For Cathe re: your special loss.

Hello Cathe-

I, too, wanted to express how sorry I am about Dakota. It's so hard to lose our four-legged family members especially when it's very sudden. We had to deal with the untimely death of one of our cats who was only four years old- he was a sweet, cuddly, loving and good-natured sweetie- and according to the vet *threw a blood clot*. There was no way to know that he had this and oh, I how remember the hurt. So my heart goes out to you and your family during this time. One last thing- I read a true story by a vet about a family losing their dog and the parents were talking about how much they missed him and wished dogs lived longer. Their little boy (about 4) said *You know why he left so soon? We are here on earth to learn how to have a good life- like loving everybody and being nice. Well, animals already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long*... Dakota will always be with you and your family watching over you. Take good care, Cathe...

RE: Thank You All

Cathe, I just read about this, and I want to tell you how sorry I am to hear of this loss! Our pets are so much a part of our lives, and it's so difficult to lose them. They aren't with us very long, but they bring so much joy and happiness in our lives during the time we have with them. My heart goes out to you and your family during this time.

>;) How did this post get back up here? It was way back from

I wondered the same thing! Somebody must be reading all the way back to page 7 or so! At first I was afraid Cathe had suffered some other, more recent, loss. Glad to hear that's not the case.

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