Fitnessfreak's January Rotation for January 2, 2009


Good morning girls,

Today I will do Pyramid Shoulders + MM Shoulders + Pyramid standing legs + 4DS Calves:D

This year I will clean up my eaitng:D I will take one cheat day a week!

Have a wonderful day!
Good Morning!

Belinda** Thats a good plan:) Prehaps I should follow it to! LOL:)

I did todays workout yesterday b/c I was to tired and slightly hungover to do cardio:confused:

Leg Press

Static Lunge

Squats/ Plie Squats


(thats it for legs....I thought I was suppose to do something else but wasn't sure and of course b/c I hate leg work, I didn't care;))

PUB Shoulders

MM Shoulders (Im not sure in what I order I did everything now)
but I used 12/s, 15's and 20 ( I think:rolleyes:)

Todays workout is cardio and some ab work. Im working day shifts all weekend so I am happy that weights are out of the way for this week. Sometimes its to hard to squeeze it all in in the morning.

Have a good day everyone!

Hi girls,

I am done with Pyramid Shoulders + MM Shouders + Pyramid standing legs + 4DS calves:p OMG what a workout! I am gad is over!

Lori, nice job on your workout already:D I hate leg presses, they get my HR up!

Hi to everyone that follows!
Hey Gals...back to report.

I did 5 miles on the TM. 2 miles warm increasing my speed every 2 mins. Started out at 5.7, and continued till I reached 6.6. Then for the other 3 miles I played with speed and hills or both. My legs are sore from yesterdays workout so they are tired:confused:;) That took me until after 7 so I didn't have time for abs.

Belinda** Leg presses get my HR up as well.

Just wondering what your opinions are on leg workouts. Before I got pregnant with DS, I weighed 128-130. After DS I got down to 117 but now I range from 120-123. My legs aren't small by no means, I have very muscular legs and maybe thats why I don't care to work them very often. When I went running with a friend about 2 weeks ago, she looked at me and said " Im guessing you don't lift weights anymore b/c your legs are alot smaller then they use to be". Could that be right? I told her that I do lift alot but in reality I only do 2-3 leg workouts a month and sometimes that is circuit work, and I wouldn't consider that a leg workout. Like in last monthes rotation I didn't do the last 2 leg workouts but last Sun I did MM and I did PLB yesterday, giving me two leg workouts. I don't want my legs to get bigger...should I just keep doing what I am doing? Or I wonder is it fat that I have lost all over my body thats made me 7-10 lbs lighter then before baby?

Good Morning,

Today will be leg and shoulder work then I need to do KM from yesterday or maybe I will just do the TM will report later.

Lori-I am not a big fan of leg work either I find it easier to skip. My calves are already big I can't wear boots because of them so I don't like working them.

Everyone have a good day.
Roxie** My calves are big as well so I NEVER do calve work! EVER!!!! My sister just bought her first pair of long boots. She tried a pair on and couldn't get them done up. I looked at her and said "you have to tuck your leg in you know" She looked at me all confused, so I went over, tucked and zipped,tucked and zipped:eek: She said, "do you mean to tell me I could have been wearing long boots all this time!" LOL

Good morning! The calves are fried. Tomorrow I will feel the shoulders, and hopefully the legs. It's hard to work legs! I wore a weighted vest today and used dumbbells for the plb work. Great combination, Debbie!

Well, today I discovered I could have gone way heavier with the leg weights. I tend to be careful of my knees and try not to overload them too quickly, but it looks like they're ready for more.

Lori, I say if you're happy with your legs right now, keep doing whatever it is you're doing. I have no personal experience to share, as I don't build visible muscle too easily, legs included.
Good Morning!

Today was my cardio day, so I ran 3 miles and then came home to do BM2 abs, David Swenson's yoga and SM#2.
Tomorrow will be legs and shoulders and I plan to use my new weighted vest. I just bought The Classics Vol.1 yesterday. Does anyone have that one? I never hear anything about it, but it looked like the intensity is not as high as most of Cathe's cardio, which is nice every once in a while.

Belinda~I'm trying to clean up my eating as well. December was just one big sweet after another!:eek::(

Lori~I don't know the answer to your leg question either. My calves are muscular also. In fact, my calves may be the only part of me that you can see any muscle definition!:confused: Did you order STS? It looks like there will be a lot of leg work!

Debbie~Loving this rotation! Thanks again for sharing it!:)

Have a great day!
Morning all!!! :D

Today I did Pyramid Shoulders and Muscle Max Shoulders, then did Pyramid Lower Body.

