Do Some Peop;e REALLY Eat This Way

I think the educational system that teaches people about "bad" food and "good" food is in serious need of help. Here's why:

1) Just last night, I saw a commercial that touted Cocoa and Fruity Pebbles as a "healthy and nutritious snack" for children. My jaw dropped! How can someone claim that a food that full of sugar can be a healthy and nutritious snack, simply because it's been fortified with vitamins and minerals?! Since I have taken the time to educate myself, and have devoted so much time to researching proper nutrition, I know this commercial was a load of bunk! But the majority of the uninformed and under-educated (when it comes to nutrition) will look at that commercial and feel justified in eating (and allowing their children to eat) Cocoa and Fruity Pebbles as a healthy snack. Appalling!

2) I have spent years trying to figure out why I wasn't losing weight. In fact, despite all my efforts to eat healthy and exercise every day, I was GAINING weight. I made a trip to my doctor at about the time I started reading about metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. My doctor ran my bloodwork and was able to determine based on the numbers that I am, in fact, insulin resistant (also known as metabolic syndrome and syndrome X). I made immediate changes to my diet and bought some low-cholesterol cookbooks, among those for insulin resistance.

In hindsight, I couldn't believe how screwed up the health books were about cholesterol and weight loss. Here I was eating fruits, potatoes, corn, carrots, and orange juice because I thought they were good for me, and I was avoiding foods such as avocadoes and nuts because they were supposedly high in fat. Turns out that someone with insulin resistance shouldn't eat fruit (except for berries and kiwi, because they are low in sugar and all other fruit isn't), potatoes (not even sweet), carrots, and corn...and that avocadoes and nuts are actually beneficial in raising HDL cholesterol and lowering LDL, which in turn can lower one's weight. I even eat the whole egg now, including the yolk, because it's been found to be beneficial in raising good cholesterol and lowering bad!

In about two weeks, I dropped 7 pounds and felt great! I eat avocadoes almost every day now in salads. I don't eat potatoes, white bread (or even wheat that often), or corn. Instead of chips, I eat steamed vegetables flavored with Butter Buds. Instead of french fries, I eat boiled okra. I've learned to substitute the good for the bad, and have increased my fish intake for a source of lean protein. I've taught myself to pick out the recipes I can and can't eat, even from a cookbook that's supposed to be full of healthy recipes (a recipe that contains half a cup of sugar and 1 cup of white flour is not healthy for an insulin resistant person, yet I found several of those in my "healthy cookbook" just today).

3) What the general public knows about fats and sugars is virtully nothing. Fats aren't necessarily bad for you, as long as you know which ones to eat. Unfortunately, trans-fats are EVERYWHERE and people generally are not educated about them. There is no fast food restaurant where I can eat anything but a salad and not get overloaded with trans fats, which are the worst kind! Regarding sugar: people should get no more than 12 teaspoons (or 48 grams) of sugar per day. [To determine the # of teaspoons of sugar in an item, take the sugar grams and divide by 4). Did you know that one can of Arizona Ice Tea contains about 13-14 teaspoons of sugar? Or that one 8-oz. glass of just about any fruit juice contains 4-6 teaspoons of sugar? This is why we have such an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and insulin resistance in our society!

Sorry for the long post, but I hope everyone's just a little more educated about how BAD our system is for keeping everyone educated about nutrition, health, and exercise. Our society is more concerned with Nicole Richie's eating disorder and Brittany Spears' neuroses than it is about being healthy, simply because that's what ad executives program into our minds. We need a better, more up-to-date method of educated people about what's good and what's bad, when it comes to our bodies. Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles definitely are NOT!
Catwoman -

I totally agree with you. I think most people don't know what is good & bad for them & they are either too lazy/busy to figure it out or don't care enough about their bodies & health to educate themselves. As you said, the information is out there for anyone to read & educate themselves if they choose to.

I know lots of slim people who eat fast food & junk all the time. I know for me it isn't a matter of skinny people vs. larger people to me I see it as the educated ones (regardless of size) vs. the uneducated people.

Have you ever read any books by Doug Coffman (or seen his show "Know the Cause")? I think you would like it! He agrees with a lot of what you are saying.

>Yesterday I stopped at the local gas/convenience store to
>purchase my weekly lottery ticket (My husband just laughs, but
>I have those special numbers, and who knows maybe someday I
>will be lucky).
>Well anyway, in front of me was a lady buying a stick of beef
>jerky, a big bag of Nacho Doritos, a candy bar and soda, oh
>and a pack of cigarettes. I could tell she was uncomfortable,
>because she kept pulling her blouse down in the back to cover
>her backside.
>Then, I had to grocery shop. In the checkout in front of me
>was a mother with her two children. She had 6 frozen pizzas,
>spaghetti-o's,a taco kit, about 8 liters of soda and 1/2 dozen
>eggs. I know children can be picky about their food, but come
>on. A mother has the responsibilty of teaching and instilling
>good eating habits; or a least trying to instill good habits.
>I can't believe people eat this way daily. Imagine how awful
>you would feel if your diet consisted of these foods
>Thanks for listening to me rant.

that's why the US has an obesity epedemic... because they DO eat this way!

