Fit & Firm Mom Jan 18th

susan- i hear you on sleep. i get about 4 broken hours a night. i finally put an aerobed in john's room and snooze with him in my arms on there sometimes. it hsa helped.
Chrsine-Im glad first round of shots is over..and am so glad you were able to find John a new ped..sounds like a good choice.
When Kara moved to her crib from her bassinet I moved the guest bedroom in with her. I start out with dh in our bed and end up in Karas room holding her. I try to catch a short nap (20) and it makes a world of difference in how I feel. Kara is for sure turing into a Haley sleeper!
Christine- I feel like a horrible web friend, I didn't ask about the shots either! It must be a relief to have gotten it done. I think I would have gone off on the dr because she "forgot"!!! I'm glad you found the new pedi. Loved the comment about not going near a waffle or pancake anymore. :) It's hard for me to increase pumping at work and I feel like I have NO time at home to add another session.

Melanie- I agree with Susan that Jory will always remember the time you shared. That's great that you guys are so close even at his age. It says alot about the way you have raised him. How long do I take the fenugreek for? Just until it increases or do I have to keep taking it? Thats alot of pills.... Good thing I like maple syrup, just don't think I will after....

Susan- How are you doing on the sweets? I made myself eat an apple after lunch to stay away from the candy and its worked so far. When are you introducing cereal to Kara? I've had two people ask me about cereal for James already which I know is a little young. Just curious what your thoughts are....
Oh and I forgot...something I have thought about and then Mel reinforced it when she said she wished she could go for a run with Christine.....

Do you think we could plan a meeting place in the middle for all of us to possibly meet and workout/run one day? Just something to think about...I think it would be very neat and special after all the support/friendship we provide to each other. Maybe even our DH's come along to meet the "crazy online mommies" we talk to. :) I know when I tell DH about something new I learned or if I have a question about something he will ask "What do your online friends say?"
A meeting would be awesome. Maybe sometime we could meet on a Cathe tour or something?

Jen, the maple syrup thing doesn't bother me. For now I'm staying away from sweets...but it didn't effect me. I used it just until my milk supply went up (or came in, for my situation) then the babies took over with milk producation keep up. You should factor in a minimum of 15 minutes for pumping at work every 4 hours. If you could pump for just 5 minutes AFTER feeding James, it will significantly increase your milk supply too.

Susan, my DH goes to bed at 8PM every night (I stay up until midnight) he takes whatever baby is sleeping when he goes to bed. It's usually pretty even as far as which baby goes with him---alternating every day.

Christine, I'm excited about GFW, but don't want to burdon you...whenever you can get it in the mail will be awesome. I'd be really pissed about your peditrician not taking the time to educate themselves before James comes in!! There are alot of drugs that I'm not familiar with...but I educate myself prior to dispensing it!!! URGH! I'm so glad you got a good dr now. :( --on noone else being trained...that's going to take a toll on you, Sweetie. Perhaps with time? .....and GIRL, YOU are the animal!!! That's ALOT of workout!!!

Workout done. CC5, 5.5 miles with 10lb vest on. I love the vest, it really adds to my cardiac output & it's so comfortable. :)
Jen-so far so good on the sweet...eats are perfect so far.
1-kashi, orange
3-tuna with apples and Ellie Kriegers Green Pea Soup
4-will be Odwalla Bar
5-will be chicken, brocolli
6-something very light befroe bed

Jen-I would love to meet everyone! Btw-I will be in Bradenton over Spring far is that from you??

Melanie-I would think with all your nursing and working out that 1800 would not be enough...try uppping it 200 and see what happens.
I need to get a vest too. which one did you get? Was it the Cathe one? I was thinking I want to get her new firewalker band. I hae untying it fast in my workout! Also, anyone want my amy bento all cardio hi low knockout? I cannot do it, too dancy. I also have a ton of billy blanks I no longer want, i always get injured in his workouts... let me know and I will send them. today is going to be a day off for me i think. i am tired and have not had a day off in three weeks. I think i am going backwards in fitness and weight loss becuase my muscled need a breather. I have been a piggy today too. i am making chicken pot pies with biscuits on top for dinner. mmmmm....
so, at the pediatrician yesterda, I went a bit nuts. she was saying that i could use motrin on john in afew months, etc. i had to remind her than he cannot have any products with aspirin or motrin ever, they could kill him. she then asked how to give the shot. she was not sure. are you f-ing kidding me? THank god i knew how, i had a diabetic cat for years so i am good at subcutaneous shots. She then asked me how i would know if there is a muscle or joint bleed. I had to expalin to her teh symptoms. She then asked how they happen, and i looked at her and reminded her they were spontaneous. if she would have asked me another question, i would have punched her.... anyhow, our new pediatrician is having hte entire pediatric hematology group into her office this week so the whole staff and doctor are educated in hemophilia and it's treatment. it is worth the money for him. one other thign about the other pediatrician, she wanted to space his shots out and do one a week, and i said no. she said she was scared to do more than one at a time, and i told her that each shot involves us needing to administer factor 8 by IV, which is 6000 dollars a pop, when you take the cost of medicine and ER time to get he IV done. Oy. Anyhow, had to vent.
We are all grouchy over here today. I am tired. Waves to al you!\
And yes we should get together!!!!
Christine~ have I ever told you how much I adore you? Not just b/c you are giving me your go fit wear....but b/c you crack me up!!! I really like Amy Bento hi/lo Knockout....and would recommend that one of you ladies take her up on this offer!!! It's soooooo fun!

