EB and unwanted advertising - vent

OKAY, OKAY, OKAY...time to stop screwing around and go do my workout.

I have a date with Cathe and 4DS/LIS.

See you chickens later...

Hee, get it? That was pun...eggs...chickens. No? Okay...:confused:

Shilly McShill Shill. Hee! >snorts< :p
OKAY, OKAY, OKAY...time to stop screwing around and go do my workout.

I have a date with Cathe and 4DS/LIS.

See you chickens later...

Hee, get it? That was pun...eggs...chickens. No? Okay...:confused:

Shilly McShill Shill. Hee! >snorts< :p

<snort, snort> (yea, call it laughter! When I laugh hard, I snort!) Really! :p:D
Eminenz2 , enjoy your workout! (and I think you're hilarious! But, of course, I've read more than your five or six posts on this thread, so, I have a better idea!;))
Oy, the marketing department of Eggland's Best is coming out in droves. Didn't know they worked on Sundays :eek: True dedication!

So many new members, just for this thread. Wow!
Oy, the marketing department of Eggland's Best is coming out in droves. Didn't know they worked on Sundays :eek: True dedication!

So many new members, just for this thread. Wow!

What B.S. I counted only 3 other people who posted that are fairly new. So you are trying to discredit everyone posts that disagree by inferring that they work for EB. Nice try. I suppose if you don't agree with your thinking then everyone else is wrong or is a spy.

I just happen to think that there are a lot of people on this site who act like they are 12yrs old. Cathe is not your property and what she does is her business. If you don't like it then move on.
What B.S. I counted only 3 other people who posted that are fairly new. So you are trying to discredit everyone posts that disagree by inferring that they work for EB. Nice try. I suppose if you don't agree with your thinking then everyone else is wrong or is a spy.

I just happen to think that there are a lot of people on this site who act like they are 12yrs old. Cathe is not your property and what she does is her business. If you don't like it then move on.

Yeah, welcome to the forum! Nice introduction :D
Wow that is harsh--especially coming from someone who just joined. We can have different opinions but we can also be civil!
Thanks, I've lurked enough to know how you respond to posts. You get pretty nasty with your attacks. So I really don't give a rats patoot about your put downs. Or your opinion.

Oy! Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed :confused:
Don't sweat the small stuff...... Life has enough potential problems, don't go looking for more.

Great advice. It will save you so much strees and heartache and problems. It works like a charm.

REALLY??? I want to see the business that survives, particularly in challenging times who does not care about their customers' opinion.

You assume all or most customers share the same opinion. We don't. A lot of people didn't want STS or the Hardcores. Should Cathe have skipped either series because some customers didn't want it? I don't care if Cathe promotes eggs. I don't care if Cathe sends me an email promoting eggs. It's easy enough for me to extract myself from the situation if it bugs me.

Carola, I am not at all directing this at you, it just happens to come after a response to you. Our society has really gotten self centered. My opinion. My feelings. Me, my, I, I, I. Our sense of entitlement is out of control and this thread highlights that. Buy eggs or don't buy eggs. Buy DVDs or don't buy them. It doesn't matter. If it bothers you so much, remove yourself from the situation. If enough people did that, maybe Cathe will rethink it. If you can live with Cathe promoting EB eggs, then live with it. I know the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but no one is forced to participate.

Every time I see EB, I think of EB games.
Our society has really gotten self centered. My opinion. My feelings. Me, my, I, I, I. Our sense of entitlement is out of control and this thread highlights that. Buy eggs or don't buy eggs. Buy DVDs or don't buy them. It doesn't matter. If it bothers you so much, remove yourself from the situation. If enough people did that, maybe Cathe will rethink it. If you can live with Cathe promoting EB eggs, then live with it. I know the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but no one is forced to participate.

I'm seriously not taking this personally- and I'm not trying to be all flamey or anything- I get what you're saying - but almost all of the threads on this forum are about peoples' opinions, questions, thoughts and ideas. I like reading about all the diverse Cathe collective. Some of us share minority opinions. Why are we the only ones who should shut up and go away?

I don't feel entitled to have the world arranged according to my likes and dislikes. It's just that since this is an "open discussion" forum, people are permitted to express opinions, within certain parameters. So...what? :confused:
I'm seriously not taking this personally- and I'm not trying to be all flamey or anything- I get what you're saying - but almost all of the threads on this forum are about peoples' opinions, questions, thoughts and ideas. I like reading about all the diverse Cathe collective. Some of us share minority opinions. Why are we the only ones who should shut up and go away?

I don't feel entitled to have the world arranged according to my likes and dislikes. It's just that since this is an "open discussion" forum, people are permitted to express opinions, within certain parameters. So...what? :confused:

Don't take it personally. It's not meant to be personal. It's one thing to have an opinion. It's another to think your opinion is the most important one there is or the only one there is. I don't expect everyone to like Cathe or whatever because I do. I like Cathe. I don't feel the need to defend it or convert people that aren't interested.

Cathe has done things that I disagree with. That series she released in 2006 bugged me big time. But I didn't hound her over it. In fact, I tried to come up with a solution for both of us (suggested she start a blog). But in that case, I had choices. I could cancel my preorder or stick with her. She had already said the DVDs would come out when they come out (more or less). If I don't like that, I can deal or get my money back. It's her business. I am only her customer. I don't decide how she runs her business. I decide how I spend my money. That's all I can do.

I'd also like to add that I'm not so juvenile that I would "one star" someone's thread because I don't like what they say.
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I'm not taking it personally - just wondering and wanting some clarification.

I don't think anyone's hounding Cathe. Just participating voluntarily in a forum.

So, please don't worry about us! We're happy talking about eggs. Those of us who don't want to talk about eggs don't have to participate, as you have rightly pointed out.

Having been a teacher for 16 years now - wow! - I can tell you that the minute I get too self-centered I have 500 little human beings reminding me that no, it is not about you, Ms. G., it is, in fact, about us. And I say that sincerely with all the good humor and affection that someone who's stuck around that long has to have. :)

Now let's make sure we play nice. It's just eggs. (I also say that with humor and affection, too).

We really need a 'tongue in cheek' smiley icon. ;)

Those on the forums who 'know' me know that my posts are usually not deadly serious, and I do like to have a bit of fun. I hope I am self-deprecating enough to laugh at myself and not take myself too seriously (and know there are plenty of Cathletes around to kick me in the self-righteous a$$ when I need it!). After all, when I read about how other people are living around the world, I do remember how lucky I am to have such issues as my God, Cathe's hawking eggs!

See, that's the whole thing - it's just eggs! Why was it irritating me? I don't know! But it's OK to talk it out. You know, put down some words and see how they look, get someone else's opinion, laugh at yourself...

I can tell you now, it's certainly not as important as it was two hours ago! But we had a very good conversation, a couple of laughs, and just forgot about the really hard things for awhile, right? No harm - no foul?

NOW I am going to do something of monumental importance - go to Facebook and load up some pictures! I may actually change the course of human history!

Shilly McShill Shill >Snort!<:p

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