Do You Think...


...we tend to be more critical of our lower abs and "pooches" because of these crazy low waisted pants they make? I have recently been forced to buy those low waisted capri's and shorts. (Thank god Levis still makes regular jeans or I would probably cry). I really think these are not a good look for a woman of 40 who has given birth to 2 kids. Quite frankly, and maybe I am in the minority, but who in their right mind decided that the 70's had sported good fashion. I'll tell you they sure didn't consult me! I also have the problem with the fact that they pucker in the back. My SIL has gratiously offered to put a dart in my shorts, but then I need a top to cover it. I work out regularly and don't look too bad, but those low waisted fashions are not at all flattering to the waistline. Now those of you who are a size 2 or 4, probably look great in these. However, I wish they would offer both high and low waisted pants and shorts to us who are an 8. I know I'm problably stuck in the 90's, but I think they should be sold in the juniors dept. not Misses. Ok, I'm done venting. I guess I'll have to hit the abs 5x instead of 3x per week. :eek:
It took me awhile to get used to the look of low rise, and not to focus on the tummy area. But that being said, I LOVE my low rise jeans. I sure hope they stay around awhile. But it would be nice if stores offered more of a variety for people who don't like the low rise look.

I have actually gotten my abs to where I am happy with them, I am not totally satisfied, I will keep working them hard, but my pooch isn't much a a pooch anymore, I can wear low rise with NO problems.... Rhonda:7
I'm with you -- I am really tired of seeing girls in low rise jeans with their undies sticking out of the back -- and then there are those who definitely should NOT wear these pants...
I bought a pair about 2 years ago, and sure, they looked great -- but no way could I bend over without showing my underwear and I felt like my crack was always showing. I ended up giving them to GoodWill.

I couldn't wear pants like that even if I wanted to now -- I'm 9 months pregnant! I hope to GOD these low rise jeans won't be the style when my daughter becomes a teenager. If she started dressing like Britney Spears, I'd have to lock her in her room until she was 30!!!

Most fashion experts agree that having a jean with a rise 3 inches lower than your waist is most flattering to your figure even if you have a little pooch. Low rise jeans are not made just so you can show your belly button. You can still wear them with a long sleeve (or 3/4 sleeve) shirt and look classy. I have to admit I didn't agree with the experts just because I hate when underwear shows over the pants so I went and bought regular rise jeans over the internet a couple of weeks ago. I had to return them all because I just looked odd. My hips and butt looked huge and I looked a whole lot older than I am. For my figure a little bit of a low rise (not dangerously low) works better.
I'm not forty yet but getting close and although I don't look too bad I to have a small pooch. I have two kids so there you go I'm sure they are the reason I have the pooch. The thing I hate about the low rise is the back of your behind showing when you sit down. It seems there should be a way that they can make them not to tight on your bottom but low enough on your waist to be complimentary. Not too low because it's like someone mentioned, Britney Spears has a nice body but I don't want to dress like her. I do think you can wear the longer shirts or double your t-shirts one longer the other slightly shorter. I think we can still look our age and wear them as long we don't look like we are auditioning for a music video. I do understand were your coming from.
I love low rise and am so glad they are here. I can't wear pants that sit at the waist and i can't wear panty hose for the same reason. I feel as if I'm all trussed up like a chicken and can't breathe. I hate anything around my natural waistline and for years had to buy skirts and things in a bigger size so they would hang lower on my hips for comfort sake, so newer cuts in low rise jeans and skirts suit me just fine. Who cares about pooch? 99% of the world does not have washboard abs, and I don't wear things, so...........

BTW: I'm 39, 2 kids, I reckon men actually like women's bellies and their roundness, I look better in pants than most of the students I teach and at 39, I'm way to young for Granny pants!

I hope low rise is here to stay!

