Do Some Peop;e REALLY Eat This Way

>>>Unless you change your tastes, then a lot of it tastes too salty, too sugary, too artificial.<<<

Very true, Kathryn but unfortunately some of are not that lucky!:p

The only thing that I can think off offhand that I now DISLIKE after eating moderately clean for a while is Jiffy/Skippy/etc peanut butter. I tasted it a few months back cause I buy it for DH and BLECH! Waaaay too sweet for me now! Other foods though...well, they still taste FABULOUS to me so I allow myself to have them once in a while in moderation. I also eat at my MIL's about once a week and at my mom's about once a week. I eat what they serve it's certainly not what I make for myself these days but it tastes great and I enjoy every morsel. If I didn't allow myself these "cheats", I would be miserable and never would have been successful in my weightloss/fitness/healthy eating journey.

If I could TRULY lose the taste for the "garbage" I would probably be all the more lean and cut but if it's a choice between being happy a little less defined or being miserable and being super cut I'll take the happy any day!:+

I envy those who have truly lost the desire to eat any of the unhealthy foods as I don't think I ever will!
> With so much misinformation,
>partial information and disinformation spread by food
>manufacturers, it's hard to know what information is valid.

YES! This is what I see going on with members of my family.


"She's living in sin with a cowboy, and hell--he can hardly even walk!" --J.R. Ewing, "Dallas"
Wendy, I hear that too, if you eat really clean you lose your taste, your cravings, and I am glad to hear I am not the only one that it does not work for. So moderation is the key for me, allowing a treat every once in a while. Now some things do taste to chemically, and some things don't sit well(DH loves Kentucky Fried Chicken, and I cannot eat it, it makes me sick). But sweets will always call to me!
>Gosh, what a disturbing and judgmental thread.
>I often wonder if feelings of superiority over others stem
>from some well of insecurity. Can we only feel good about
>ourselves if we think we are better than others?
>Vicki, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Yeah, I hear you Marie. For the most part this is a great board with really good supportive people, but every now and then a very arrogant, judgmental, 'high horse' tone will appear. I remember a year or two ago a thread that basically stated that because an over weight woman was at the movies during the day with a large container of popcorn, that basically she must be a fat lazy slob.

I know about first impressions and all but man, as adults we all know there is more to each other than what first meets the eye. If this woman had not been fat and was still buying junk would that have been an issue?

And how can anyone think it is their business what someone else is purchasing? I mean unless you know this person you have no idea if this is a special occassion, or a Pot Luck where you are assigned something to bring, is it a 'I just lost 50lbs and I am giving myself a spluge day', is it a 'I just lost my job, my spouse and my life is over' day, or is it a 'Yes, I am lazy and have no ambition as far as losing weight, I eat what I want because I can' day...who knows and how is that anyone else's business but the person buying the food?

Sorry to rant...
Ivorygorgon: please don't worry about the RT. I promise you that there are plenty of us who will be there to support you all the way!! I for one just want to have fun with people who enjoy the same things I do!! Oh, BTW, there is a RT check in every day and that group of girls are the best and friendliest people ever! It is great getting to know them before the trip. Why don't you join us over there so you can have some friends in advance of the trip?

Oh, and Robin: I am gong to be right next to you in pants as well! My legs are in pretty god shape muscle wise, but I still have some leftover stretched skin and stretch marks from my weight gain/loss causing a little "jiggle" when left uncovered LOL), so I rarely wear shorts in public. Just my own thing... I am thrilled to hear someone else who wears pants to work out in the summer!!
Vicki, maybe we should have a pants-only section in the gym.

Wendy and dorothy, yeah, I don't crave chocolate as much when I've deliberately gone without it for a week or so, but it only takes one bad day, emotionaly speaking, for me to take that first bite. Then it's the long, lonely road of bad shopping cart filling for me again.

Which brings to mind the idea that what you eat is not always as easy as what you know to be healthy and good for you. Emotional eating is a huge issue for some of us. Yeah, I get embarrassed when I go through the check out with a bag of chocolate frosted, cream filled donuts, but some days my brain just shuts down the "that's not healthy, that will make you feel and look fat and sluggish" message.
>Which brings to mind the idea that what you eat is not always
>as easy as what you know to be healthy and good for you.
>Emotional eating is a huge issue for some of us. Yeah, I get
>embarrassed when I go through the check out with a bag of
>chocolate frosted, cream filled donuts, but some days my brain
>just shuts down the "that's not healthy, that will make you
>feel and look fat and sluggish" message.

I completly agree.
I think we aren't just ruled by our logical brain (which would make us always make the right decisions, and in food, never eat anything that wasn't 100% nutritious), but by our sometimes-very-active more primitive lizard brain sitting in the back of our head. The one that is all about emotion, and immediate satisfaction, and going for 'fun' and 'taste.' The one that grocery stores try to tempt with all the stuff on display at the check out.

