Farrah's Story

I watched it Sunday afternoon when they re-ran it on Oxygen. My husband came in about half way through, and after about fifteen minutes, he asked me why anyone would want someone videotaping all of this. A few minutes later, there was a commercial for that asinine "Tori & Dean" show, and I asked my husband if he thought that was a more worthwhile use of videotape.

I, too, loved Farrah Fawcett in Charlie's Angels. I even bought a skateboard because of her (remember that episode?).

It doesn't sound like her situation is too optimistic. I hope she's not suffering too much.
She did chemo and radiation when she was initially diagnosed and 18 months later they found lessions on her liver. As to the cancer spreading to the liver, it is a little talked about fact that chemotherapy drugs are carcinogenic as well as mutagenic and are particularly toxic to the liver.

That was one of the major points of her story--near the end Ryan said it took at least two hours to find a vein, & that it was torturous & painful, for the treatments b/c they'd been so damaged by the chemo. She said chemo had pretty much destroyed her insides.

It's not optimistic at all. She's dying. At this point it's probably a matter of weeks, if not days.
Can anal cancer be detected by colonoscopy?

I know Farrah did not want a colostomy- could that have affected her chances of survival?

It can be detected during an ordinary digital exam, which is part of most annual physical exams. It is a rare cancer, and the numbers who die from it are small. It appears to be linked to human papilloma virus, but this is not known for certain yet.
Yeah, it was sad to hear her talk about having had her body destroyed by chemo! I am kind of surprised though that they didn't put a port in place because chemo is extremely damaging to veins. Most patients going through chemo have a port implanted.

I guess the justification for chemo is that they hope it kills the cancer cells before it kills the patient. A lot of cancer patients don't die from cancer but instead of the treatment.

I agree it is not looking good. Once the metastasis are in the liver the prospects become pretty bleak, although there is a guy at my oncologist's office who had stage IV pancreatic cancer with mets to the liver, bone and a few other spots and his are gone, still cancer free 2 years later. I think there is always hope and sometimes miracles do happen.

When her son came to visit and she didn't recognize him I thought the same thing, this is not going to be a matter of if but a matter of when. Very sad!
she has anal cancer and it has spread to her liver and other place. it is very bad. and , it is sad, very sad, but as far as the train wreck thing, that is what fame and fortune gets ya, as far as i'm concerned. she grew up a normal girl here in texas, corpus christi, went to UT, and then got famous. that seems to be what happens to all of them when they get rich and famous. look at all the child stars and how screwed up their lives are, it is very sad. MONEY does NOT buy happiness or contentment. all ya have to do is look at hollywood for that.
I watched this on the computer y'day afternoon. I don't have the patience to get through u-tube clips half the time yet I was "glued" to this program. It made me cry yet it was very inspirational. She is a very vibrant and strong woman. I admire her deeply for how she has handled this disease and the ups and downs that she has been through. I don't know what the future holds for her (though I tend to agree with those of you who don't think it looks good.), but I just hope that no matter what happens, she knows that if she ultimately loses the battle, that it will not be in vain.

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