Pyramid workout:
Triset - 12/10/8/12/10/8 reps w/hardly no rest
Rear Flies: 12's/15's/20's/15's/12's
Lateral Raise: 10's/12's/15's/12's/10's
Front Raise: 8's/10's/12's/10's/8's

Muscle Max workout:
Lateral Raise: 12's - 2 sets/12 reps 2/2 cnt.
Lateral Raise w/Band: Purple
Dumbbell Upright Rows: 15's - 2 sets/12 reps
Front Raise/Rear Delt Squeeze: 25# barbell - 2 sets/7 reps

***My right shoulder really bothers me anymore. It's starting to worry me.

Pyramid Lower Body:
All reps are 12/10/8/10/12 with hardly any rest.
Leg Press (step ups): 15's/20's/25's/20's/15's
***I use dumbbells for this. Using the barbell for this entire workout really bothers my neck/shoulder area.
Static Lunges: 65#/75#/85#/75#/65#
Squats & Plie Squats superset: 65#/75#/85#/75#/65#
Deadlifts: 50#/60#/70#
***Only did the up part, my low back didn't like all these reps.

4DS Calf Work
***Used 30's for the weighted part.

This was a long workout. I hate working my legs, that is my most unfavorite body part to work. It took me about an hour and 20 minutes. Glad I'm off today and I'm glad this workout is behind me!

That is all...

Have a great day everyone! Nice job on the workouts!
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Checking in -

Did today's workout last night after work.
I do have 6 and 7 lb dumbbells, so I used those on PUB shoulder work along with my 8's.
My left shoulder doesn't enjoy some things - straight arm lateral raises for one. So during these on MM I kinda bend my left arm a little and that makes this move more comfortable.
I discovered on PLB I should have gone ahead and put on my HRM. Would have been interesting to see my BPM during some of these exercises. And if nothing else I guess it would have logged my time.
I've also discovered I need a weighted vest and barbell pad......
Thanks, Debbie, for printing out the PS workouts. I had printed them off of Laniefig's website, but it doesn't list the rep count, etc. So yours will be very helpful next week.
Have a great day!
Comments from yesterday's thread:

Debbie - tell me your thoughts on this - input from my trainer. She had me once doing barbell curl dropsets for biceps. At one point I said my forearms were more fried than my bi's. She told me that when your forearms burn it's because your wrists are curling in - which takes the some load off of the biceps. She now has me concentrate on almost turning my fingers back towards the floor as I'm curling - with either dumbells or a barbell. I was amazed at how much more I get biceps DOMS when I really focus on that. Just a thought. Will BBL after my w/o.

Interesting. I'll give it a try. My wrists hurt during some bicep exercises I do so I have to be careful how I extend them. But I'll give this a try. I say if you feel it in the biceps, keep doing it.

Checking in with 25 min on the TM walk/run intervals and 4DS KB. I couldn't find my HRM watch so I can't report my stats. I got good and sweaty, though! :) My biceps are sore, sore, sore after yesterday. Looking forward to tomorrow's leg and shoulder work. Debbie, are we supposed to do 4DS shoulder work as well, or just the calves? Thanks so much!

Just the calf work. After Pyramid and Muscle Max, you won't want to do anymore shoulder work! :eek:

Did Cardio Coach #2 for cardio today! First time doing CC and I absolutely looovvveee it!

Really Sonya? I love CC, can't wait for you to do other ones! Which ones did you get?

MY UB is sore. My chest is still sore from Monday. My right bicep is very sore. Did any one have a suggestion for when I workout my right arm? Or am I doing what I shoud be doing already?


Veronika, what's up with your right arm? I missed that.
Hey Everyone!

Checking in with PUB & MM: Shoulders, PLB: Lower body, no floorwork. I ended up doing the calf work from PLB instead of switching over to 4DS. I have to be careful of my calves too, I've had an injury in one of them on and off.

Am I the only one that did KM with the Leg work at the end yesterday? My BUTTocks were killing me today, walking up the stairs, I was like :eek: oh my! I did do the PLB, but it was tough, and I didn't lift as heavy as I have in the past because of the soreness.

I always dread leg work, but it's not so bad DOING it or afterwards. I don't know why I dread it.

For the New Year, *I* need to clean up my weekend eating! It's my biggest issue with losing this 5-7 lbs that have been hanging on for a few years now!

Lori: I'm not expert, but just what you've typed out about your legs sounds like you answered your own question. It seems that maybe your legs bulk up with heavy weight work. Maybe just keep with the circuit work and running? Hi-5's on losing that baby weight and more! I'm VERY impressed!!!!

Hi-5's to EVERYONE for doing their workouts this week, and "catching up" when you missed one!!!
I did the PLB leg and PUB/MM shoulder workout today. I too did calves from PLB instead of putting in 4DS. My right shoulder wasn't too happy from all the PLB barbell use either, next time I'll sub some dumbbells (don't we get great ideas from Debbie!!!!!). I even have a rack that I use for getting the barbell on my shoulders and not lift it over my head and my right shoulder still doesn't like it. I also dread leg workouts like most people here. My hips/legs are my slimmest body parts, guess I'm not the typical woman. I'm the dreaded apple shape!
Happy Friday everyone! I also did the standing leg work from KM yesterday and my bootie was a bit sore. :)

I did Pyramid Shoulders and Muscle Max Shoulders, then did Pyramid Lower Body.

