Do you guys eat 5 or 6 meals per day?

6 times a day

What do your in-between meals consist of?

Mine are mostly all mini-meals - so there are no real "snacks." My largest meal is in the evening, right before I go to bed (so much for not eating late!), is 460 calories, the highest of the day.
I eat 3 meals a day and 1 snack at 4 p.m. The snack is always tea and usually one slice of sprouted grain bread with Laughing Cow cheese wedge and maybe some jam and a half of apple. Ooops forgot the "after dinner" treat which is usually yogurt either Activia or homemade. If homemade I add some fruit and a drizzle of maple syrup.
I eat 6x a day most days and usually it's 3 meals averaging 300-400 cals each and 3 snacks averaging 100-200 cals each. My largest meals of the day are normally breakfast and dinner just because it's when I am the hungriest.
I eat 5x a day. My first meal (pre-workout) is about 234k, second meal, (breakfast) 316k, third meal (lunch) 350-450, Fourth meal is at 4:30pm (snack) is 113k, fifth meal (dinner) and is around 400-450k.

Protien powder pre-workout, yogurt on cardio days 4:30 am
Midmorning snack, usually an Atkins bar 9:30am
Afternoon snack varies - almonds, southbeach dark choc covered soy nuts (YUMMY!!) PB & banana or sometimes SF FF ice cream with PB 2 pm
My afternoon snack is my "sweat treat" in a healthy way.
I have been eating about 5 small meals a day without really realizing it, but they aren't that great. Maybe like some crackers with peanut butter, a kashi granola bar, things like that!

I've been reading BFFM and he says once you get used to eating like 5 or 6 small meals a day, then reverse the portions and have breakfast be the largest meal and then dinner be the smallest of the day. How realistic is that to do? We all are set to have dinner be the largest meal, have any of you tried that?

Oh and I was supposed to have a banana today, but I woke up, and it was gone :(
I eat 5 to 6 meals a day. My "in-between" meals consists of the following: hardboiled eggs, fruits and veggies, string cheese, grilled chicken breast, a piece of turkey or chicken rolled in a whole wheat tortilla, dry roasted edamame or a protein drink.
I eat 6 meals per day. Breakfast is usually around 300, lunch is around 300 and dinner is probably the same, maybe a little more. My mid-morning snack is around 10am and usually consists of a cheese stick and some carrots and then my afternoon snack is around 4pm and is a protein shake and an apple or pear to get me ready for my workout at around 6pm. My after dinner snack (because I MUST have something sweet!) is usually a bag of popcorn OR, my newest most favoritist snack is a kozy shack simply well pudding mixed with 1/2 tbsp of peanut butter and i dip apple slices in it - absolute heaven!!!!
I've been reading BFFM and he says once you get used to eating like 5 or 6 small meals a day, then reverse the portions and have breakfast be the largest meal and then dinner be the smallest of the day. How realistic is that to do? We all are set to have dinner be the largest meal, have any of you tried that?

Dinner is my smallest meal of the day. I workout after work and I'm usually done by 7pm or later. I just don't feel like making a large meal after work and I'm usually not that hungry either.
I know the feeling of waking up and being excited about something special (like a banana!) and it being gone. It can really put you in a cranky mood, haha! That's another favorite breakfast of mine - a La Tortilla Factory low carb wrap spread with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter and a small sliced banana rolled up inside...try it!!

I have been eating about 5 small meals a day without really realizing it, but they aren't that great. Maybe like some crackers with peanut butter, a kashi granola bar, things like that!

I've been reading BFFM and he says once you get used to eating like 5 or 6 small meals a day, then reverse the portions and have breakfast be the largest meal and then dinner be the smallest of the day. How realistic is that to do? We all are set to have dinner be the largest meal, have any of you tried that?

Oh and I was supposed to have a banana today, but I woke up, and it was gone :(
La Tortilla Factory

I know the feeling of waking up and being excited about something special (like a banana!) and it being gone. It can really put you in a cranky mood, haha! That's another favorite breakfast of mine - a La Tortilla Factory low carb wrap spread with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter and a small sliced banana rolled up inside...try it!!

I LOVE those tortillas! For those of you who have not tried them, they have lots of fiber - I think it's 12 grams for the large ones & 8 for the small ones. That's the only form of "bread" I eat during the week.
I've been eating 4-5 mostly, 3 regular meals and after my workouts I have a protein shake with some fruit, flaxseeds, almond milk so that's almost a 4th meal. Then at night I might have a treat under 200calories just so I don't get overly hungry and and binge (happens usually at night time with the munchies)..
i eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. my 2 snacks are almost always nonfat plain yogurt & berries or cottage cheese & berries.

la tortillas rule!
I've been experimenting with having between 5-6 small meals, and 3 "normal" meals with 2 small snacks per day. I feel better and more satisfied on fewer calories when I have 3 meals and 2 snacks versus the mini meals. I also feel like I can participate in regular eating habits with my family. It seems like I'm always thinking about food while having mini meals, and that if I can't get my next one in time, I start to get a low-sugar melt down. The small meal thing makes me feel like I'm on a diet, but I really think that everyone needs to find what works best for them. We are all different.
Except for post-workout (more carbs) and when I'm misbehaving, all my meals consist of double servings of vegetables and 4-6oz. lean protein. For fat loss, it's been my magic bullet.
I've gone back to the good ol'-fashioned three square meals a day, and I've lost 2 pounds in the past 3 weeks. Sometimes I even skip breakfast (gasp!) when I'm not hungry :eek:

I decided that the best thing for me was to listen to my body, and realized that I slowly gained these 10 pounds when I started paying more attention to when and how much I ate! :confused: I'm not knocking the 5-6 meals a day if it works for people, obviously, but I decided to ignore what all the nutrition experts say and go back to basics. And I do eat really well, I'm a vegetarian and eat lots of beans, veggies, soy, etc, so I think I'm a healthy camper!
I agree with govtgirl

I've gotten flustered with all the eating rules and have decided to do the same. I find that I'm spending too much time looking at the clock for my next meal and so forth. I found I was at my fittest when I did Billy Blanks Taebo, and eating as healthy as possible and listened to my body. Wondering when and when not to eat carbs, eat tons of protein, why did eating come so complicated?
I've gone back to the good ol'-fashioned three square meals a day, and I've lost 2 pounds in the past 3 weeks. Sometimes I even skip breakfast (gasp!) when I'm not hungry :eek:

I decided that the best thing for me was to listen to my body, and realized that I slowly gained these 10 pounds when I started paying more attention to when and how much I ate! :confused: I'm not knocking the 5-6 meals a day if it works for people, obviously, but I decided to ignore what all the nutrition experts say and go back to basics. And I do eat really well, I'm a vegetarian and eat lots of beans, veggies, soy, etc, so I think I'm a healthy camper!

That's pretty much what I've done. Gone back to basics. I eat 3 meals a day and maybe a snack if dinner is later than normal. I'm not vegetarian, but I rarely eat meat. I eat a lot of beans and veggies and fruits. I'm much happier than when I was trying to do the mini meal thing, which for me, was obsessive and exhausting and frustrating all in one.

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