FIT TV wants your input

Happy to assist:

1. From time to time I have to adjust when I work out but typical is 9:00 p.m. anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes.
2. 6 days a week Saturday thru Thursday.
3. I don't get Fit Tv : -( I have Comcast.
4. I think any combination of 30 to 60 minutes is great.
5. How do I get it? Do I have to ask them to add it to their programming?

Thank you for asking our imput.

>Hi Everyone! As I mentioned yesterday, I had a meeting with
>FIT TV and one of the things that we discussed was getting
>more viewer feedback to help them provide even better
>programming to their customers.
>If you would like to participate in supplying this feedback,
>please answer the following questions.
>1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be
>specific (ie: mornings at 5am)
>I work out in the evenings between 6 and 8 PM (sometimes later) depends on the time of year (just love daylight savings time!)and when I get home from work.

>2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are
>those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)? 6 days a week; my day off is usually Thursday or Friday. Sometimes I double up on weekends.
>3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....
>a)what programming would you like to see that you are not
>seeing now? More advanced programming...and I really hate commercials, although I know THAT's not up for debate. :)
>b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see
>more of? I like the variety I've seen, but haven't really watched alot of the programs enough to have an opinion. I am not really interested in spa recommendations, celebrity fitness, or infomercials. I would love it if Peak Performance programming were consistent (preferably Cathe!) and if it came on earlier in the evening (say, 7:30 PM).
>4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute
>program? For workout purposes, I prefer a 60 minute format. That said, I must confess that I've never worked out to any FitTV program; I just prefer using the flexibility of the many wonderful DVDs in my collection; that way, I can mix and match, set up rotations....and I don't have to endure commercials!! Nevertheless, I watch FitTV to see what else is out there, and because I'm just weird that way. :)
>5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they
>have not been addressed here.
1) I work out between 6pm & 9pm.
2) I typically work out 6 days a week, usually everyday but Sat.
3 (a) I would like to see more variety. I look to FIT TV to learn about instructors and workout routines that I have never been exposed to before, i.e., it's my "preview" source.
(b) I have watched all of the Cathe segments. I missed Ashtanga Yoga last time they ran it, but plan to watch it if they run it again sometime in the future.
4) I prefer hour-long workouts.
5) I'd like to see more coverage of the latest fitness crazes, like freestlye training, bosu, etc.
1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am)
I work out everyday between 10 am & 1 PM with occasional days off

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)? Everyday with a day off inserted every 7 or 8 days.

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....Yes I am. I discovered Cathe there. I did Cardio & Weights for the first time when it aired on Fit TV. I now have many of your videos. I have Tivo, so I scan the upcoming weeks for interesting programs & set my Tivo to record anything I want to use.

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?I would like to see more Cathe of course, but some other instructors would be fun too. I like aerobic conditioning because the commercials are at the end, but many of them seem dated. Newer tapings of the show would be wonderful. I would also like to see more Yoga/Pilates workouts.

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?Cathe! I enjoy the spa shows. I do not like the Urban fitness show. It seemed like just fluff to me.

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program? They both have their places. I enjoy both.

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.
The most important thing that Fit TV can do is increase the diversity of its programming. I find the same shows on it all the time. I watched the channel quite often when it first changed formats, but I do not watch it quite as often because I've seen most of what interested me. I find that I see a lot of repeats now.
1. 5 am
2. 6 days: Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed (skip Thur usually), Fri
3. nope, not yet! but Cathe being on it certainly would make me reconsider not having cable!
4. 60 minutes
1. Weekday evenings between 7 - 8 p.m. Weekends around 4 - 5 p.m.
2. Anywhere from 2-6 days per week, and the days of the week vary.
3. I get FIT TV but I don't watch it. Since all of my workouts are on DVD, I don't workout to TV.

I might watch it if they had a whole variety of Cathe workouts on so that I could preview an entire workout before I buy it.
1) I workout at 9 AM or 7 PM.
2) 4-5 days per week (off on Sat and Wed)
3) Yes I am watching it. I would like to see a greater variety of
workouts and workout instructors.
4) 60 minutes.
Hi Cathe! I do not use Fit TV to workout and would not. However, as an instructor, I am a frequent viewer to get ideas for my classes.

My favorite show is Caribbean Workout, specifically the ones with Shelly. She does a great job. Awesome show!!

So, for future programming, I would recommend some shows for instructors. Like fitness seminars on the latest and greatest fitness trends as well as tried and true classics. I would definitely tune in!

Hope you pass these comments on to Fit TV. I would think they have a good audience of instructors - possible more than the home exercisers.

Thanks, Lynn
Hi Cathe,
I love FitTV!

1) I typically work out in the evening on weekdays, 8 pm-11 pm, and on weekends, in the afternoon 2 pm- 4 pm.

2) Six to seven days a week.

3) I would like to see Cathe's own show (made just for TV). I'd like to see a show by Cory Everson, too!

4) I like 60 minute workouts.

