
Rythmic Step is so fun! It was my first Cathe purchase. I had DVRed from FITTV and was using it, but hated to commercials so I finally bought it. High Intensity Step from the 4DS series is also a blast. From what I remember Step Blast was also good, but I haven't bought it yet and its been a long time since I've done it. Body Max 2 also has a fun step routine... There's so many good ones!
Oh my, so many to choose from...:eek:

Do you have a preference? Do you like more athletic style step or more complex-choreo step (aka-dancy)? If you're like me, then BOTH :eek:

Choices for athletic-type step (in no particular preference order):

1) Athletic Training
2) Intensity (slight learning curve)
3) Imax 1 (the original)
4) Body Max 1 (the original), Body Max 2 (learning curve)
5) Athletic Step (learning curve)

These all feature plenty of "basic" step moves like power 3's, 7's, 15's, repeaters, L-steps, knee's around the world, box jumps, ect.

Choices for complex-type step:

1) 4 Day Split High Intensity/Low Intensity Step
2) Rhythmic Step
3) Step Moves
4) Low Impact Challenge (from the Low Impact Series)
5) Step Blast

Honorable mentions (both athletic-style + complex):

1) Imax 2, 3

LOL, I think I mentioned every single Cathe step workout! :eek: :D
I think if I have to chose Id go with Step Blast. Recently i did Step Heat from the classics and although it is shorter I really enjoyed it. :)
Step Blast & Rhythmic Step are my favorites! I can really get into these. Great music on both in my opinion!:D
Tomorrow ive got Step Fit on the agenda. (An oldie but goodie!!) Oh I also really like Low Max. Just felt like joining the forum and talking a lil step!! :)
Step blast and step portion of step jump pump... then a toss btw body max 2 amd low impact circuit! Love the music in all of them
So many like step blast and step jump pump maybe it would be great to have a 2 ! With same kiind of music. I loved loved. It!
I really do LOVE them all. Nothing better than complex step choreography though so I pick...

Double Cardio premix from 4DS High Intensity/Low Intensity Step:):):)

Hmmm this got me thinking I should do some step tomorrow.
I like Imax 3 because it's a doozy, but if I want something more in the fun camp and less in the kick butt camp, I would say Rhythmic Step is fun. I also like Step Blast.

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