I think the reason, at least one reason TV, magazines and newspapers spend so little time about exercise and so much more time on diet pills and fad diets is because they don't want to lose advertising $$ on ads for fad diet books, and pills. Running stories on the benefits of exercise or stories contradicting fad diets could be hurtful to their bottom line, $$$!
I agree with Aquajock, Kay and many others of you. I'm relieved now that I finally am losing weight(15lbs, Yaaaaay!
) and toning up. Why did I go that long before starting a fitness program? Where was my head? :-rollen
That IT is now called the Segway Transporter or something like that, and I've thought the very same thing many of you have. It's simply an excuse for more and more people to become slothful couch potatoes. You want to move from point A-B, then walk or ride a bike if necessary.
I'm convinced a whole lot of people are using genetics as a handy, cop-out excuse for not getting off the couch covered with potato chip bags and donut boxes and getting some desperately needed exercise. They say, men and women and kids all, "Sorry, can't help being fat, it's just the genes" or "Just the body I was born with."
It is true that people inherit the genetics to be one body type or another, one of three basic kinds. Some to inherit the genetic tendency to store more fat. Does that give them an excuse to pig out and never exercise? Does having "fat genes" give them a blanket excuse to never even try to take proper care of themselves, and consequently look like the Jabba the Hut? I saw many women out at the pool this summer who were around 5'6 to 5'8 and weighed without a doubt over 300 lbs.
One of them who had seen me last summer complimented me on looking better, but then came the inevitable question. "What diet are you on?" I told her what I'd been up to and mentioned Cathe, and she just gave me that blank look. You know the look.
I could tell by the wrappers near her lounge chair that she had just polished off two cheeseburgers, large fries and a large Coke. She said the reason she couldn't exercise was because of her bad knees. Heard that one before. Okay, bad knees are a valid excuse to a point. But she could get on a stationary exercise bike(which my mother with bad knees does)or do water aerobics or something. But I knew she wasn't the type to try.
With exercise and sensible eating she could lose some weight and her knees wouldn't be stressed as much. We do have a water aerobics class in our community at the local Parks & Rec Dept.
As for gyms, I don't want to bash them. With staff members who really know what they're talking about, people could learn a lot and improve their health and fitness. But that's a problem for many gyms. One reason I got discouraged and turned off by gyms many years ago was because there was this one place where most of the staff were merely temps just putting in their time, often just a couple weeks before being replaced by another temp, most of whom didn't have a clue about fitness. A couple of girls they obviously hired strictly for window dressing and a couple of the guys were more interested in leaning against the furniture, walls and weight machines, often with their feet on the front desk. I think the owner must've thought that the Earth's gravity might suddenly fail or weaken and he needed some temps to hold the desks down with their feet if only for a second. ;-)
There was one guy there who was a runner at the local college and I know he could've told me more than I ever wanted to know about running cross country or the Boston Marathon. But he was a skinny little guy that most of you could probably whip his butt. I never saw him lift a weight, not even to put them back on the racks. He must've thought those 5 lb weights might pull a muscle and he'd be out for the whole season.
There was another guy at that gym who could've won an award for complacency and apathy above and beyond the call of duty. He did absolutely nothing the whole time but tie up the club's phone lines talking with his buddies and trying to pick up girls. One guy, who was a new member there at the same time as me said he had once asked that guy about the proper form for bench pressing, and said that he had given him the blank look, shrugged his shoulders, then stammered about with uh, this and uh that before saying something really lame like, "Uh, you'll like know you're uh doing it right, because it'll like, you know, feel right." The man telling me that rolled his eyes and then laughed saying, "I'll bet he won't be here long." I replied by saying something like, "I don't know. They've got a lot of clueless people here, who I thought would know a lot more than they do."
Sorry to ramble so long fitness fans. Those memories came flooding back tonight reading some of these posts. I learned more from you guys here in one week, than I ever did at that gym. I know there have to be some real good health clubs out there, but my experience was not so good. I'm glad I'm back in action and learning from such a great group of people like all of you.