December Rotation

RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi Jenn:

Just checking back in with MM done!

I don't have any of Amy's workouts so this one is new to me.

Kathy: You are right about this one being tough! Phew barely lasted through the ab workout. My hip flexors were giving out. :eek: This is a great total body workout. }(

Welcome Trace!
If you don't have MM...any good total body weight workout would work.


I went easy on the weights for MM because I didn't know what I was in for and boy am I glad that I did! I think that the other workouts I had planned are going to have to wait until tomorrow. Shoulders are fried and legs are feeling a little shaky right now.

Well on to my shower and work. BBL :) Heidi
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Ohmygoodness!!! So many new friends!! I don't have much tim eright now, but so glad to read what everyone has to say!

I had to take yesterday off - huge stress going on.

I'm headed downstairs to do BM2 cardio. Tonight after DDs go to bed I'll do MM for missing last night. I can't wait to see if I can lift heavier since doing the 4DS.

Wish me luck!!!
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi Kate,

Have a great workout with BM2! Wow, your a lot like me! If I miss a workout I pile it on for the next day. MM has more reps and only 2 sets but it's going to get you good!}(

Hello to Laura, Kim, Heather and Melissa. What are you all up to today?

BBL Heidi
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Heidi - I can't stand to miss a workout in a rotation! Thankfully, DDs were super good while I was working out. PowerSegment 2 was a blast - literally! Even my girls were getting into it!
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi All

I did Muscle Max today. I haven't done that one in ages and its a killer. I think I'll feel that tomorrow. Body Max 2 tomorrow. Have great workouts everyone.

Take care

RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi everyone!!!

Welcome to all the new members of the check in..Love having all the support..

Today's workout for me was BM2 premix timesaver cardio. Boy that bodymax is a toughie...I think it is that 8" step..It just wears you out fast...
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Laura - I'll be MuscleMaxing in just a minute. Glad it was good for you!

Kathy - BM2 whoops me too. At the end of the 3rd power segment I was cryin NO MORE! But the 4th is fun so that kept me going. THe blast on 4, though! I can't say my air jacks were quite as enthusiastic as Cathe's!
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi everyone! I just finished MM...yikes, I forgot how tough that one is. Those leg presses with the band on the edge of the step are tougher than leg presses on the high step. For me anyway! Even though Cathe says you should feel them in the glutes and hammies, my thighs were screamin'!!

And since I did BM2 last night, tomorrow is DM cardio timesaver (I think that is what it's called).

Have a great night!!
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Melissa - I just finished MM - Woo hoo! Oh, that's a good one! My quad always gets a good burn too on the leg presses w/ the band. The 68 min. goes by very quickly!
RE: December Rotation Check-in

I justed finished MM too. I find the abs on this workout super tough. Even though I can do the pike thingies on other workouts I can't do them on this one I don't know if the abs are just too exhausted by this point or what. Kim
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hello and Good Morning,:)

Great Job for everyone getting in their workouts yesterday!:7
So how are you feeling after MM?

Most of my workouts will have to be altered to fit with the BFL program I am still on until the end of the month. So for today I am switching BM2 for LIC.

Today's workout:
GS Legs, Shoulders
LIC pre
Abs from B&G

I have a lot of errands to run today as well so I will be checking back in later today. Have a great one!}( Heidi
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi Kim! MM burns my abs good too!:)

Heidi - Good workout! Have fun on your errands! I did mine while DDs are at school today. Amazing how fast (and cheap!) errands are when done solo!

My workout today will be BC original. I'm pretty sore from MM - I'll definetly be using light weights!
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi ladies!!

Kim: MM abs were tough for me too. I can them on other DVDs too. I guess just doing the rest of the workout wore us out!!

Checking in today with Kate and Bootcamp orginal done..I kinda like this one. It is tough. But, I love the encouragement she gives that you can do anything for a minute!!

Anyway, have a great evening ladies...
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hello Kate and Kathy,

Ooooo, Boot Camp that is a tough one! I felt that in my shoulders and upper back for days after I did this a couple weeks ago.

Checking in with LIC cardio blast and abs from B&G. I finished my workout this morning and headed out to do errands.

Now I am back and will be getting in the rest of my planned workout later this evening. }(

Tomorrow's plan:
GS Bi-Tri, Back and Chest
Abs from MM ( going to give this another go just because it was so tough):7 Maybe without doing lower body before doing the abs I can do better this time around.

Have a good night. BBT
:) Heidi
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Just finished BM2 premix. That was fun! It kind of re energized me after a long busy day. Looking forward to Boot Camp tomorrow, haven't done that one in a while. Kim
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi all,

Rest day for me today. Tomorrow is either BM2 cardio premix or cardio fusion step.

RE: December Rotation Check-in

Well, I'm wicked sore from MM last night so I did not do BC, but did LIC instead. I'm so scared to hurt my shoulder again by lifting too often. I don't need to learn that lesson again for sure!
December Rotation Check-in

I started the December rotation Monday night after waking up Monday morning with a food hangover. With a burst of renewed inspiration, I went to the grocery store after work even though I was extremely tired. No excuses! I started the Drill Max cardio blast premix at 8:00 p.m. I am a morning glory girl all the way, so I really had to push myself. I pressed on through all the drills and felt so much better.

Cathe and the girls look more petite in Drill Max. I am not sure if that is because of the tall trees in the background or the camera angles that are not as up close and personal as the 4-Day Split. I prefer NFL Films for sure! I love the feeling of being in the room with Cathe and her crew! I love the playful drill with the ball and the forward bounding. Fun, fun, fun! The limited step choreography is not as dancy as I like, but I had fun anyway.

I started today with Muscle Max after my Bible study and prayer time. I was able to lift heavier than I did the last time this workout was in my rotation. I matched Cathe’s weights on everything but the barbell curls because a 35-pound barbell puts too much stress on my wrists. I was amazed to discover how much stronger I am after the 4-Day Split! I am looking forward to returning to heavy weight work in January! Supersets and Muscle Max are my favorite total body workouts. I love the music and variety.

I still felt a little bloated and tired today. I drank plenty of spring water with lemon. It usually takes 3 days to return to normal after a feast.

I have been cleaning and clearing clutter out of my home tonight. See y’all tomorrow! Sweet dreams!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Good Morning Ladies,

Just checking in this morning with having just finished an iTread set 1 20min run. I woke with a headache this morning and felt that if I ran it would go away. I feel better now so I can get on with the day.

Kate: Don't you just love the LIC workout!? I had a lot of fun on this one and it is not over the top with air jacks. I really don't like air jacks because I don't have the right flooring for this type of jumping. It would ruin my knees for sure. During this I usually run in place instead.

Heather B: Good for you that you got in Drill Max even though you were exhausted on Mon night. Great job too on going heavier on MM. This is a mark of improvement and shows that you are getting much stronger. I would suggest using DB's for the bicep curls. The BB tends to twist your wrists at odd angles even though you keep them flat. This might help..;-)

Heather what did you eat!?

I'll be back later...time to get my DS moving.:) Heidi
RE: December Rotation Check-in

Hi Heather & Heidi! Just have a second.... Taking a rest day today. Ah - DDs need me - see you later!

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