Fit & Firm Mom Jan 18th

Sorry you are having a crabby day Mel! We still love you!

Susan- I think part of the reason James has gotten used to not sleeping during the afternoon is because DH runs errands all day long with him so when he gets home in the late afternoon, he eats and then zonks out. I just talked to him and he said that J just woke up from a longer nap (130p) so hopefully he won't want to nap so long tonight. But I will try waking him earlier like you suggest and see if that works.

Have fun with Kara!
Feeling a little better. ;)

I woke up this morning to almost 2 extra lbs....after a "day off" the stringent diet & hardcore exercise. :( I worked so hard to lose those two pounds, and my pouty day of Mt Dew, Whopper, and chocolate chip cookies was hardly a trade off. :(

Anywho...I called my mom (who has always been my bestfriend) and she basically said my problems were nothing compared to what my Dad is going through......which of course made me feel even more awful!!! She told me to put rubberbands on my work clothes....and to accept my weight gain and to be happy I have enough fat to nurse twins. :(

Imax 3 was a real nice thing to accomplish. IMO, it is my hardest to have accomplished it (on 8 inch plateform) with full zest...makes me feel strong. :D I'm seriously considering signing up for the Fargo 1/2 marathon again (didn't make it last year due to pg)....but I'm not sure if I can do 90% of training on elliptical? I'll have to research it more before I sign up.

So, this PM I've been wearing my "fat" hopes of stretching them so I can wear them this weekend at work. It'll be a nice "trial" for us....being so close to home & only a couple of hours.

Anywho.......feeling a bit better. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back to myself. :D
Melanie hugs coming your way!
You know the weight will come off. Your body is doing what it needs to do right now. Just try and be patient..have you upped your calories daily yet??
Im sorry about how your mom made you feel. Maybe she was just having a bad day???
I would never be able to do IMAX of any kind on 8 inchs..well expect Lowmax...but still.....6 is my limit! 3 is much harder than 2!
Hlaey's district spelling bee is tonight. Dh is taking her. She won last year, but they are up against the upper grades this year. I hope she does well!
I heart Imax 2 -- it's one of my favorite workouts :)

Susan, sounds like Kara had a good night! It's amazing what a car seat can do ;)

Jen, I don't have much to add above and beyond what Susan suggested. The puzzle of kids' sleeping habits is so challenging and exhausting.

Mel, your gain was probably from the sodium in your BK meal, girlfriend!

Drew was a STINKER last night. DH was out of town (of course), so I had the pleasure of getting up with Drew from 1-2, 3:53-5:10, and 6:54 (he fell back asleep within 5 minutes at this one, without me). Then DH's stupid dog started whining at 7:30 to go out. BAH! I think I got a total of maybe 4 or 4-1/2 hours sleep last night.

Well, I was not thrilled with preschool today. Ella will be 4 in April. She knows her alphabet, most shapes (even hexagons and octogans!), colors, can count past 20, can sight-read, etc. I was told she should be in the 3 year old class. There were 12 kids in her class, 9 boys and 3 girls. I saw 2 in diapers, in a 3 year old class! It was basically a playgroup. Most of the kids don't speak articulately either. So I have to talk to the teacher tomorrow, and then maybe the preschool director. If she cannot get into a 4 yo class now, I'll just have her waitlisted for the fall. This 3 yo class will bore her, and I don't want her first school experience to be negative. :(
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Allison- We had the same experience with preschool. My son came home saying he was bored there, as well. I wanted to have a break, but we decided he was flourishing at home and it is better here than at preschool. We are going to try in the fall, just to prep him for kindergarten, but I have a feeling it will be a repeat experience. He is going to be four in march, so very similar ages. It is hard. I feel for you sister! On the upside, he is a great help with baby when I ned him to get a diaper or bottle! So, there is a plus! There is a n incredible amouny of pressure to have kids in preschool.
imax 3 done! i love that workout, and imax 2 and imax extreme. hooray!
jen- i think that james will figure it out. getting a consistent schedule is important for him and he will find his groove. I wish I could offer better advice, but my kids hav never been good sleepers, and we learned that we had to be patient!
Mel - your mom was probably having a bad day. we all have our own concerns and not everyone sees them as important. I bet the 2 pounds is from the salt in the food, have a grapefruit to act as a diuretic a bit and you will be good as new. And do not beat yourself up. we are all working so hard to lose baby weight. Our strength and love of fitness brought us together, so we understand best! I get more upset about my pants not fitting than my son's hemophilia sometimes! :)
Susan- good luck at the spelling bee. Maybe you coudl send me some spelling tips, since I never spell well.
Got to run, John is satan right now.
Thanks gals, I knew you would understand. As stupid as the whole thing sounds in my's how I feel. lol BTW, I didn't have any french fries I don't think it was sodium retention. :(

Christine, I was wondering how Jimmy was handling his little brother? How are things going?

