Do Some Peop;e REALLY Eat This Way

>I have no respect for these voluntarily uninformed,
>unhealthy toxic people. I apologize in advance to those of you
>who are related to some of them, but it is inexcusable.

You may have not meant it, but this post comes across as extreemly hateful and mean. Especially the apology to those of us who God forbid might be related to one of these unhealthy uniformed toxic people. Everyone on this board isn't a size 0 and there are many who are seriously struggling with their weight and their eating and I hope they skip this thread. I would be devastated reading this post if I was overweight and struggling with my diet and had come here looking for support. I could go on and on about this, but basically I agree with Vicki that we need to be more understanding and not so self righteous. You aren't going to shame people into exercising, you are just going to put them off and push them away. They need to be motivated and inspired.

p.s. One last thing before I get off my soap box. Do not blaim the world's insurance problems on the overweight citizens. There are plenty of smokers, drinkers, and addicts helping the situation along quite well too.
Oh, hey, I LOVE Cracker Barrel, but they have a lot of good choices, too. I admire the 2 platter breakfasts from afar. If I were sent to the electric chair, I would like to have my last meal catered from Cracker Barrel.
First let me say that I am posting this based on the original post. I have not read anyone else's responses.

With all due respect to everyone here, I don't think it's fair to make a judgement call based on a single shopping trip of a stranger whom you will probably never see again the same store. These women could be picking up this stuff for someone else, it could be snacks for the week, a few things they just ran out of, etc. It could be TTOM when even those who eat on spot the rest of the time are likely to put something of no or little nutritional value in their mouths! It doesn't mean that their or their children's diet consists of ONLY garbage. I eat garbage, my DH eats garbage, my DS eats garbage but the key is HOW MUCH garbage. I couldn't live a totally clean-eating/healthy foods only lifestyle and do not expect those around me to either.

Maybe there ARE people who eat that kind of junk all day long, day in and day out but I don't think it's fair to point fingers based on what you see one time.

As far as wondering why they are overweight, they could know very well what the problm is but just don't have the will-power or motivation to change it. There is also the possibility that their weight problem goes beyond simply what they put in their mouths.

I'm sorry. I am not trying to attack anyone here. Everyone has a right to their opinnion. I am giving mine. I've seen these kinds of posts before and they just bug me....

As a matter of fact, there is another thread on the board I saw this morning where a girl asked for suggestions because she wanted to lose a few pounds. She made the mistake of posting her height and weight and was immediately innundated with comments about her not needing to lose any weight when there was not nearly enough information given to come to that conclusion. Aside from the fact that she wasn't even asking for opinnions on her weight.

I am not saying that I am perfect and have never posted something judgemental like this. I may very well have but I try my hardest not to do it most of the time.

I always check out what other people are buying when I'm in line at the grocery store. And yes, people really do eat that way.

Sometimes while I'm in line I will check out my own cart and think "Damn, I've come a long way!!!".

I'm proud of my grocery cart! Even if, on occasion, there is some chocolate and ice cream in it!;-) But that stuff is for my DH and DD...that's what I tell myself anyway!
Thank you Vicki. As I was reading through this thread I was amazed at the hatred aimed at obese folks. Hating them, scorning them does not help them. In fact it makes them feel worse. They are people with feelings, and problems, and because their issue is so visible they have to deal with this discrimination everyday.
So the take home message seems to be this. Berating, chastising, scapegoating, and/or being mean spirited will not encourage or inspire people to change their ways or overcome their addictions.

Vicki's post hit home with me because so many of us less than perfect people accept or resign ourselves to things that we do actually have the power to change should we become so motivated/empowered/inspired. Heck, I was in a crappy relationship for four years and still wonder why I hung on for so long when I was miserable when I knew right where the door was and could have split at any time. I know I am often judgmental of such things (why notice other things besides someone's waistline?) and shame on me because that is not how I want to be.

And I confess that like Amy, I too will occasionally notice what is in people's carts and marvel at how much I have been able to reshape my diet. There is hope for those of us who have not *always* had the perfect diet. And I do believe there is hope for those of us who would like to change their perspective of the world... :)
Vicki, thanks for your insightful and thought provoking comments. You are wise beyond words and display what I feel is the answer to almost all that ails us mentally, physically and spiritually.....compassion...thanks for reminding me to be more compassionate :)

Take Care
Aside from the cigarettes, I eat this way every day. I feel awful physically and awful psychologically, but I keep on doing it.


I have absolutely no idea.
Thanks for the great post Vicki.

Funny, I feel judgemental towards overweight people sometimes, but most often I find myself defending overweight people. My husband and my Mom are 2 people who will ALWAYS comment rudely on overweight people and I always say to them "how do you know that that person hasn't already lost 100 lbs or has an some kind of illness or some other problem?" They get so sick of me saying that. But, mostly I feel I'm somewhat compassionate to others. I admit, I do have my moments of judgement and I'm not proud of them, because by all means,
I'm not close to perfect.

ETA: I too, am one of those people who watch what foods others buy and order. It's fasinating.:) ~Dallys~
Very well stated Vicki. I am also humbled. All I can say is I hope to be an example. I keep thinking of something Tosca Reno says in her Eating Clean book - how a woman kept following her around the grocery store to watch what she was putting in her cart. Everything Tosca grabbed, she would come behind and get the same things. I know that isn't likely to happen in the real world, but I have to think if I'm looking at what everyone else is buying, I bet a lot of people notice what I'm buying also. It's not really for us to judge how people get to certain places in life, everyone's circumstances are different. I have a lot of obese family members and all I can do is love them and try to be a good example but hurtful comments and a superior attitude will only push them farther away. Maybe someday they will reach out to me or someone else who cares and seek help. Everyone has the power to change, but it has to come from inside.
Excellent post, Vicki.