Susan, with the Southbeach Diet, it is recommended that a person limit their carbohydrates (sugars) to help get cravings under control. Your diet is high in carbohydrates....I realize the carbs you selected are complex ones (which is better than simple carbs & awesome for energy)...but it might backfire when attempting to curb sugar cravings in general. Don't get me wrong, your menu is healthy ---just more carb-rich then mine ---which does not mean it's wrong. Urgh! I hope I'm not coming off pushy here----it's so hard to write emotions, isn't it? lol

B: 2 eggs over hard & water
S: Diet Sunkist
L: 1.5 cup chili (yes, I measured it)
S: coffee
D: fried walleye, veggies & milk
S: 1 cup of mixed nuts & milk -or- blueberry protein smoothie

I try to drink 2000ml water throughout the day too!
Melanie-you are not pushy at all. I realize my carbs are pretty high. I am trying to eat healthy and count my cals...that has always worked for me. If you knew howmuch sugar I have been eating my menu today is LO carb lol!!! I need to had a few more veggies today too.
Christine cracks me up sense of humor..and I get a kick out of your typos! I would of been soooo mad at that moron doctor! 6K per IV....geez!

Finally got Kara napping and its about time to go get Haley..I hate waking her up!! AFter I take Haley to gym Im gonna get on the treadmill.
Christine, you don't like Bento? I know you like Cathe & Insanity....who else are you fond of?

I forgot to answer your vest question. I just got the 10lb vest. There's an adjustable one, 10-20lbs....but I figured 10lbs would be enough. It looks like QVC, Kmart, Target,...all carry them. I actually got mine "used" from is steep on site here :(

Susan, I"m glad I didn't offend you. Yes, when it comes to it there's 3500 calories in one pound. Period. I've never had kushi before (unless it was in cereal). I was craving cereal really bad last night. Instead, I had a sugar-free banana nut vitamuffin & two large glasses of water. It did a good job of curbing my craving.

I was going to have a cleaning lady come out tomorrow while we were gone to drs....but now she called & said she couldn't make it. I let my bathrooms get super dirty b/c we've been trying to arrange this for a while. :( So I just spent the last 90 minutes cleaning them bathrooms!!! I woulda rather paid her $20 to do it!!! Oh well! I'll have to find time to wash kitchen floors too. Boo Hoo!
Mel- thanks for the weight vest information. i will look on amazon. i do prime, so I will hunt around for prime shipping. i do not know what i do not like about bento, everyone usually loves her. it might be that she is so happy. sometimes she is just too happy with her heart beat at 180 bpm. and she has great boobs, which always bums me out, because mine are like sagging pancakes after two kids. seriously, she is just too dancy for me, adn I am a slow learner. i really love cathe, insanity, gin miller, the squeeze. i will go through my dvds later and post what ones i do not like and you gals can have them. that way i can get a better idea of the workouts that i have and like. otherwise i always reach for my tried and true favorites, which does get a touch boring after a while.
it is pouring rain here. you would think this is seattle. i have done way too many arts and crafts with Jimmy. We made mail boxes covered in glitter and stickers for valentine's day and will send them to grandma and grandpa. it was fun. i think i will nap today. i want to exercise, but maybe if i just skip today i will be stronger tomorrow...
Melanie-bummer about your cleaning lady! I love to clean, but now find it hard to find the time I used to spend on it. When K naps I workout first and foremost. I try to get stuff done when dh gets home.
Im not a bento fan either. I need to go through my dvds also. I bought a ton of Leslie's to do while pregant so I need to get rid of those.......cannot stand that woman! Maybe one of the newly preggo's wants them.

squirming baby in lap..bbs
Ha! I love Amy Bento, she's like a blonde version of Cathe for me. lol

Christine~ I have DD boobs....but they aren't very firm right now. lol Did you get your nap in? Everyone needs a down day. Tomorrow girls have dr I probably won't workout (unless I do the 4 mi walk w/baby bjorin). Never did squeeze.......tried gin miller years ago. I don't like Christine Taylor....even though lots of people do!

