Disc 3 - Legs


I am officially starting STS on Monday, however, yesterday I did Disc 3.

I think Cathe is the best and I love all of her different types of workouts, but what I always, always, always count on is her kick butt approach when it comes to legs.

Disc 3 does not dissappoint. Who knew a paper plate could make such a difference!! :D

I didn't even get through the whole workout. I wimped out early, but after the 20 minutes I spent with Cathe and Crew and Disc 3. . . . let's just say I think of them every time I try to sit down on the toilet :eek:

Thanks so much Cathe! You're the BEST!!
Leg Soreness after 4 hours!

I just did Disc 3 this morning and I am already feeling it ! I am worried about tomorrow. I have never done a Cathe workout before... I am so excited to have found them but sad that I was missing out before.
I did week 1 disc 3 legs on Wednesday. (The whole thing, I was proudof myself:)) and am still sore in the buttocks region(it is now Friday)LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Kay
I just did this disc today. Well, mostly. But I'm shaking all over. Even my arms are wobbly and they didn't do anything. I'm scared of tomorrow.
Really, disc 6, huh? Yikes! I'm excited, but scared. Disc 3 gave me DOMS for 2 days!! But I loved it and the workout went by soooo quickly!!
me too

I did Disc 3 earlier today and I know I'm going to be feeling it tomorrow!!!!! I'm LOVING the STS program so far!!

Gayle... now you have me worried about Disc 6! LOL!

My advice - ADVIL! I was in pain for at LEAST three days after disk 3 - after disk 6 - I took advil immediately after and stretched throughout the day - feeling much better this week! still some pain but not nearly as bad ;)
I just finished Disk 3 and I swear my butt is sore in places it has never been sore before. I didn't realize that my behind had distinct regions, each now with a different kind of ache, until tonight.
Isn't that a great workout?! I love those paper plate moves! My glutes are tight just thinking about them!


I did a fair bit of this workout without weights because I have been a bit of a couch potato since the holidays ( never got up after :p New Year ) and didn't want to be too sore. It has been 2 days since Disc 3 and my hamstrings won't shut up. That's with weights from 8 lbs to 15...imagine if I actually used the 1 rep maximums! :eek:

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