In the midst of my chemo, I ballooned up to 187 pounds. I'm only 5'3". How crappy to be sick, bald, *and* obese. And judged, I'm sure.

Ayt my school,I teach a child with Prader-Willi (not sure about the spelling) Syndrome - of which one of the symptoms is an uncontrollable urge to eat, and consequently, extreme obesity.

You never know, do you?
I'm not one to notice what other people purchase. As long as they don't hold up the line, I could care less at finding fault with a stranger. }( As a mother of 6, now you've got me wondering if people think I or my SKINNY dh eats all the junk we sometimes buy for them. LOL Oh, well. Personally, I would rather instill and model quality character traits like thinking of things praiseworthy more than good eating habits 24-7. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen either. ;-)
If I notice someone feeling uncomfortable about themselves and tugging on their blouse, or shirt or whatever, I'm more likely to pick out something I find attractive about that person and compliment them on it. Having battled with my weight all my life, I know how a good compliment can make my day and make that eating binging upon which I was about to embark less likely to happen.

And Vicky - you are my hero! Thanks so much for sharing your story.
>>As for me, I don't pay attention to what others are buying at the grocery store or eating at restaurants. It's not my business and frankly, I am just not interested.<<

>>Do not blaim the world's insurance problems on the overweight citizens. There are plenty of smokers, drinkers, and addicts helping the situation along quite well too.<<

>>And Vicky - you are my hero! Thanks so much for sharing your story.<<

Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.

I used to babysit for a friend who, at the time, had children around the ages of 10 and 7. It was dinner time and the 7 y/o got mad at me and locked himself in his room because I wouldn't let him eat tootsie rolls for dinner. At present, their mother routinely eats fast food fries and a sweet tea or Dr. Pepper at some point almost daily (she is thin though which amazes me). However, what do you
think her kids eat?
>I used to babysit for a friend who, at the time, had children
>around the ages of 10 and 7. It was dinner time and the 7 y/o
>got mad at me and locked himself in his room because I
>wouldn't let him eat tootsie rolls for dinner. At present,
>their mother routinely eats fast food fries and a sweet tea or
>Dr. Pepper at some point almost daily (she is thin though
>which amazes me). However, what do you
>think her kids eat?

Goes to show you that assumptions that people make based on a person's weight can be wrong. This woman is skinny and has a terrible diet.

I am not obese, but battle with wieght, currently 15 pounds over the top weight, and a size 10. My DH and I have been married 25 years, and through much of it he was skinny as a rail. He has always eaten poorly, hates to exercise, I watch every bite and have since age 12, and exercise all the time. People used to always make the assumption that he worked out and was fit, and I did nothing because I was a size 14-16 and he was skinny. Now he has pudge, and I look fit.
Thank you for sharing, Vicki.

We all need to pat our selves on the back for being part of the educated crowd, for doing what is healthy for ourselves and trying to teach our families to do what is healthy for them. We may need to be less judgemental about those who appear not to be doing the same. Watching someones groceries is no way to know a person and what particular life hurdles they may be facing. I imagine there are a fair amount of people here who may have spent part of their life being the fat person in the grocery store. I certainly was. Sometimes I feel like I still am.
People do eat like this all the time, there was your proof!

I'm with you all the way in being disgusted with it. I stopped at a red light today, turned to look out the window and was rewarded by the sight of a large man sinking his teeth into a Big Mac. Gross!

I volunteer at all my kids' school movie nights and ice cream socials, and always end up at the selling food counter. It's enough to make you puke up in a bucket. Endless queues of kids and their parents, who should know better, desperate to get the last slice of pizza, last can of coke, last popsicle, etc, etc.

I eat pizza. About 3 times a year. It's handy to have Pizza Huts lining I-80 when I'm on my way back from vacation out West! I let my youngest have 1 or 2 cans of coke per week. We have potato chips about 3 times per year. We appreciate them because they are occasional treats. No way are we eating them daily. I would be so ill.

I agree with you about parent responsibility. How else can they make good food choices? But schools have a responsibility too and the crap served up at the school cafeterias in Michigan is fit for pigs, not kids. My girls have packed lunch, every day. Sandwich, milk, fruit, dairy, maybe cookie if they are lucky. Don't eat the sandwich? Cookie inclusion stops!

I think this is appropriate for this thread.

I work in an office where most of the ladies are overweight. Today is Friday and they usually order out. When one of the ladies asked me if I wanted Chineses food, I said, "no, I think I'll order a veggie burger from down the street." She said to me (not in a mean way), "well, I'm having Chinese food and you're having a veggie burger, that's why I'll always have a body that looks like this and you'll always have a body that looks like that."

Frankly, no truer words were ever said. Yeah, I love Chinese food, but I also care about the way I look and feel. It's just not worth it to me to eat crap and be a coach potato. I work hard for my body and I'm sure you ladies do to. I admire those of you who have lost a lot of weight; it's hard enough to maintain much less lose. That being said, I'm quite sure you will agree it takes changing your old habits and making good choices (even when you don't want to.)

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