>With all due respect, Mindi, I visited VF in response to this
>thread, and as a Catheite who sticks to these forums
>exclusively, I would not chose to visit again. There are
>quite a number of VFers, who indeed do a great deal of Cathe
>and Catheite bashing. Most likely, they comprise a small
>minority but the comments are there.
>All this because someone somewhere didn't get a video in what
>they considered a timely fashion? The conclusion that I have
>drawn from all of this is, there are two types of people,
>those who experience the unavoidable technical glitches and
>shipping mishaps well and those who feel compelled to complain
>to an audience, however unnecessary and inappropriate that may
>be. I am grateful to SNM for disallowing the practice and
>clearly making it known that customer service issuses are to
>be dealt with via email. Perhaps we can now get back to the
>business of having our questions answered by a consummate
>professional, discussing workouts that are hers and other
>instructors and openly discussing our fitness regimens, lives
>and rotations in on this wonderful website.
I think the 'rant' post over on VF was just fine. What I have a problem with is once someone makes a complaint regarding Cathe, the next few posts go something like this...'Don't say this over on the Cathe board or you will get flamed!' and so on. All that does is change the topic from whatever the original poster was upset about to dogging the posters on Cathe's forum.
I also want to add that I thought Trevor's initial response was very friendly. I know some folks who aren't regulars here don't like to post something for Cathe and have a member answer them, but that is just how it is. Regulars here know who hard it is for Cathe to get on the board when she is in production so usually if it is something that has been covered already a member will answer the question. They are simply trying to be helpful.

>"Chick's rule!"