Farrah's Story


I figured someone would post about this but I guess I'll take the plunge.

I saw it over the w/e. My god, how heartbreaking! And even still she looks beautiful. I swear, when she took her hat off after she lost her hair I had a meltdown.

I was wondering why she filmed this entire ordeal from start to almost finish, & it occurred to me that at first she likely thought she'd survive & that it would be inspiring to others.

It also occurred to me that it was her last grab at the spotlight and dammit, after all she's been through she deserves it.

Ryan O'Neal has been really something for her. For some reason I'd thought they divorced a long time ago, but he's been by her side through this entire thing. He said there would never be another Farrah for him, she was the love of his life.

I'll always remember her as Jill Munroe on Charlie's Angels. I was 8 years old when that show started & they were my heroes. Farrah is still a hero as far as I'm concerned.
My brother had cancer and died a year and 1/2 after he was diagnosed. After watching him slowly fade away I have no interest in voluntarily watching someone go through the horrors associated with that disease.

As far as Farrah herself goes, I don't remember her so much for her role as one of Charlie's Angels but rather the train wreck that her life became. There certainly has been collateral damage, as evidenced by her son and Ryan Oneil's children.

Did her documentary cover only her struggle with cancer or did she also address personal regrets and/or contentment with choices she made over the course of her life?
I thought about watching it but then figured I'd cry through the whole thing.

What strikes me is how devastated Ryan looks in interviews. That man is the picture of heartbreak, so much so that it hurts to look at him.

(I may toughen up and watch it later down the road.)
My brother had cancer and died a year and 1/2 after he was diagnosed. After watching him slowly fade away I have no interest in voluntarily watching someone go through the horrors associated with that disease.

As far as Farrah herself goes, I don't remember her so much for her role as one of Charlie's Angels but rather the train wreck that her life became. There certainly has been collateral damage, as evidenced by her son and Ryan Oneil's children.

Did her documentary cover only her struggle with cancer or did she also address personal regrets and/or contentment with choices she made over the course of her life?

No, it was just about the cancer. So sad. The hardest part was watching her so hopeful every time she got tested, & the way she crashed when she got bad results.

I didn't know her life had become a train wreck. I remember one episode she had on Letterman when she acted a little nutty. What else happened?
I'll always remember her as Jill Munroe on Charlie's Angels. I was 8 years old when that show started & they were my heroes. Farrah is still a hero as far as I'm concerned.

Laura we are about the same age. :) I *loved* Charlie's Angels when I was 8/9. LOVED it. Had the t-shirt and the trading cards and the dolls.

May she be free of suffering.

Dammit I missed it. I seen it advertised and forgot to set my DVR. Does anyone know if it will be replayed?

Yes, Farrah did have a trainwreck of a life. But no matter what, she is an icon of our time.
Alana Stewart, her friend and producer, said that Farrah did the doc to bring attention to this particular cancer and the fact that there is little research and funding for it.
It's anal cancer - one that generallly plays fair and the doc quoted cure rates upwards of 90percent...hers is a very rare aggressive form, but even so, it seemed they were optimistic on its being treatable, just hers seems to have gone too far and knocked the stuffins out of her....In 20 years of nursing, of course,I'm not oncology,I'm critical care, I've never seen this one...

I hope that the time comes when hospice can step in for her...poor little thing...she brought beauty into the world and did some fine films that made one think....
Can anal cancer be detected by colonoscopy?

I know Farrah did not want a colostomy- could that have affected her chances of survival?
Actually I think what will kill her is the liver cancer. She does have anal cancer, a tumor was removed but grew back. However it spread to her liver, she had that tumor removed & treated, & something like 3 more showed up. :(

I still don't get why her life was a train wreck though. I thought she did OK. Crap, that woman is a ginormous celeb & of course a few stupid things will be caught on tape. God knows if the papparazzi was interested in me my life would look more like a 747 airplane crash than a train wreck. :eek:
I have lost both of my parents to cancer and found Farrah's documentary extremely well done. Her goal was twofold, to bring attention to the lack of research of various forms of cancer, and to ask the huge question as to why alternative treatments that have met with success are not accessible in this country.

It was real, it was raw in spots, and it didn't sugarcoat the issue. That is what cancer is about..the mental battle as well as the physical. I thought it was tasteful and I appreciated what she used her celebrity to do.
I hope the questions that she addressed receive due diligence.
I commend her effort to inspire others in this situation, and I hope it brings her peace.

BTW..she was initially diagnosed with anal cancer, then it spread to her liver.
I think it was very inspiring and very sad at the same time! Whatever she has done in her life that makes people think she was a train wreck, I have nothing but the greatest respect for how she handles this very difficult situation!

I just have to say that I didn't see her do any "alternative" treatments. All the treatments that were shown were very specialized conventional treatments. It kind of surprised me, I know the clinic that she went to, it's just an hour drive from my hometown and my Grandma went there for her cancer treatment. I know they use vitamins to booste the immune system and dietary changes. It didn't look like FF did any of that.

She did chemo and radiation when she was initially diagnosed and 18 months later they found lessions on her liver. As to the cancer spreading to the liver, it is a little talked about fact that chemotherapy drugs are carcinogenic as well as mutagenic and are particularly toxic to the liver.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't she have to go to Germany to receive some treatments because they don't do them here?
I had also wanted to watch that & missed it, I will look at it on line. Sounds like I need a box of tissues handy.

It is very sad to see someone suffer like that. I also grew up on Charlies Angels. Had the Farah doll! I will always picture her in that poster with the red bathing suit!!

Does she say how it was first detected?

I pray her agony is not prolonged & she goes peacefully.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't she have to go to Germany to receive some treatments because they don't do them here?

That is correct! But the treatments were conventional treatments like surgery, perfusion and embolization (both surgical procedures) which were done at the University Clinic of Frankfurt, by no means an alternative medicine stronghold ;) Embolization also includes bringing a chemotherapy drug directly at the site of the tumor instead of through the bloodstream. Even Dr. Jacobs who was her treating physician in Germany is utilizing a conventional approach supported by boosting the immune system to enable the body to withstand the highly toxic conventional treatments. I know Dr. Jacobs also is a proponent of nutritional/dietary changes but watching the documentary it didn't appear that FF was following any of that.
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Thank you for the link to see her story.

Farrah, what can I say; my idol as a young person, who I so much wanted to look like. The beauty, confidence, glamor...

To see a wonderful famous person nearing her life, is always so sad. She's awesome to let us in on her life and to give us a glimpse to see what she is suffering from, in hopes that it can help people. Even took on the right for privacy while she is so sick. She still is making a difference in this world. There is so much to say about Farrah, and so little space to wright it in.

May God protect and guide her to heaven when it's time. I'm so sorry that she has to go through this. My heart is broken seeing her suffer. I also hope that what she is showing us will awaken our health programs to alternative treatments that have shown great promise in other countries, and to apply them to our sick, here, in the United States.


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