December Rotation

RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi and Good Morning!

Hi Kate and Kathy! Great workout for you both! What week are you on?
Is HSC on for next tues? Anyway...I too am mixing up my routine a bit. Today's workout scheduled for later: SH Legs, CoreMax 1 and some sort of step cardio or iTread. I haven't decided yet. But....HSC sounds interesting!}(

Have been busy with house stuff. Have to grocery shopping shortly. My friend stayed over again last night and her car is now in the garage. They called and I will pick her up at work so she can retrieve it. Hopefully she will not have anymore problems with the starter motor.

I hope you all have a great Saturday! It is very sunny here and not too cold. Thinking of running with daughter now that I see how nice it is outside.;-)

BBL to check-in :7 Heidi
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hey Heidi send some on that nice weather here!;) Our van is frozen solid we didn't realize that plug wasn't working so of course the battery wasn't plugged in. It's so frozen that we couldn't even get it jump started. Super cold here still. That car is running though. We were going to do our Christmas tree today too but DH doesn't want to try and fit it in the car trunk so maybe we can get the van thawed out by tomorrow.;(

Great workouts Kate and Kathy! That HSC is a hard workout! I just finished Push and Pull. I'll do Imax 2 tomorrow and then the stretch day on Monday as it's easier to get workouts done on the weekends.

This afternoon I'm babysitting my nephew who just turned one.He's sleeping right now but DD7 and I hope he doesn't sleep too long as we were both looking forward to some baby time.:) Kim
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Kathy - Have fun w/ your tree!!

Heidi - I've gotten a little ahead (maybe just a day) trying to compensate for a wierd schedule lately. I can't imagine having nice weather right now!!!

Kim - BRRRRR!!!! You are a better person than I am. I LOVE babies, but whenever I've babysat for friends I'm always thinking "Please take your nap!!!!":)

Went to Hobby Lobby this afternoon w/ DDs and spent WAY too much $$$ on scrapbooking stuff....better go join 'em before they take all my good stuff!!!}(
December Rotation Check-in

This was a restful day. I wrapped up the first week of Cathe’s December rotation with Push Pull. I have had “Walking in Memphis” stuck in my head all day! Supersets is more fun for me, so I am really looking forward to enjoying it later this month. Push Pull is meditative in a way. There is something relaxing about it, and it was just right for my energy level this morning.

Where do y’all live that is so cold? I had to pull out my short sleeve tops today and really needed shorts this afternoon. I cannot imagine freezing! It was in the 80s in Texas today.

Heidi, I am so glad your daughter is okay.

Kim, I hope you got your baby fix today!

Kate, have fun creating new scrapbooks.

Kathy, I hope you had fun decorating your Christmas tree.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: December Rotation Check-in

I glad that you enjoyed Push Pull Heather! Cathe sure does a lot of work for such a short workout.

Did get the Christmas tree up this morning and it has only fallen over once;) DH decided to pick up the tree with the car yesterday, the van is still frozen but DH put a new plug on the block heater and we have it plugged in so hoping that later today it might start.

I got IMAX 2 in this morning which is my all time favourite workout! Kim
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Heather - 80s sounds so nice! We lice in Michigan. The kids will be probably have an "ice day" tomorrow - lots of bad weather tonight. Hurray! I love having my girls w/ me!

Kim - How did the tree fall over?! I love Imax2 too.

DH and I are going to do CardioKicks tonight. A new one for me, so I'm excited. DH won't be so intimidated since I don;t know the moves yet either. (i'm still gonna be chuckling at hime though!:+ )

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi ladies!!

Didn't get to checkin yesterday. I was enjoying visiting and chasing after my nephew and talking with my sister. I did Cardio Kicks before church yesterday. Today will be a rest day since I will be visiting with my sister.

Have fun everyone...I had a blast getting the Christmas tree decorated with the kids. It looks beatiful. I alternated rows of colored and white lights. My daughter wanted colored and I wanted white. So, a compromise occured and it looks great.
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Good Morning to you,

Hello to everyone!:) Sorry I didn't get to check-in with you all yesterday. Had another one of thoughs days with waking with a headache and just plain busy all day with family and house stuff.

I didn't get to do a workout either!:-(

Great job everyone who did get in their workouts for the last couple of days!:7

It is all ice here this morning and again the school hasn't even delayed the start time. What is with them! I think they are very negligent in the safety of the students. Last year this happened and many students got injured just trying to walk into the school. The superintendant then had to call all the parents to apologize for their stupidity. At least I have enough sense to keep my DS home when it is like this. Or wait a couple hours for the sanding trucks to do their jobs. As a matter of fact...not one sander has even come up my road this morning and I have been up since 5am.

All right enough ranting....

S&H Bi & Tri
abs by B&G
Cardio: Looks like I have Imax 2 on tap for today! }(

I hope everyone has a great workout and day! :)
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Kathy - I did CK for the 1st time last night - it was pretty fun! DH joined me - too funny, but overall he did pretty good. He hung in for the whole hour - I was impressed - thought he'd wuss out!

Heidi - I hate when they don't cancel school when they should! Are you going to do all of those workouts?! Props to you!