5) I also like the healthy cooking shows.
>Hi Everyone! As I mentioned yesterday, I had a meeting with
>FIT TV and one of the things that we discussed was getting
>more viewer feedback to help them provide even better
>programming to their customers.
>If you would like to participate in supplying this feedback,
>please answer the following questions.
>1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be
>specific (ie: mornings at 5am)

I work out mornings 5 am till 6:10 am.
>2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are
>those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?

I work out 4 to 5 days a week and they are typically Mon thru Thurs.
>The rest does noy apply to me because my cable company, Astound, does not provide Fit TV.

I would enjoy it but let's face it, I have all the DVD's of any fitness I want (yours!) so how can they improve on it? I am just surprised that so many people are unaware of Cathe workouts!

Fit TV could change all that!

1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am)
afternoons at 2pm

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?
6 days a week: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sun

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?
More hour long exercise shows

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?
prefer 60 minute shows. I dont even bother watching the 30 min ones because with commercials, stretch and cool downs, there is not enough actual exercising.
Hi cathe.....
- between 9am and 11am

- 5 times mon,tues,wens,thurs(either fri,sat or sunday)
-a i'm seeing all iwant
-b more of cathe
- 60 mins
Cathe, Please tell FIT TV that I would LOVE to see their programming but Comcast Cable, in the western burbs of Chicago, does not offer it! Big bummer! Alexis
1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am)

Mornings between 9-11 am

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?

Monday thru Friday, sometimes Saturday

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

Yes and yes

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?

more kickboxing circuit style and more strength

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?

more Cathe and the Caribeanne workouts

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?


5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.
If you would like to participate in supplying this feedback, please answer the following questions.

1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am)

5:30 or 6:00 am

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?

Monday,Wednesday,Friday - Cardio
Tuesday, Thursday - Weights Upper and Lower Respectively
Saturday, Cardio with Weights

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

Do not get yet...

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?

Help with diets, recipes getting leaner

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?

Food Network - but lighter cooking

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?

60 minutes

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.
1. weekdays: either a.m. between 5 and 7 am, or p.m. btwn 7 and 8 pm
weekends a.m. 9-10.

2. I am typically active 6-7 days a week alternating with active rest days.

3. I finally get FIT TV and LOVE it! So glad your hours will be changing. Always wondered why they had you on at 10pm.

a. I would like to see informative shows on fitness and nutrition, not just the secrets of celebrities. And I would love to see more advanced workouts like yours since most of the workouts on the channel are too short/easy for advanced exercisers. Instead of total body workouts crammed in half an hour maybe half our of arms or legs or stomache...
b. I'd like to see more of your shows, and more pilates/yoga workouts in the shorter segments.

4. 60 minute!

Thanks for asking us!
I live in Belleville, NJ and I can't seem to get Fit TV, how can I get this is my town? I am an avid exerciser and would love to see Cathe on this channel.

Thank you,
Maria E. Coster

>1) 5:30 - 6:30 am or somewhere in the 9 - 11 am range,
>also pilates, stretch or yoga in the evening, all PACIFIC
>2) Workouts 5-6 days; but rest days usually include some
>stretching or yoga. Days vary
>a) A more dynamic yoga program
> A show that emphasizes balance & flexibility
> A pilates show
> More on outside recreation e.g. how to start mountain
>biking or great nordic ski resorts
>b) YOU
>4) either
>5) Biggest gripe is that one can't tell from the TV schedule
>what type of workout is going to be played. Caribbean Workout
>is one of my favorites, but "Episode 61" doesn't tell me if
>it's strength, step or they're going to have their wonderful
>pilates instructor work with Shelly.
>Timing of shows doesn't matter a lot because one can always
>record a favorite show.
>There are too many spa shows that emphasize expensive
>treatments & foreign locations. Feels like Lifestyles of the
>Rich & Famous rather than fitness.
Hi Cathy

I work out at 4am

I also work out 7 days a week

I am not sure if i Have Fit TV, but will try to find out

I do 60 min a day or longer

And i would like to see kickboxing, like your wonderful tapes

Thanks gail:9
I typically work out from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, usually for about 4-5 days a week. I FINALLY get Fit TV now, thanks to defecting to DirecTV from Cox Cable (Cox had Fit TV on their digital lineup, but they also wanted $11 per month more, in addition to the BASIC cable of $40/mo). I would like to see more of Cathe in a 60 minute program, since I feel that 30 minutes is not enough to get in a good workout.
(I am glad someone is talking to FitTV as they ignore their forums!)x(

1)I like to work out in the mornings; 5 to 9am.
2) 6 days M-Sat (sometimes Sun and rotate a weekday off)
3) Yes
a) More weight training (especially in AM)
b) Like to see the stability balls and rebounder workouts
c) I like 60 minutes
d) I surely wish that they would do the commericals differently.
Perhaps at the beginning or end and not in the middle of w/o.
WHAT SESSION IS ABOUT! All aerobic conditioning says is
aerobic conditioning. }(

Thank you SO MUCH for doing this. You are great and I love your workouts.:D

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