Excellent program to watch: The Truth About Exercise


Hi everyone:

my husband drew my attention to this science program that screened on British TV recently and it has some excellent points to make. The main presenter is a doctor, an MD, who has several important questions to ask of researchers throughout the UK into exercise physiology.

Basically, he wants to know if the old model of 40 min jogs through the park and the current government guidelines for exercise are still valid and how can your average Joe Bloggs lose weight and get healthier.

The first section involves HiiT and Tabata training, which most of us are already convinced about, although the evidence of this exercise protocol upon the body is still surprising.

The second section is the most important, in my opinion, because it states clearly and concisely that the biggest threat to all of us, even if we do HiiT and tabata training and/or regularly visit the gym, is the sedentary lifestyle. The experiments done in this section are so illuminating, it is well worth watching and showing to any sedentary person you have in your life. Wow.

This is a fabulous program, I can't recommend it enough. It will provide food for thought. I really enjoyed it, plus the presenter is a sweet, funny guy who has to accept bad news about his own health prospects.......(enjoy all the different accents too!)

Horizon - The Truth About Exercise (BBC, 2012) - YouTube

Hi Clare

I watched that when it aired over here a little while ago. Thanks for flagging it up. It's made me very aware of my NEAT index and now I'm in a full time office situation, so have had to reduce my daily workout I try to leave the desk and move around at every opportunity even if I don't get to jab cross jab and roundhouse every visitor that comes to reception.

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Hi Clare,
This program is excellent! I learned that we need to move every hour. The chair is a killer. I have a desk job and I sit in a chair most of the day. I have to make an effort to move around as much as possible. :D

Great program. I'm going to recommend this to my friends. Thanks for sharing!

wow; bloody fascinating! Thanks for sharing!

I am sedentary all day long at work but not only for back issues I will make an effort to get up and walk around every hour.
I also am glad that I love my Cathe workouts, HiiT or Not:)
Excellent! I'm glad some of you are getting joy from watching this and spreading it to friends and family.

Needless to say, my husband and I watched this program standing up!

I'm a huge fan of BBC, health/fitness documentaries, and I believe I watched this some time ago (I'll watch it again just to refresh my memory). I always took it to heart when my grandmother and great-grandmother would encourage me and my cousins as children to "get off our butts and go play outside". Walking, moving, being active, enjoying outdoor activities, is extremely encouraged throughout the Italian culture. If you go to Italy, everyone walks & bikes EVERYWHERE. You often see seniors 65+ and beyond still enjoying an evening stroll, tending their gardens, riding bikes, fit and happy. This kind of lifestyle is the one that I whole-heartily believe keeps me from gaining unwanted pounds, and have easily adapted to.

Wonderful video Clare. Thank you for sharing :)

Maybe I'll bring in a fitness ball to sit on and a mat to do some pushups. I can just imagine the looks I'll get at the office. :D These folks will probably think I'm a nut. LOL
I haven't watched the video yet but I read an article that was based on an Australian study that sounds like it had the same findings...after reading that article I bought a second rebounder and brought it into my office. I rebound every hour now. Luckily I can close the door to my office :)
This makes me so thankful that my job allows me to be active all day. I actually have to remind my self to take a break and sit for a few minutes because being on your feet all day like I usually am is not good for your circulation. I work in a hospital and I go from patient room to patient room while pushing around my computer cart. I have an office and can choose to work from my desk by calling the patients instead of going to their rooms, but I much prefer to move around. I only choose the desk option on days that I'm not feeling my best (TTOM days).
I was just saying to a friend today that I'd like to get a stability ball for sitting at my desk thinking it would be better than sitting in a chair. Read the research and it does not appear to the be the case, so will pass on that.

I get up from my desk frequently, but am still basically at my desk most of day. Trying to think of ways to improve that. Was thinking I'd bring my medicine ball to work and when I get up I could do some core or upper body. If anybody has any suggestions on how to get the body moving at a desk job (where I can't get up and take a walk) , would love to hear them.
Thanks for posting this video Clare....very interesting!

Makes me want to find a study and check my genes.....

I love the pacing of the BBC shows, they are a pleasure to watch.
(3)Fantastic program. Makes me want to see how my genes are. I will be doing 3 HiiTs a week using Cathe's DVD's and really applying myself like my life is in danger in order to make it work. Or go to the beach and run like crazy for 20 sec.

How much of a rest do you get between the (3) 20 second exertions?

Found my answer. It would be 10 seconds. There are variations and can be as long as 15-20 minutes per session three times a week. I'm ready.

Thank you for the link, it was an eye opener and to get up off of that chair. MOVE!

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Coolio, Clare! Thank you for sharing! Can't wait to check it out!


Hi everyone:

my husband drew my attention to this science program that screened on British TV recently and it has some excellent points to make. The main presenter is a doctor, an MD, who has several important questions to ask of researchers throughout the UK into exercise physiology.

Basically, he wants to know if the old model of 40 min jogs through the park and the current government guidelines for exercise are still valid and how can your average Joe Bloggs lose weight and get healthier.

The first section involves HiiT and Tabata training, which most of us are already convinced about, although the evidence of this exercise protocol upon the body is still surprising.

The second section is the most important, in my opinion, because it states clearly and concisely that the biggest threat to all of us, even if we do HiiT and tabata training and/or regularly visit the gym, is the sedentary lifestyle. The experiments done in this section are so illuminating, it is well worth watching and showing to any sedentary person you have in your life. Wow.

This is a fabulous program, I can't recommend it enough. It will provide food for thought. I really enjoyed it, plus the presenter is a sweet, funny guy who has to accept bad news about his own health prospects.......(enjoy all the different accents too!)

Horizon - The Truth About Exercise (BBC, 2012) - YouTube

I really think that he has made some good points. I have a miniature cycle that I stuck under my desk that I just pedal lightly when I'm on the phone, the computer, or watching a webinar. Its not that it influences my total caloric output, it just means I'm not just sitting there like a bump on a log.
I really think that he has made some good points. I have a miniature cycle that I stuck under my desk that I just pedal lightly when I'm on the phone, the computer, or watching a webinar. Its not that it influences my total caloric output, it just means I'm not just sitting there like a bump on a log.

Where did you get this RapidBreath? I also sit at a desk all day after being at home for 20 years where I was very active going hither and yon with housework, kids, dogs. And now I just SIT SIT SIT SIT and I do not like it, not one little BIT!

BTW I loved this video. My DH and I just sat :( and watched this. The British guy was a kick! He was such a spaz on the bike. My DH said his flailing around reminded him of a monkey! We laughed and enjoyed this video.
I read mixed opinions online about using the fitness ball as a chair. Many say it's okay to do in 30 min increments; but not entire work day. I plan to mix the fitness ball into my day. I tested it on Friday and I found that it helps me get up more often to move around. So I will give it a go soon. :D
Ok I saw it. Very interesting. Ii sit at work all day to. I try to stand a lot but kinda hard when ur job is insurance papers and appointment scheduling. I get up and move around and go. To the back. I also do xrays so I love getting up to do that. I still feel im not movinng enough

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