Allison, I'm kind of alone in my thinking....but I like to keep kids home as long as I can (and keep them kids even longer). I"m not academic focused until junior high grades. I don't send my kids to school until the school board comes looking for them. LOL I'm irriated that my 5 year old has homework. :( I have no advice on sleeping....none of my kids have been good sleepers, and we have learned to accept it, rather than try to mold them into healthier sleepers we just cuddle with them all night. lol

Susan, ummmmmm. Yeah...I'd say I added a few hundred calories to my daily diet. lol Seriously, I'm trying to get all three snacks in a day (along w/3 meals). It's difficult to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry. Seems counterproductive to me. As far as step height goes...I'm 5 feet 8 inches, so 8 inch plateform isn't that high. I should probably be using a 12 inch plateform. lol I think you're on the shorter end if I remember correctly?

Just tried on a bunch of clothes to see which ones make me look less fat. LOL I found a pair of jeans (levis) that fit snug & a t-shirt/sweater that's long enough that when I stretch my fat won't show. Anyone have "spanx"? Never heard of them until a couple weeks ago. Will they allow me to fit into my old clothes?
Mel- I totally agree about keeping the kids home as long as possible. my son is 3 and a half and can write, uses huge words, earns allowance, gets tons of exercise, and lots of love. i know it does not fit every lifestyle, but it works for us... and that burger had sodium!
and, spanx rock. you will be in a human tourniquet, and will have to fart like crazy by the end of the day (from being all bottled up) but you will look hot.
mel- thank you for asking about jimmy. it has been hard. I am reading a book called "ordinary families, special children" and it has helped me adjust him to our new lifestyle. IT is another reason i want to keep him home. He said that if he had to go to school, he would be sad, since john gets so much attention from us, he would get more than jimmy. it broke my heart. at this rate, all i can give my boys is safety and love. It sacrifices me a bit in teh long run, and I struggle emotionally. but the kids smile and are so happy, so it is worth it, I guess. He acts out on occassion, and I have to remember that we still have to maintain discipline with him. I get a little soft, because I feel bad about the attention issue. Oddly, he responds to me better when I am tough with him. I think he needs the boundaries. By the way, do any of you read books by Henry Cloud? He has a great book about boundaries with children. It has made me a better parent than I could have imagined. I highly recommend it...
Okay, going to try to get another workout in. Jimmy is having quiet time upstairs and JOhn is about to nap. Cross your fingers...
Christine~ I have the books: Boundaries, Boundaries in Marriage, Boundaries with Children.... I love to read "self improvement" books, I'm really strange. :rolleyes: Jimmy needs some adaption time, I know he'll do are doing a GREAT job!!

Spanx? I'm going to have to look it up!!! Any recommendations? Will it cut me down a couple sizes?

Okay, I looked up the sodium content of a Whopper. It's over 1000mg of sodium!!! I couldn't believe it! It didn't "taste" salty... but it had more than a medium fry would have had. YIKES!!! :eek:

Christine, did you get imax3 in today?
Yes, I did my Imax 3. I LOVE that workout. I am drenched at the end! I love all teh IMAX workouts in fact. I got ChaLean Extreme in the mail today, might be a few months before I can do that...
I really enjoyed that we all did the same workout, it held me to it. Let's do it more often. I think tomorrow will either be Boot Camp or Drill Max, any takers?
Christine~ I don't know if I have either workout anymore. I've been trying to incorporate more strength training....and this would help. Is BootCamp part of the 4 Day Split? Do you have a Spanx you would recommend for the middle?
Christine, Jimmy and Ella sound very similar! The preschool is only 2.5 hours a day, 2 days a week. I liked that it wasn't a lot of time away -- just enough for her to have a little stimulation outside of me :) I've been trying to find some local play groups too, and there's one through that is starting to get into a good rhythm for us. We'll see. I'm telling them tomorrow this class doesn't work; if they can't fit us into the 4 yr old class, we'll wait until fall too.

I found Spanx knockoffs at Target; they are awesome!

