still, it is hard to take.

I hope your happy memories comfort you and that you are always able to feel Dakota's love and gratitude.

Best wishes,
Cathe, I'm soo sorry to hear about your precious Dakota! I feel your pain;(
Here's a poem that I switched a few words around but I hope it brings a smile to your face during this difficult time knowing that you and your family have shared soo many "wonderful" memories with Dakota!

He was not just my dog.
He was my other eyes that could see above the clouds;
my other ears that could hear above the winds.
He has told me more than a thousand times over that I was his reason for being -- by the way he rested against my leg,
by the way he thumped his tail at my smallest smile,
by the way he showed his hurt when I left without taking him.

When I was wrong, he was delighted to forgive.
When I was angry, he clowned around to make me smile.
When I was happy, he was joyful.
When I was a fool, he ignored it.
When I succeeded, he bragged.

Without him, I am only another person.
With him, I was all powerful.
He has taught me the meaning of devotion is loyalty itself.
With him, I knew the secret of comfort and a private peace.
He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.
His head on my knee always healed my human hurts.
His presence by my side was protection against my fears of dark and unknown things.
He has promised to wait for me ... whenever ... wherever ...
in case I needed him, and I always have.

Who was he?

Not just MY DOG, he was always more than that, he was my faithful companion! He will be terribly missed!
Thank You All

Thank you so much for your kind and special thoughts, prayers, and poems. I'm so deeply touched. Yes, Dakota's death was sudden and unexpected. He suffered a heart attack. I don't know how many of you know the history of my "dog life", but Dakota was the first service dog that I trained (Addi was the second), for the first year of his life and then had to return him to the Canine Partners For Life program for advanced training for the disabled. After 4 years of being apart from him, we had the fortunate opportunity to recieve him as a pet since he had to part with his recipient for health reasons. So he joyously joined the family once again and Hampton remembered him well. They were buddies.

Again, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers :)
RE: Thank You All

Cathe I too am so sorry for this loss in your life. My hubby and I are Lab lovers too. Having lost 2 of my own suddenly(by car accident and heart problems) I know how much it can hurt! Even now after 2 years since the last my heart aches just a lil' bit but I am so thankful they were in our lives for the time they were.
Know that we care and are praying for you and your family. All my best always, Susan
Hi Cathe!

I posted a response to you in the Open Discussion Forum under the Lost Hampster thread but wanted to say again, I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved Dakota! (LOVE his name!) Sending more thoughts & prayers your way. Francie, thanks for another great poem! Sooo true!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Cathe,

I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss as heartbreaking. I have two dogs myself and am a huge animal lover. Whenever I hear about someone losing a beloved pet, the tears just start flowing. Hugs to you and your family...
I wanted to also express my deepest sympathies. My husband and I are HUGE dog lovers (particularly German Shepherds) and we also lost a very dear one suddenly. It hurt so bad I just didn't function for a week. I still cry when I think of Enzo (our GSD) and I wrote a poem to him to help me with my pain. We are lucky enough to have his son Zorc and he is such a heart breaker =). I know the pain of losing a loved one and it is every bit as painful as losing a human family member.
In addition to telling you, Cathe, how very sorry I am - I just want to say how wonderful everyone here is. Francie, your poem moved me to tears. I have two Boxers, and haven't had to deal with a loss yet, but the idea of it is even more than I can bear. It is so true how in tune our pets are with our feelings. When I got the call a few years ago that my grandfather had passed away, I was slumped on the floor crying and my dog Bugsy came over to me and laid down in my lap, put his head on my chest and gave me the closest thing to a hug that a 70 lb. dog can get. I think of that and so many other moments with my "boys" and I know that there are all kinds of angels sent into our lives to touch us - and some of them have four legs.

My prayers are with you and your family, Cathe.
I see you mentioned the Rainbow Bridge, do you give to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah? I am an avid supporter of their causes, any & all of you animal lovers please check them, they do wonderful work for all animals all over the world. A $25 donation will enable you to get their magazine too. Teir website address is Please all of you animal lovers check them out. Karen;(
Add me to the list of people expressing her sorrow for your loss, Cathe.

Way back in the early 90's, I had a fascination with Ragdoll cats and bought 2 kittens (brothers) from a breeder. At 10 months, I found one of them on the basement floor, paralyzed in the hind legs from a blood clot. He died at the vet a short time later. The diagnosis: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, a condition that thickens the walls of the heart muscle.

The breeder replaced him with a new kitten. One year later, he too died of the same condition. I found him by his cat tree one morning. The breeder refunded my money because the new kitten was also a brother to the one who had died. Then, at 7 years old, my one remaining Ragdoll kitty collapsed in front of me late one night on the bedroom floor. By then I was prepared for his loss, grateful that he lived seven years longer than his two brothers. Still, it is a horrific scene to witness once, let alone three times. Worse is that the breeder refused to spay and neuter the parents, who were obviously passing along this genetic condition.

It does make you stronger, and I am glad my kitties lived with someone like me, who gave them a good life no matter how short. Dakota was lucky he spent his final years with you and your family.

Take care, and you have plenty of love left in your heart for a new puppy!


I too am very sorry for your loss. Ever since I read the post about Dakota, I have thought of you often. I have 4 dogs and a cat, and just the thought of having to part with them one day hurts me intensely! It is ironic, but I started to post a thread to you around 4 to 6 weeks ago to inquire about your dogs. I never finished the post for whatever reason. One of my dogs is 12 1/2, and I worry about how much time she has left.

Well, I don't post here that much, but you are SO special, and I hate that you have to go through this rough time, so I had to say how sorry I am.

Take care,

I, too, would like to express my thoughts regarding your loss of Dakota. He had a wonderful, and full, life. I'm glad that he wasn't alone in his final moments of life on this Earth.

Hi Cathe,

I wanted to express my sorrow & deepest sympathy for your terrible loss. It's always a shock when it comes suddenly, but of course never easy under any circumstances. I'm sure Dakota had a very happy life with you. It's wonderful that you were able to get him back & bring him into your family again.

My husband Eric & I have experienced this unique pain many times...I have to say, it's been some of my saddest moments.

Our thoughts & prayers are with you all. Take care,

Pet Grief

Could you tell me about your dog who was lost through a car accident and how you coped? I just lost my beloved friend when he was struck by a car in front of my house. I am feeling enourmous grief and wonder how you coped. Thanks, your friend in fitness debi

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