Clare I feel the same way you do. I hated stockings and high jeans. They always made me feel bloated. I feel more comforable in jeans that are just below the waist but not so low like the hipsters. I feel more sexier.
Ok guys, because of those double ab workouts and diligent weightlifting sessions in the past decade or two I can proudly share the sz 4-5 low rise pants with my 13y old daughter. 47y old mother of 2 here.:)
Your probably right.When we wear these kinds of pants our lower abs don't have much support,so if it isn't as tight as you would like for it to be then it would drive you nuts.
I do like these types of pants though b/c I am high waisted so low waisted pants helps make my torso look longer.
I hate the fact that you have to go up a size in order for them to fit you though:)
You are right, there should be a choice! I happen to be thrilled with the lower rise! They are so comfy. I buy Misses and they are not way low like the Jr. I have a big pooch and for me the lower rise minimizes it. I just make sure they are loose enough not to cut in. But I really don't have to worry about that, because I have such a big back-side, in order for jeans to fit there they are always a little loose at the waist.

To each his own! Hope you can keep finding the jeans you like!
I just wanted to say that I hope at 47 years old I can look just as good as you do. YOU ROCK!!! Alright! I may go out and buy another pair of low rise jeans just to keep me inspired.
i agree with clare and barbara - I hate jeans and pants with waistlines at my natural waist. i've had to buy bigger sizes too or bought jeans for boys/men so that they fall under my belly button. At the same time, i felt totally uncomfortable in a real low rise pair of jeans - like too much was showing. it's sometimes to find a cute top that covers it all and i think i look too hoochie if i'm not covered enough. for a while, levi's made boy cut jeans - I thought it was about time! :)

i also agree that some gals ought not to be wearing those low cut jeans, of course that's just my opinion, everyone has the right to wear whatever they want....even if they do have their thongs sticking out the back! (gosh, I am MORTIFIED if my unmentionables are peaking out!)
I love low rise jeans because I have long legs and a very short, high waist. My waist measurement is not much smaller than my hips so I can wear the low rise around the hip and look like I have a waist. Regualr jeans are loose at the hip and tight at the waist on me and I look like Ed Grimley in them. :) I think the type of jean best suited to you depends on your body type and I am thnakful for low rise becasue I look so dorky in jeans that I have to wear really high on my waist. :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
I Love low rise jeans. I am 31 and have 2 kids. I'm lucky enough that childbirth (including a c-section) didn't have much effect on my abs, however even if it did I just find them way more comfortable. When I was a teenager I wore mens jeans because they were more comfortable for me- I'm so glad womens jeans are now made low rise. I hate anything at my waist, I roll down trackpants and pajama pants so they sit low. When I was pregnant I wore leggings or pants that I could wear under my belly, or pull down that awful panel they put on maternity clothes. If you're worried about your underwear showing, I always wear ultra low rise g-string. I find low rise jeans sexier and a cute little tatoo on the lower back doesn't hurt. Although I do agree that no matter what kind of shape your body is in .. We don't want to see the crack of your ...!! I'm very careful of this. Take care. Sue
I heard on the news the other day that a state (I think they said
Oklahoma) just tried to pass bill that made low rise pants illegal.
I was too busy laughing to actually take notice at the specific
state, but the end result was it didn't get passed. Can you
imagine them trying to enforce that law. "Excuse me miss, I see
your lacy thong, you must return home immediately and change
before you can resume your grocery shopping." Ugh....the money
they waste on such trivial things. :eek:
I'm 41 with 2 kids and I love low rise pants. I have to say though I'm only 5' and they are not really very low on me, but just below my belly button. And I agree that they are so comfortable. I do wear shirts that meet the pants as I've developed love handles over the last 2 years that I can't get rid of. I see a lot of people with love handles showing, but that is not me. At age 41, if I had no love handles, I would definitely wear shorter tops and let my belly show.
I have to jump in here too and agree with the others that hate regular rise jeans. I have always bought mens jeans just to get them to fit below my waist. I don't like the really low - 2 inch zipper things and don't think anyone looks good in them. But I'm so glad to have some options now rather than those awful "traditional" womens pants fit under my ribs and leaves a couple unused inches in the crotch!
I'm 45 and I actually like the low rise jeans because they fit me better that the regular waisted jeans. I think they are really comfortable as long as they are not real low. Then I feel uncomfortable, like they are going to fall down.

I have to agree I love the low rise jeans - I think they tend to hold in your pooch instead of accentuating it. The Gap makes low rise jeans that come just below the belly button and Victoria's Secret makes a "V" cut jean that has a high waist in the back "to prevent panty peak"! I love them both. BTW 43 with 3 boys my youngest was 10 lbs. 2 oz. when he was born and boy did he do a number on my Abs. Thank god for Cathe!

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