Melanie, I *told* you that Whopper was loaded with sodium. I bet if you drink lots of water the next 2 days, you'll see your loss was real.
allison- check out your local community center. I am in a mommy and me cooking class and a mommy and me fitness class with him, for social stimulation. i think he is just too sinking smart and sensitive to drop of at preschool. there were kids in diapers in his group too, and I was baffled. it is hard! i told him that if he stays home instead of school for now, he has to let me exercise when the baby sleeps. He watches a show and I get my downtime. THey sound so similar. HE wanted to go to school till he got there. Maybe I picked the wrong program, maybe he is just happier at home. I guess he will not want to be mommy;s boy later in life, so love it now. He even works out with me. I let him use my extra step adn bought one pound weights for him!
Mel- bootcamp is an older one maybe and is on the same dvd as muscle endurance which I LOVE!!!! bootcamp has cardio drill on floor (think sumos or speed skaters) and then a strength drill, then abs with medicine ball. it is qick and efficient and awesome. muscle endurance is great, it was my strength workout initiation. and it got my heart rate up while giving me some toning. they use a high step, but you can improvise. use your 8 incher for now. worth the money for sure. drill max is insanely awesom. uses step like imax. step combo, then cardio blast then weights with cardio. it gives you INSANE shoulders. and you need an inflatable ball thingy. both are great because they vary it up and do not get too routine oriented. even my hubby does them. and that seays a lot. i also highly recommend the TERMINATOR series and the HARDCORE EXTREME series by Cathe. these are all my go to DVDs when I want to burn a ton of calories and get a small strength series in. okay, we had the best dinner and I will post recipe later. It was ginger garlic steak with brocolli and sesame and whole wheat pasta. awesome! I added peanuts too. even my jimmy ate it! my baby smells like hot garbage so off for bath and (sigh) the infiinite rocking till bed.
Also, all those with babies who do not sleep, get an ipod and download the show Glee. I sometimes hope for a late feedign so I can catch more episodes...
I still suck at typing and do not care but am sure I look like a moron.
if any of you have ipods, you can download the food appliation and find out hte sodium fat etc of anythign on the go. I know I am lame. But I swelled like Texas last time I had pizza and vowed never again. then i had a beer and wanted it again. I will learn someday.
IF the rain ever stops, I want to run.
LOL Christine -- you crack me up. John smells like hot garbage! ROFL!!

I have Ella in a couple things through the parks and rec too. She starts a 6-week ballet class this Saturday, and starts soccer in April. I'd love to find a cooking class for us! How cool! She's likely going to be in a drop-off art class for 6 weeks also, so she would get socialization without mom there too. I'm disappointed for her, because she was sooooo excited about starting school (my stepkids are teenagers, and she thinks it's awesome that they go to school). But, I'll find ways to fill her time!

IF (and it's a big if these days) I can get Drew to nap, Ella will watch a movie on my laptop until I'm done. Again, like Jimmy (!), she has her own handweights and likes to use the high-step topper. I got her a Champion workout shirt like one of mine at Target -- she loves it! Also found a couple kids' workout DVDs, which she also like (Movin' and Groovin' Kids, something like that).

Too bad we live on opposite coasts -- sounds like they would be good buddies :) And you crack me up, so I'd love to have lunch with you too!!!
Christine~ I have (or have had) all of Cathe's DVDs (except STS). I have BootCamp on the 4DS set. I also have CTX you remember those? Oh my, I'm aging myself....but when I first started working out with Cathe, Power Max & Step Max were her newest VHS's. LOL I love your humor & your typos. I'm often lazy & don't bother capitlizing my "i's". :)

It sounds like Ella & Jimmy would be great stimulating friends! How cute!

Susan, you putting your new computer together? You got Windows 7?
I love Drill Max and Boot Camp because they challenge me! Christine, I love your description of the workouts! :) I think I will start adding those into my rotation more. I think it would be so cute if Jimmy and Ella could meet and "workout" while you and Allison can workout! Are you anywhere near the mudslides? I see all this stuff going on with the CA weather and think of you. We don't care about your typos either. We all know how hard it is to get time to type with both hands. :) And beer is my only cheat right now. I cut out sweets and sugar so I can have a couple beers on the weekend. I know it doesn't help with the weight loss but it helps me. ;) I promise I'm not an alcoholic but I sure did miss my beer when I was pregnant!

Melanie- That is too weird that you mention Spanx because I was just googling it yesterday. (Doo-doo, doo-doo) From Twilight Zone, not baby doo doo. I saw that Target has a brand and was reading reviews. I was thinking of buying a pair to see how they feel. Let me know if you get any.

Allison- I love hearing about what you have Ella involved in because it makes me more excited for when James gets bigger and I can find activities he likes. That's too cute that she has a shirt like you. Sounds like you two are best pals!

Yay! Today is Friday and then I get two whole days with my handsome boys! I'm going to try to make it to our local running shoe store to get fitted for some new running shoes. The ones I wore before preggo are rubbing on my big toes. I guess my feet have changed....

Hi Susan! Hi Priscila! BBL!

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