What do your in-between meals consist of?
I've been reading BFFM and he says once you get used to eating like 5 or 6 small meals a day, then reverse the portions and have breakfast be the largest meal and then dinner be the smallest of the day. How realistic is that to do? We all are set to have dinner be the largest meal, have any of you tried that?
I have been eating about 5 small meals a day without really realizing it, but they aren't that great. Maybe like some crackers with peanut butter, a kashi granola bar, things like that!
I've been reading BFFM and he says once you get used to eating like 5 or 6 small meals a day, then reverse the portions and have breakfast be the largest meal and then dinner be the smallest of the day. How realistic is that to do? We all are set to have dinner be the largest meal, have any of you tried that?
Oh and I was supposed to have a banana today, but I woke up, and it was gone![]()
I know the feeling of waking up and being excited about something special (like a banana!) and it being gone. It can really put you in a cranky mood, haha! That's another favorite breakfast of mine - a La Tortilla Factory low carb wrap spread with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter and a small sliced banana rolled up inside...try it!!
I LOVE those tortillas! For those of you who have not tried them, they have lots of fiber - I think it's 12 grams for the large ones & 8 for the small ones. That's the only form of "bread" I eat during the week.
I've gone back to the good ol'-fashioned three square meals a day, and I've lost 2 pounds in the past 3 weeks. Sometimes I even skip breakfast (gasp!) when I'm not hungry
I decided that the best thing for me was to listen to my body, and realized that I slowly gained these 10 pounds when I started paying more attention to when and how much I ate!I'm not knocking the 5-6 meals a day if it works for people, obviously, but I decided to ignore what all the nutrition experts say and go back to basics. And I do eat really well, I'm a vegetarian and eat lots of beans, veggies, soy, etc, so I think I'm a healthy camper!