Workout stats: 504 calories, 45% from fat
70% average of HR max

For all three rear, lateral and front exercises: 6's/8's/9.25's/8's/6's

Muscle Max:
Lateral Raise: 11.25's
Lateral Raise w/Band: Green (ouch)
Dumbbell Upright Rows: 12's - 1st set / 15's- 2nd set
Front Raise/Rear Delt Squeeze: 25# BB

Leg Press (step ups): 30/35/40/35/30
Static Lunges: 30/35/40/35/30
Squats & Plie Squats superset: 35/40/45/40/35
Deadlifts: 40/45/50/45/40

PLB and 4DS Calf Work (used 15's)

Great job everyone! Have a good day!
What a great workout! My shoulders are going to be fried tomorrow. And its been a long time since I've done PLB... it really got my hear rate up! I do have to go lighter on leg work, as my legs tend to bulk up when I lift heavier.

Triset: Rear Flies, Lateral Raise, Front Raise: 3/5/8/5/3
***I 'think' my shoulders are fairly well defined. I don't see how many of you can lift so much more! My shoulders were fried after this set.
Muscle Max:
Bent Arm Lateral Raise: 10's - 2 sets/12 reps 2/2 cnt.
Lateral Raise w/Band: Green
Dumbbell Upright Rows: 10's - 2 sets/12 reps
***I should have used 12s
Front Raise/Rear Delt Squeeze: 5# dumbbells - 2 sets/7 reps

Pyramid Lower Body (used dumbbells throughout)
Leg Press: 15s/20s/25s/20s/15s
Static Lunges: 15s/20s/25s/20s/15s
Squats & Plie Squats superset: 12s/15s/20s/15s/12s
***Squats tend to bother my sciatic nerve. My chiro tells me I shouldn't do them. I do them lighter instead of omitting
Deadlifts: 20s/25s/30s/25s/20s
Calves w/ 20 pound dumbbell
***Did PLB calves vs. 4DS
Hey Gals...back to report.

Just wondering what your opinions are on leg workouts. Before I got pregnant with DS, I weighed 128-130. After DS I got down to 117 but now I range from 120-123. My legs aren't small by no means, I have very muscular legs and maybe thats why I don't care to work them very often. When I went running with a friend about 2 weeks ago, she looked at me and said " Im guessing you don't lift weights anymore b/c your legs are alot smaller then they use to be". Could that be right? I told her that I do lift alot but in reality I only do 2-3 leg workouts a month and sometimes that is circuit work, and I wouldn't consider that a leg workout. Like in last monthes rotation I didn't do the last 2 leg workouts but last Sun I did MM and I did PLB yesterday, giving me two leg workouts. I don't want my legs to get bigger...should I just keep doing what I am doing? Or I wonder is it fat that I have lost all over my body thats made me 7-10 lbs lighter then before baby?

Lori -
I have similar leg issues and always wonder if I'm doing the right thing(s) to get them leaner than what they are. I haven't done heavy leg weights for a long time, and while I don't know that my legs look any better, they are definitely smaller in size. I usually consider cardio my leg workout, and will do floor work and yoga occasionally. I'm thinking of getting a ballet workout because when I see my daughter's dance teacher and the set of legs that she has on her with never lifting a weight it makes me green with envy! I'm even contemplating what to do with today's leg work...I may just end up doing the floor work only.

Hello Everyone,
I won't be working out today and missed yesterdays cardio also. My ears and throat really hurt and I'm waitng for the doctor to call back so I can get some serious meds. It doesn't help that DH and 4 children are sick also. What a way to start the new year.

Debbie, I had posted right after our bicep work that my right bicep is much weaker than my left. I think it is because of an old shoulder injury that happened while I was lifting a 10 pound weight over my shoulder. This happened 14 years ago and it has caused me lots of discomfort around the shoulder and arm and even upper back. About a year ago, I went to the chiropractor to see if he could help me. And after 8 weeks of going in to see him the pain is now gone. The problem is that my right arm is still weaker than my left. while doing th bicep work on WED. I could not do the MM bicep curls simultaneously at all because my right arm would not lift the 10er. I put the weight down and finished the left arm. Then i went back and did the right arm after giving it a good rest and stretch. But I could only do two reps with the 10 and had to drop to the 8's. My right arm is so much sorer than my left arm. No pain just sore. There was no pain while I was working it out also. I think that is good. Your comment about making the workout my own was exactly what I needed during this workout. i would have just stopped if it wasn't for your words. I want to know if I am doing the right thing for my arm.

Hi all...still sitting on the couch enjoying a second cup of coffee! But I guess I should get to the scheduled workout. I actually don't mind lower body work....legs I have no problem with but my glutes are my body part that needs the most improvement...that's why I usually add in extra glute squeezes and roll-ins.

Debbie...I got CC #2,3,4
Just finished the shoulder and leg work will do KM and calves later today. Why do I feel deadlifts more in my lower back and not so much in my glutes?

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