Film crew

I'd love to know the answer to this. Will it just be the regular girls this time? (Cedie, Jai, Lorraine & Brenda) Thanks for asking this question!

I would love to see the new crew members in STS Cardio and of course, Jai, Lorraine, Cedie and Brenda
Can I volunteer to be ON the STS cardio crew??? LOL - figured while everyone was askin' about the crew, I'd throw my name into the ring ;)
I hope the guys are included in the cardio series. I like the co-ed aspect. But please, bring the guys out of the shadows!! Mix them in more - and more equally ;-).

I hope the guys are included in the cardio series. I like the co-ed aspect. But please, bring the guys out of the shadows!! Mix them in more - and more equally ;-).


Do you think the guys could "keep up"? I am not so sure.... ;)

The more I think about it, the more I feel Cathe will probably stick with her regular crew which will be easier since there will be less of a need to rehearse (they are familiar with Cathe's choreography) and probably cheaper in the long run for SNM.

I can't wait to hear who will be in the new workouts!

Although if they are trying to keep the same "look and feel" as STS Strength, they should use the same crew that they used in that series...
I can't really imagine what it would look like to have a bunch of guys stepping behind Cathe??? ;) MMA could be cool for them though. And no, there is nothing wrong with guys stepping, I just have a feeling none of those guys have ever done it before! ;)
I am definitely hoping that the guys are included and not always in the very back. My husband is doing STS with me and he definitely enjoyed it more because men were included. He would probably be more apt to do STS- cardio (especially the MMA and heavy bag workout) if men were an intergral part of it.

I also agree that using the same crew would give STS cardio and strength the same
"look and feel."

I go to advanced step class at the gym and guys are in that class and have no more or less of a problem learning the routine or keeping up with the instructor.

Also I know from some of my other DVDs that Deazie has been in many cardio workouts and I doubt that she would have undue difficulty learning the routines
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I can't really imagine what it would look like to have a bunch of guys stepping behind Cathe??? ;) MMA could be cool for them though. And no, there is nothing wrong with guys stepping, I just have a feeling none of those guys have ever done it before! ;)

Nothing wrong with guys stepping???? You got that right :) . Tell you what, just in case you don't think guys can keep up...what would you say to a step-off challenge smack down....?
Power 15...30...45 anyone??? Straddle tap 'til you puke???? Game on.
guys can step too

When I was in college I took a year of live step class and there were always a few guys in the class and they did fine. I don't know why guys don't do this stuff. There are lots of men who do ballroom dancing. When I was going out dancing all the time there were lots of men to dance with. So, you would think the same kinds of guys would do step. I would think it was cool to have guys do step. Maybe they would need a bigger board for their feet. :eek:
When I was in college I took a year of live step class and there were always a few guys in the class and they did fine. I don't know why guys don't do this stuff. There are lots of men who do ballroom dancing. When I was going out dancing all the time there were lots of men to dance with. So, you would think the same kinds of guys would do step. I would think it was cool to have guys do step. Maybe they would need a bigger board for their feet. :eek:

I took an informal poll of the guys who work for me and my DH and the answer to why guys don't do this stuff was almost unanimous 14/15 said Richard Simmons. Apparently that is what has turned the guys I know at least off of even the word aerobics.
This discussion inspired me to do Cardio Fusion today. Let's just say...I totally destroyed it (and didn't feel much like Richard Simmons :)).
Thats awesome. Please don't get me wrong, I did not mean to imply that anyone should feel like that. I just did not understand why guys would not give step a try so I asked them.
it's all good, WISP...just having a few laughs.
Now on to other things...I believe that there is a challenge on the table. Any takers??? How about at the RT - maybe youtube....come on ladies...watcha got???? :)

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