Susan~ that'd be so sweet of you to pass those on to preggos! I passed all my pregnancy books on....twin ones to Brighton. It feels so good to give things away, doesn't it? :D

Allison~ did your day slow down?
With everyone's different sense of humors and personalities on here, I think we'd have a rip roaring time together!!!

Christine- You crack me up with your brutal honesty! That is one of things I appreciate so much about you. I like people to be straight up! I'd love to "see" what w/o's you don't want.

Melanie- You did not sound pushy nor have I ever thought you are. You are such a plethura of knowledge! Sorry about the cleaning lady. I have been putting off cleaning our bathrooms because it just doesn't appeal to me right now. I get in moods to keep different parts of my house clean. The one thing I always HAVE to have clean is the kitchen.

Susan- I thought your menu looked good and healthy and never thought of lowering the carbs to curb sugar cravings. I'm also struggling with increasing veggies.

I did a KPC premix which was nice but now that I am finished working out, I am crabby. No idea why but just in a funk. I think its cause I don't feel like I worked out hard enough and I am getting so frustrated with this belly that I have. It's always the last place I lose weight and firm up and I KNOW this but I want to look cute in my clothes again! Sorry for whining but you are the only ones that understand cause everyone else says "You look great!" "You lost all your weight!" But those are people that don't work out and don't know that my legs and thighs are not as toned and tight or my butt looks wrinkly.

Ok on that note I'm off to watch the Biggest Loser. :)
Jen, KPC is an awesome (un-wussy) workout. You should feel good about it....unless you didn't give it your all (which I doubt is the case). Did I mention that I cleaned my four bathrooms with Cathe's 10 lb weighted vest? lol It really wasn't that bad...except our bathroom shower stall has all these bumpy things that are hard to clean the hardwater stains off of!!

I also get comments such as, "you look great" or "I see you lost all your weight". lol In my twisted head I translate as "you almost look normal" and "I see you are still wearing sweats & must have weight to lose". Instead of graciously saying "thank you", I stupidly say something like this, "yeah right, have close to 20lbs to lose". I hearby declare, the next time I am going to say, "thank you". AND THAT'S IT. :p:p

I"m waiting for the boys to fall asleep (they're in their beds chatting away) then I'm headed down to my elliptical machine. Maddie is SCREAMING & I just know she'll be peaceful in the bjorn!

P.S. Christine, Amy Bento just had her first baby about a week her perky boobies will be going bye-bye ROTFL!!!!
It's 10:39 PM and I finally have a break. Drew decided that today was the day to be awake ALL DAY. Fortunately, MOST nights, he's sleeping through now, anywhere from 10 to 12 hours most of the time. What a relief!

On the topic of weight vests, DH got me one for Christmas. He got it at Dick's. It's a 10 lb one. I wanted the Cathe one, because it looks easier to get on and off and is not as bulky, but DH would be disappointed if I told him what I really wanted. So, I will enjoy the one given to me because my husband thoughtfully remembered me talking about them :)

Christine, I cannot believe the pediatrician was asking you so many questions about hemophilia -- and that she didn't know how to administer his shots. I am thrilled for you guys that you found the concierge doc office. Those were just highlighted on our evening news; the idea is interesting, and in your situation, it's a great setup. Glad you have that option. Let me know what I owe you for the shipping on the Bento DVD(s). :) I'll PM you my address -- and thanks in advance!

Jen, glad you guys enjoyed your "our family only" time :) That's so important too. Sounds like the daycare situation will be positive for you guys. What a relief for you to have found a person and place that feels right. OMG - do I hear you on the flab abs. I still have a few pounds to lose, plus the 10 I wanted to lose before I got pregnant. I know it's a process, and it takes time, but it's still frustrating. I watched BL tonight too -- it hasn't been that exciting this season.

Susan, I'm sorry that Kara's sleep habits are getting spottier. How frustrating. I plan to make Ellie's pea soup next week. Tonight we had her Mom's Meatloaf. Yum!

I would love to meet everyone! I hope Cathe does the Road Trip at her gym this year. I didn't go last year due to being pregnant, but would love to go in '10. I only live about 30 minutes from the gym, so it's an easy trip for me LOL
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Allison, that was really sweet of your DH to buy that vest for you!! Sorry you had a rough day with Drew. :(

We're headed to pediatrician tomorrow so won't be around till late PM. Behave ladies!!! lol

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