Do you have any collections?

I am pretty much of a minimalist, and getting rid of just about anything "extra" is one of my joys, but I do collect heart-shaped rocks. I find them all over the world, a small rock on the path I'm walking that happens to be heart-shaped, and I pick it up and bring it home. My daughter found me one at Auschwitz ( wow! ) and I have a heart-shaped piece of coral from Kauai that I found. I remember where most of them came from. My favorite is pink sandstone, a perfect heartshape, from Bear Lake Idaho.
I collect books and I have a rock collection from around the world. When I visit somewhere or a colleage or a friend visits somewhere they pick up a rock for me. In one instance it was sand.I have stories that go with some of them. Its like a United Nations of Rocks.
These are neat collections.You have reminded me of things i collect that i didn't really think of. I never thought of dvds or sds as collections, but i guess they are. im in way over my head in that case. i have over 2300 cds and several hundred dvds. i just have to havet them though. i can't help myself.

Ruth you collect alot of stuff!

Thanks everyone for the responses!

Way TOO much stuff Jes! ;-)

I've put a temporary moratorium on the dolls for now, & I've got way more glass than I need. Will probably sell some of it. But the exercise videos & the books will never stop, I'm sure! LOL

I used to collect nothing. But for the past three years I have collected fairy figurines and statues. There's something magical about them.

Brekgirl! dust...i love it. very funny! LOL!
Catherine, given your screenname, i Never would have guessed!! :eek: I have never seen many of these. so you find them in specialty stores or special catologs? i think fairys are pretty! :D

I collect Cathe workouts :7 . I also like to collect refridgerator magnets from places I have been or just if I see a cute one. I also like to collect books; of course I love to read them but I am very obsessive about the care of them - no bent pages, no creases, etc., and I would never, ever loan them out! It drives dh a little crazy but I cannot help it! That is why I consider it a collective habit of mine.:7
Obviously Cathe DVD's! I try to add one new Snow Baby a year, am about to get too many x( . When I go antique shopping with my mother, I look for pretty clear or white bowls, pictures, or plates that are CHEAP! I get lucky a few times a year and find some nice pieces for next to nothing. I LOVE the idea of collecting heart shaped rocks. My 3 year old loves to collect rocks, so now I will tell her that we need to look for the heart shaped ones! Thanks.


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