Do you take a shower and shampoo your hair after every workouts?


Hi Cathe (and workout friends),

I'd love to hear your input about this. (I've posted it on General forum but would like to get some idea from you too).

I assume that you teach classes and workout a few times a day. What do you do regarding shower and shampoo? Do you take a shower and shampoo your hair after every workouts?

I'm trying to workout twice a day and find it difficult to maintain my personal hygene. I take a shower and shampoo my hair in the morning after my am workout. I have a short cardio at noon for about 30 mins. I just wipe off and do nothing with the hair because I'm at work. But I feel I need to wash it again at night.

Good morning not Cathe but have similar problem. What I started doing is washing every other day. I blow drying my hair with mosturizing oil or no rinse conitioner after work out so it is not wet and it helps with odor. I herd that from Oprah. You dont need to wash your hair every day it strips it from its own natural protection fron the sun and elements. I am black and really people think I wash it to much but if i feel my hair is drenched or yuky i wash it. No one likes BO and I don't want to find out that I smell. I hate when you can smell some ones funky hair. Hope this helps.
RE: Do you take a shower and shampoo your hair after ev...

I always take a shower after my workouts but wash my hair every 2 days.
RE: Do you take a shower and shampoo your hair after ev...

I try not to wash my hair more than every 3 days because it is highlighted and gets very dry at the ends. Blow drying too often makes it especially dry. However, it also tends to get oily at the scalp, especially with workouts. So, when necessary, I rub a little talc powder into the roots and brush out.

Also, I wash my fringe ("bangs" in the US?) over the sink every day. This is really good for making it look like I washed my hair!
Hi Susie! I only wash my hair once a day. After that first wash, everything else is just a very quick blow dry with my fingers through my sweaty hair and pull up into a pony tail. If I have to go somewhere special, I stick my head in the sink and wash only the bangs and crown of my head and re-blowdry that section for more "fluff and organization". :)
Hey Cath, GREAT idea!

Hi Cathe! I LOVE your solution -- washing only the bangs and crown! I never thought of that (DUH! ;-)) and will definitely try it!

My (newly dark ;-)) hair is about shoulder length now and layered through the crown with bangs, too, and I've found another method for a quick fix-up that might work for you, too (or anybody else with a similar haircut). If I'm short on time after a workout and my hair's basically clean but damp (or wet underneath, which is usually the case with schweaty me!), this works pretty well to recreate a nice go-anywhere "do". My hair's not naturally curly like yours, Cathe, but I do have a lot of body and some wave in it, so it will "imprint" curlers pretty quickly. Here's what I do:

First I cover up my hair with a loose shower cap like the ones they give you in hotel rooms and take about a 3-minute quick-rinse shower so I'm not all yukky and stinky. Then I stick about 5 or 6 of those big velcro rollers in the bangs and crown, spritz them with Aveda Volumizing Tonic or Aveda Flax Seed & Aloe spray, and hit 'em with the blow dryer for a minute or two. I usually hold onto each roller as I point the dryer at it so that the rollers don't fly out! And by the way, the Aveda Flax Seed & Aloe is especially good for this because it dries more quickly than the Volumizing Tonic and REALLY imprints the roller shape onto the hair. Next, I grab my trusty medium-sized round brush and give the sides and lower back a quick touch up. Finally, I let the rollers sit for 5 more, while I spruce up (or put on!) my makeup, then take them carefully out and fluff fluff fluff!!! :) I can do the whole thing in between 10 and 15 minutes, depending on just how rushed I am.

Good to see you online, cutie pie Cathe! :) Kathy S.
Not Cathe, but have a suggestion:
If you don't want to shampoo too many times a week or day, which is bad for your hair, you can just wash your hair with CONDITIONER ONLY to remove the sweat.
"Not Cathe, but have a suggestion:
If you don't want to shampoo too many times a week or day, which is bad for your hair, you can just wash your hair with CONDITIONER ONLY to remove the sweat. "

Yes! This is what I do. I only shampoo once or twice a week. But I'll rinse with conditioner the other days. The shampoo will really dry out your hair and scalp, leaving it prone to split ends. But using conditioner and using a 'scrubbing motion' on your scalp, you removed the sweat, but still tenderly care for your hair.
RE: Hey Cath, GREAT idea!

Another great Aveda product is made for this very situation. I use it and I love it. It is Aveda's Light Elements Reviving Mist. This weightless mist refreshes hair and reactivates style without washing. It is perfect for after the gym. It doesn't weigh my hair down.