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>>And many of these toxic bodies are on food stamps... They
>>poisoning themselves at our expense then getting preventable
>>medical care (always at the ER, by the way) at our expense,
>>too. I have no respect for these voluntarily uninformed,
>>unhealthy toxic people. I apologize in advance to those of
>>who are related to some of them, but it is inexcusable.
>Man, this is cold. Has it occurred to you that the least
>nutritious food happens to be the least expensive? Or perhaps
>that having to work two minimum wage jobs to make ends meet
>makes it necessary to buy prepackaged (and again, cheap)
>foods? Sorry to break it to you, but a healthy diet costs a
>lot of money. That, IMO, is an injustice far greater than
>someone (God forbid) needing to be on food stamps.

yep.... it's not cheap to eat heathly! when we switched to eating healthy a few years back... i was SHOCKED at how much my grocery bill went UP! it was much cheaper (and easier for lazy cook, me) to buy a .99 frozen pizza to take to lunch!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
>Thank you Vicki. As I was reading through this thread I was
>amazed at the hatred aimed at obese folks. Hating them,
>scorning them does not help them. In fact it makes them feel
>worse. They are people with feelings, and problems, and
>because their issue is so visible they have to deal with this
>discrimination everyday.

i don't hate them..... to DO feel sorry for them (being honest here)....

plus i know how easy it is to get sucked into an unhealthy way of eating... heck... i LOVE junk food....

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
>You may have not meant it, but this post comes across as
>extreemly hateful and mean. Especially the apology to those of
>us who God forbid might be related to one of these unhealthy
>uniformed toxic people.

both my parents are unhealthy eaters and it kills me :(

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Yeah, healthy eaters my family definitely isn't either! My parents think eating healthy is living off of Slim Fast shakes... :/
This is not at all an effort to keep this thread alive but catwoman is so very RIGHT!!!! Our society **thinks** they know how to eat right and healthy but the majority is so wrong! You actually have to make an effort to get the right information, you have to try. Why would anyone try when they think they have the right information to begin with?? Those of us who do know the right way to eat is because we wanted to get **healthier** for our own personal reasons.

And let's face it, most of us are still trying to figure out what works best for us. Thus the topic of most of the threads here!

The other thing...the price of food!!!!!!!!! It is so backward!!!!! You can get a huge bag of oreo's for $1.74, chips for next to nothing, pop is $1 a liter. But look at the price of peppers, bananas, raspberries (which I don't eat because I cannot afford), or bottled water!!!!!!!!! The prices are crazy!!!!! Oh, and if you go organic??? I can't afford to even consider organic! I am happy if the lazy cashier rings my red, yellow or orange pepper in as a green pepper!!!!!!
>This is not at all an effort to keep this thread alive.....

hey.... this is a forum... it's here for DISCUSSION! so don't feel the need to defend or even explain!!!!!

(and as for food prices.... ditto fast food vs better/decent food at a restaurant! you can eat a mickie d's for a couple bucks.... but if you want something healthier... you're gonna PAY!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Ok so I know that everyone wants this thread to die but I have to agree with the prices of food. My SIL has 5 kids and her husband left her. She has to buy what she can afford.
Last summer they came to visit and I had to cook all that unhealthy stuff which I don't usually eat. 2 boxes of kraft macaroni goes way farther than making a healthy salad. Sad but true.
OMG, I think some of you have been reading my mind about the cost of food. I have a family of 5 with about a $150 a week grocery budget. This means I have to buy stuff on sale and pass by the organic. I would love to buy healthier foods for my family, but it is not always a possibility.

Here is what I have been thinking....remember when McD's was sued for causing people to be overweight (or whatever the situation was). If McD's has to offer healthier items (such as apples instead of fries), then how can grocery stores put higher prices on the healthier foods??? The grocery stores make it impossible for big families (and small families) to buy a big bag of apples instead of doritos. I mean, really, have you ever seen a bag of apples listed as "family" sized??? I always see the big red bag of doritos with FAMILY in big writing. It doesn't make sense! A bag of apples is about 3-4 dollars. Doritos, on the other hand, cost about $2. So frustrating!!!!!

<I totally agree with you. I think most people don't know what is good & bad for them & they are either too lazy/busy to figure it out or don't care enough about their bodies & health to educate themselves. As you said, the information is out there for anyone to read & educate themselves if they choose to.>

This may be true but sometimes it can be confusing. Suddenly the foods that were good for you are now bad and vice versa. It can be frustrating when you are trying to do the healthy thing. I know myself I've had to stop reading some of the food discussions on this board as I was starting to develop food paranoia--people IMHO can analyze things too much. Dairy is evil....nuts have mold....cut my veggies and all the nutrients fly out of them...I should eat everything raw etc etc.

BTW, I was amused that my employer is sponsoring an American Heart Association "Heart Healthy" walk to be followed up by of course, hot dogs and hamburgers (and I would guess no veggies and rolls with my favorite additive, HFCS). Perhaps in baby steps we, as a society, will progress to better eating....
i've gone from being a totally unhealthy eater... to being an uber, over-the-top, anally healthy eater, to my current mostly healthy with some indiscretions eater! i realize the uber anal is the best for me.... but let's face it... it's not fun! so now i "treat" myself, if you want to call it that! i will have an in-n-out burger.... i will have an occasional coldstone (actually for a few weeks there when i had coupons.... not so occasional).... but it's not a daily event..... it's a take on the "all things in moderation"....

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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