Personally, I have to stay far away from certain foods unless I'm willing to let myself eat the entire thing in one sitting. I can go through a bag of chips like there's no tomorrow. If I stay away from them for long enough, the first bite or so doesn't taste good, they taste too salty and/or greasy, but if I let myself eat them without paying attention, I can just keep on eating them, and start craving them (there IS a reason why you 'can't eat just one,' LOL!).
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"


Something to think about instead of judging, perhaps?
>>Gosh, what a disturbing and judgmental thread.
>>I often wonder if feelings of superiority over others stem
>>from some well of insecurity. Can we only feel good about
>>ourselves if we think we are better than others?
>>Vicki, I'm so sorry for your loss.
>Yeah, I hear you Marie. For the most part this is a great
>board with really good supportive people, but every now and
>then a very arrogant, judgmental, 'high horse' tone will
>appear. I remember a year or two ago a thread that basically
>stated that because an over weight woman was at the movies
>during the day with a large container of popcorn, that
>basically she must be a fat lazy slob.
>I know about first impressions and all but man, as adults we
>all know there is more to each other than what first meets the
>eye. If this woman had not been fat and was still buying junk
>would that have been an issue?
>And how can anyone think it is their business what someone
>else is purchasing? I mean unless you know this person you
>have no idea if this is a special occassion, or a Pot Luck
>where you are assigned something to bring, is it a 'I just
>lost 50lbs and I am giving myself a spluge day', is it a 'I
>just lost my job, my spouse and my life is over' day, or is it
>a 'Yes, I am lazy and have no ambition as far as losing
>weight, I eat what I want because I can' day...who knows and
>how is that anyone else's business but the person buying the
>Sorry to rant...

Dee Dee,

I hear you girl and agree 100%!:)
Kathryn, I couldn't agree with you more! From someone who used to down at least 2 liters of Pepsi a day I, too, found that once I started to eat real food all of that overprocessed crap tastes absolutely disgusting. If I'm going to splurge on something that may not be considered "healthy" for my figure (cheese, a bit of chocolate, whatever) you can sure bet that at least it will be made with ingredients that are actually found in nature ;-).

I think the "worst" eating is done in resteraunts...have you ever seen the calorie and fat count for seemingly innocuous things like salads in some of the mainstream, chain, sit down resteraunts? An entire day's worth of calories.

I thought they were going to pass a law that the RR have to put calorie and fat counts on the menu's....I am sure we will all be blown away. I suspect these are more to blame for the nation's obesity rate over the average 7-11 shopper. Stuff masquerading as healthy...over 1800 calorie salads, etc. So many more people eat out for most of their meals than used to be...

Ok....tonight, dh made a camp fire and let the kids roast hot dogs and marshmallows. We also had chips and dip. Not one veggie or piece of fruit was involved. We had soooo much fun!!!!

We don't eat like that all the time....just on special occasions. I can only imagine what people were thinking about the hot dogs and marshmallows in the cart!

me, too! i'll never give up my pizza! i switched to whole wheat crust, and that's as good as it's going to get, lol.
>Ok....tonight, dh made a camp fire and let the kids roast hot
>dogs and marshmallows. We also had chips and dip. Not one
>veggie or piece of fruit was involved. We had soooo much
>We don't eat like that all the time....just on special
>occasions. I can only imagine what people were thinking about
>the hot dogs and marshmallows in the cart!

I would be thinking I want to come over(not for the hotdogs, never liked them), but I would bring chocolate and graham crackers to share!
>Ok....tonight, dh made a camp fire and let the kids roast hot
>dogs and marshmallows. We also had chips and dip. Not one
>veggie or piece of fruit was involved. We had soooo much
>We don't eat like that all the time....just on special
>occasions. I can only imagine what people were thinking about
>the hot dogs and marshmallows in the cart!

ummm....who cares what people were thinking???? i can't imagine looking in people's shopping carts at a grocery store and forming an opinion, too many important things to think about.....
> If I'm going to splurge on
>something that may not be considered "healthy" for my figure
>(cheese, a bit of chocolate, whatever) you can sure bet that
>at least it will be made with ingredients that are actually
>found in nature ;-).
THAT'S what I'm talking about, Wendi!(I'm thinking vegan carrot cake with orange 'cream' frosting!)
"I can't believe people eat this way daily. Imagine how awful you would feel if your diet consisted of these foods regularly."

I DO feel awful when I eat like this! I mean, I can really tell when I've eaten something yucky! I've gotten so used to eating low-sugar, low-trans-fat, that when I do indulge, I can really tell a difference!!!

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