Do you have any collections?


Hey everyone. i was just wondering what you all collect, if anything.
I started collecting elephants when i was a senior in high school and later is started collecting antique plates and perfume bottles. My elephant collection has outgrown my curio cabinet and the plates cover the walls in my kitchen. i need more room or less collections.

anyone else?

Except my Cathe dvd I collect note-books and ball point pens.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
I collect Brenda Breyers horses although I haven't collected them in a while. I have about 4 shelves filled with them. 5 of them are worth a few thousand dollars since they were signed by the artists themselves and was limited edition. Dad bought me 2 of them. OH MY....Usually and still is a cheapo but that was one of the nicest thing he's ever done. :)
Hi Jes - my mother was also an elephant collector. There are TONS of them and now that she's gone, I guess I will probably inherit a bunch.

I collect dragons. I don't know what it is with those guys, I just like them. I have a part of me that is very attracted to medieval stuff (even know dragons weren't REALLY part of the medieval time). But I love all things King Arthur. And give me a movie with a good sword fight! Something very sexy about people lopping off each other's limbs with a huge piece of steel (ha ha)

I have started an angel collection for my daughter. Serephim Classics has a really nice collection called Angels To Watch Over Me. You get one for every year of the child's life - up to age 18. When she gets older, I'll probably start getting her other angels too. Her namesake (my husband's mother) had an angel collection, so I thought it was a nice tribute.
I have an "I Love Lucy" doll collection.

and if consider all the episodes on video a collection, then I have that, too!

and of course I am on a mission to collect all of Cathe's workouts.

I have several collections. I collect Beanie babies and I also love to read and collect Mary Higgins Clark books and Dean Koontz books. and I love to collect movies and have rather a large collection going. I have had people comment to me that I should open my own video store LOL.
Do cats count? :)

Jes: My father used to collect elephants (and clocks), and he even worked with elephants in a circus in the 1940's.

Besides exercise videos/DVD's, I collect statues of fantastical and exotic animals and vegetarian/vegan cookbooks.

I don't really consider other books " collections," but for those who do, I collect books (including almost 3 dozen fitness-related titles)
Not quite sure how it started....but as one of my phrases is "When Pig's Fly" ...:)...whenever my sister finds a flying pig she buys it for me and so do her kids. They are actually cute and I have 5...I do have quite a workout VHS and DVD collection also.....:)...Carole
Working with elephants would be awesome! (except the pooper scooping part... i bet that takes a backhoe!" i got to ride one once at a Rennaisance (i know i spelled that wrong) festival. it was so neat. you would like those festivals Donna..everything is mid-evil(i know spelling again) everyone is in costume and there is spiced mead and jousting tournaments and all sorts of neat stuff.

Thanks for the replies. i like getting to know everyone better.

Hi Jes, I collect thimbles I have some from all over and am always looking for more. I am trying to get one from every state so if you want you can always help me add to my collection. It started because my grandmother was a seamtress and I got her thimbles before she died so I have added to the ones she gave me. I have about 65-70 thimbles now. I also collect Nativity sets. I set them all out at Christmas time and a few stay out year round. I have about 4-5 of them.:D
My DH and I collect Laser Disks

Oviously we can only buy them from E-bay now but we have about 200 Laser Disks so far - and the variety of movies and dates produced are wide - romantic, horror, sexy, classics etc.

It actually quiet fun to watch them, lights out, popcorn and coke - ahhhhh, cant beat the good of days before Vids and DVDs

The kids being the generation of high tech, are amazed these even exsist or how people used to watch these as movies

Im actually surprised at the AMOUNT of interest in Laser Disks, as the bidding can get quiet high on E-bay for a rare movie

Hi Everyone,

I collect precious moments. I started about 16 years ago. I have a whole curio cabinet full.

I also have my exercise DVD collection. :)

Have a great day!

Does camera equipment count as collecting? I keep adding lenses whenever I can.:) I also add a Santa or figure to my House of Hatten each year.

Lee Anne
Hi Jes! I collect workout videos! Ahhh! I have too many! I have all Cathe and variety of others going back to the original Jane! (I won't say how many but trust me it's alot!) :) :)

I also collect books (including old books)!

Lastly, I used to collect Santas, but got Santa overload so don't collect them any more although people still give them to me.

I collect books, exercise videos/DVD's, cut glass, Great Dane figurines, vintage jewelry, chinese art, Princess of Wales dolls, bride dolls...well, that's all I can think of now! ;-)
DH collects cookbooks, other books (we feed on each other...there's very little room left for the two of us in this house...books everywhere!), antiques, & music. He has probably 300 LP's. Anybody remember them??:p

I collect Bob Mackie Barbie dolls..I also collect crystal(mikasa) etc. Friends and family tend to buy me crystal pieces for every occasion. My cabinets are stuffed with the two. I do collect bears for my daughter. Usually it's Russ and Boyds.

Aila:) :) :)

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