Favorite first signs of Spring?


Hopefully, this won't become a controversial thread :p (not that there's anything WRONG with them...:rolleyes:), but, as another freezing cold day has ended (high 18 degrees) with a tantalizing forecast of 40+ degrees tomorrow, I'm seriously looking forward to springtime!

So, what are your favorite signs of spring or what do you enjoy most about spring?

Let's see, mine are:

1. buds on trees
2. crocuses
3. peepers (those tiny, noisey frogs)
1. Not bundling up as I go out the door and being able to just slip on a pair of shoes to go out.

2. Less clutter in the mud room

3. Birds

4. Longer days and not driving home in the dark

I could go on and on. Off to Florida next week and so looking forward to it as we've had winter since November here....
My favorite thing about spring is being able to wear whatever I want and still be comfortable: long sleeves, short sleeves, jeans, shorts. There is a short period of time where that happens, but I love it!
Hi Jonahnah,

Prepare to be flamed...your list is ALL wrong. Your numbers 4,5 are my number 1!! ;)

For me sunshine/warmth are the best reminders that winter's on its way out. Since moving back to a more temperate climate I was surprised at how down/anxious I'd feel when it got dark so quickly...like time was running out on me. A bright sky REALLY improves my mood, makes me think of better days ahead and puts more spring in my step (pun intended-haha). Plus right now the UK is having the biggest 'snow event' it's had in 18 years. It's been all consuming all week...yeesh. So especially now I'm thinking bring on spring.


P.S. Was that controversial enuff for ya?? :)

Hopefully, this won't become a controversial thread :p (not that there's anything WRONG with them...:rolleyes:), but, as another freezing cold day has ended (high 18 degrees) with a tantalizing forecast of 40+ degrees tomorrow, I'm seriously looking forward to springtime!

So, what are your favorite signs of spring or what do you enjoy most about spring?

Let's see, mine are:

1. buds on trees
2. crocuses
3. peepers (those tiny, noisey frogs)
More sunshine!!!!

As the days get a little longer and the sun stays up later, i feel more energized.

I also love the birds chirping
Temps above freezing
Smell of flowers and trees

I want to be OUTSIDE!!!!

Come on Spring!!!!

Wow, springtime is snowstorm season for us! But you can smell and feel spring in the air. I love the extra hours of sunshine and the promise of warmer weather.
What a great post. I was just thinking about this early this morning. For me it's the first morning I wake up and hear birds chirping...I get all warm and tingly over that! (Hopefully sometime soon - right?)

I love driving down the drive way and rounding the corner to all the dogwoods. They do not last long but when they are here they are the prettiest thing in my yard. Seeing as I have a black thumb and nothing can live that I touch...they are relatively safe since they were here before me.;)
I like it to be light when I get up. Getting up in the dark is just....hard...., especially when the house is chilly...I also like the smell of the air when spring is coming and the warmer days mean kids outside more instead of bouncing off the walls inside the house.

(Unfortunately the warmer weather brings out the noisy neighbors who seem to think that we ALL like their music at REALLY loud levels:mad:)

1. Being able to open the windows to air out the house

2. Watching DH come out of his annual, winter-induced funk. :)

I'm totally with laughingwater here.

1. I need to be able to open windows. I hate the smells inside a house at the end of winter. It's just so stale and cruddy....

2. And my DH can do what he likes, I can't wait to get out of my own SAD induced depression and stop hibernating. I want to LIVE AGAIN!!!!!!!

Roll on April (Spring may be here by then in MI!!!)

I love waking up to the birds singing. I love when everything starts to bloom and looks to green and colorful. I love that first morning I wake up and the trees are full and green again. Sometimes it's like I notice it all at once and it just seems to happen overnight. I love when the morning and evening are cool and the afternoon is warm.
Great thread -
1. Peepers
2. Bullfrogs - I have the loudest one in the pond across the street from me -
OK maybe that's a little later in the season
3. The smell of lilacs
4. Seeing the first crocus blooming and Robin in my yard
5. The smell of the first cut grass
6. Seeing this years family of baby ducks on the pond across the street
I would like to see Robin in my yard this spring!! Robin, can you come over?

(Sorry....I just couldn't resist!)

My next door neighbor was Robin and I liked to see her in my yard come spring along with the first robin. Nice catch.
1. my snow crocuses blooming (then regular crocuses, then tulips, then hyacinths..)
2. birds returning (I saw a robin yesterday!)
3. no more cold!
4. the smell of lilies-of-the-valley and lilacs
5. the smell of spring mud (!)
6. waking up to light, and still having light outside after I drive home from work
7. putting away the winter coats
8. being able to open the windows (the cats LOVE this sign of spring) and air out the house.
Signs of Spring

I echo most everyone's sentiments. Spring makes me feel much more energized and motivated. I am always so relieved when the winter season has passed. In the spring I enjoy.....

  • Seeing everything bloom and blossom.
  • Being able to spend time outdoors.
  • Admiring the birds that visit our yard for food.
  • Watching our dogs bask in the sunshine.
  • Longer, warmer, sunnier days!

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