I'm supposed to run for 45 min. today. I competely detest running. I'll do steady state cardio instead after DDs go to bed - any ideas? I can't decide which to do! I recently counted - I've got 45 - I should be able to find something! What's you Cathe count up to?
RE: December Rotation Check-in


Just checking back to say I did part 1 of my workout. S&H and abs from B&G. Tonight I will put in my cardio session. I haven't been up to doing my exercises for that past couple of days. That darn TOM thing made me feel sick and I had a headache every morning. Also there was the time issue with all the running around. Mmmm am I finding excuses???

Well at least I did a workout this morning and I feel great! :) :) :)

Kate: They did not cancel school and when I got to the school the sidewalks and entrance ways were covered in ice! Now it is snowing and icing up even more. My deck has about 1/8" of ice covering it. I don't know how bad the roads are right now and I have to go get my DS around 3pm. They still have not put sand down on my road. x( What do I pay taxes for anyway???

It is great that your DH joined you for the CK.:) I would laugh so much if my DH joined me that I couldn't get in my workout!:D I can't imagine him doing one of Cathe's step routines!:7

As for the count on cardio workouts by Cathe some are intense or HIIT and some are steady state. It would be great if they were classified this way as well.:)

Hope you all have a great day! BBL Heidi
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Heidi - DH would nver step w/ me for sure. And last night I kept my back to him as much as possible because I would definetly be laughing too hard to get anything done!
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Ladies I have been reading this thread everyday.
I have been doing the December rotation also.
My Husband does the workouts with me too.
And when I look over at him.
I start laughing. I have to look away. Or I will fall, because I always mess myself up when I focus on what he is doing.We both end up laughing. We talk about tape-ing ourselves:+
He is not limber at all either.:eek:
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Rocky, too funny! Does he do all of them w/ you? If my DH did step I would fall overf laughing. He did DM w/ me about a year ago and I got the best ab workout from laughing so hard! What is/was your workout today?
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi Rockael!

It is just funny in anyway you put it to see a man doing a step workout. You just don't see too many of these even at the gym!

So now that you have been doing this rotation for about a week have you been doing?

Love the kitty picture...reminds me of my cat that loves attention especially when she wants something.

Take Care,
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Well, I wussed out on my steady state. I should've done LowMax step combos or something, but fact of the matter is I haven't had a rest day in a long time. Tomorrow is HST and Wed. will be my rest day. Tonight I did the original beginner-ish LIS, not the new one. Oh well, at least i did soemthing.

Sleep tight!
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Yes my husband does every workout with me when he is home.
If he cannot get a step routine he does what he wants, like run around the basement.We did High Step Challange this evening,my husband had to stop after 30 minutes. He feels very defeated. I worry about him, but he travels so much,So it is hard for him to start and stop exercising. He fell asleep on the floor while I finished the workout and then I did 1,2 of Core workout.I was very tired today.I am enjoying this rotation, my first one to follow, and it is so much easier.Then when I have to decide for the both of us which to do.
I think I wouldn't otherwise choose the workouts Cathe suggests.
So that is good for me.Tomorrow is the Cardio Kicks unless my Husband wants to pick one of next weeks. And do Cardio Kicks next week.
I haven't done this one yet. It will be first time attempting.}(
RE: December Rotation Check-in

I'm still around. I enjoyed a nice rest day yesterday and took dd to piano lessons and ds to play hockey.:) Today I just finished HSC boy does that workout move fast!

Glad to have you join us Rocky, that's so neat that your DH workouts out with you. My DH has joined me a few times which is always fun. The kids often join me but never last long.Enjoy Cardio Kicks tomorrow!

Kathy I hope you're enjoying your visit with your sister!

Has the weather improved where you are Kate and Heidi? We don't have school closures here for cold weather. If we did the kids would never go to school :7 :7 We don't get the ice that you get though, the weather has to be closer to zero (Celsius) to be icy when it's in the minus 20s to 40s it really isn't icy just plain cold so the kids just don't go outside much. They do have indoor recess and lunch when its colder than minus 25 and school buses don't run below minus 35. The school buses are diesel and diesel run vehicles can't operate in the really cold temperatures so bus kids need to get alternate transport those days.

Its warming up here a bit and we got our van going! It did need a new starter though.

Kate- The Christmas tree just wasn't a very straight one (it's a real one) and we sure had difficulty getting it to stand in the tree stand. My forearms are all scratched up. Its standing now but basically leaning against the living room wall. LOL
Enjoy your rest day and don't feel quilty

RE: December Rotation Check-in

Rockael, This is my 2nd rotation to follow! My first was last month. Don't know what took me so long to get w/ it! I love it!

That said, I didnt take the last rest day and I am so pooped. I didn't feel like doing last night's or tonight's w/o (HST tonight) but I did them anyway. Tomorrow is a rest day and I cannot wait. I know I'll be refreshed to start up again Thursday.

Hope everyone is doing good - quiet today - take care!
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi Girls, I ended up doing All Step from CTX this evening and an
extra ab workout.I will do Cardio Kicks Thursday, my husband is taking a rest day tomorrow. He tried to hang in there for all Step, But he couldn't get all the moves,and yes I giggled at him.:eek:
So He ended up jogging around the basement.

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