When I have a little more time after a workout, I am going to try some of these other tips. They sound great!
Kristen -- I tried your suggestion. I LOVE it! It really works. :)

I was skeptical, but gave it a whirl, and I'm thrilled. My hair is curly and can be unruly. Overwashing only makes it worse. This is a fabulous solutions for me.

My hair thanks you. ;-)

Thanks for sharing. :)

RE: Do you take a shower and shampoo your hair after ev...

I have very thin, fine hair, so the thought of using only conditioner would concern me, too. I was thinking of trying:!tpl=DETAIL!ref=CJ8&ref=CJ8&cm_ven=SHOPPINGFEED&cm_cat=BEAUTY&cm_pla=HAIR%20CARE&cm_ite=A00478

There is also a spray, dry shampoo by this stylist (but I dont see it on QVC).
Susan C.M.
I have long, fine, thick hair, and, since I have to work tonight, I couldn't do the intense double bench step class in the gym. I did Imax 2 instead, and my hair sweated a little. However, I washed it last night, and I will wash it again tonight. I just let it air dry, and it seems to be fine.

Washing and blowing out long hair is a pain, but my hair is like a security blanket to me.
Hi Cathe! -- My hair is thin & fine, too; but because it's curly it looks full. My hair is extremely tempermental. Humidity seeks me out and makes my hair go all kooky. :eek:

I've tried Kirsten's conditioner-washing-idea twice, and it's worked wonderfully both times. I don't know if the type of conditioner matters, but when I do this I use a very light, non-build-up conditioner. I use my heavy-duty salon conditioner only directly after I wash my hair.

I hope it works well for you, too! :)

Now you are in my territory.
It does not hurt to wash your hair twice a day.
Few tips.
Hair loss is usually genetic. There are ways to help.
Nioxin, No rogaine . It is a drug.
It will go into that folicle and clean out the smudge . It has a product called scalp therapy which will bring the blood circulation to the folicle and keep it growing.( It works)
If your hair is dry(not chemically damaged)
1st rule no suave prell or pert.( May as well use palmolive)Too high Ph.
A good hydrationg shapoo and conditioner.
Curly hair Sleek
Control your frizies curly haired people.
1st Biosilk therapy is the best . Little goes a long way.Those that color will love this stuff.
My black clients love this and is not like greasy pomade.
Smoothing gel that is awesome is Aquage.Not really greasy and works. Helps define curls.
I love Nexus phyto organics shampoos and conditioners.
Go professional. Buy bigger . Save ya.
Would you rather have cathe or some ameature off the street.
I am not trying to sell products.
If your scalp is clean . It can breathe. Hair lives on blood vessels and stimulation.
( In the old days brush your hair for 20 min a night.)
The brush stimulated the scalp.
If you are feeling like your poo isn't working. Use a clarifier for 10 min once a week.
Take your makeup off with cheap old vaseline.
Works the best. Will help with wrinkles!!!!!!
I have to wash mine 1-2 times a day because it is sooooo fine.I sweat i wash. I work with the public. Let me tell ya there is nothing worse than a stinky scalp.(Baking soda time)
I have old ladies that don't wash for 2-3 weeks.
Gags ya.
It won't hurt if you use the right thing .
If you don't smell , not greasy , why worry!!!!
Do what is best for you personally.
I personally can't crawl in bed dirty( or i feel dirty)
Sweaty etc.
( OH my husband is a clean freak)
Good luck ladies.
Remember everyone is different.
Good luck, Anne
I sweat so much I have to wash my hair everyday. No offense, but how do some of you go with only washing your hair a few times per week when you do Cathe workouts. Mine would be really gross, and I have very thick hair. I wash it everday, or I feel greasy and my hair smells.
Like Anne said, everybody's different. Some people have more oily scalps than others. I definitely don't have oily hair/scalp.

Anne mentioned Nioxin. I used that for about a year -- because it cleans extremely well. My dh has very oily hair so I bought the Nioxin for him, but I used it, too. Currently I'm using TRI Structural Balance, which I buy at my salon.

Also, I wash my hair with a baking soda paste (immediately followed by a shampoo wash) once a week to keep my hair extra clean. That works SO WELL. It removes product build up.

I alternate between Biosilk, Sheer Brilliance, and Smooth Down for a hair polish, and I hardly use any hair spray at all. Just a teeny bit of light hair spray when I need it. I don't like the sticky stuff, and only use hair spray once in a while.


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