I love, love, love the dancy moves.

Rhythmic Step is my favorite Cathe step workout followed by Step Blast. I love the choreography in Step, Jump, & Pump and the CTX Series too. I love mambos, cha chas, pivot turns, triples around the step with turns, and even sashays. The dance flair Cathe adds to her step workouts is what makes working out fun for me. The athletic moves are great for intensity, but I prefer IMAX2 over the original Interval Max and rarely reach for Cathe’s earlier workouts. I love to pivot, spin, and twirl! Cathe adds just the right combination of athletic power moves for intensity and creative dance moves for fun. I especially love the rhythmic moves. My favorite part of Interval Max is the combination with the rhythmic L-steps during the tropical island song. I recently discovered Kari Anderson’s workouts and love her style too. She is very dance-oriented in the purest sense of the word. Her workouts are less intense but a lot of fun to do. I hated step aerobics until I tried Rhythmic Step. I had only experienced the very basic up, up, down, down moves of the FIRM Classics. I stuck with floor aerobics because I was under the impression that step aerobics was boring and uncreative. Then I was pleasantly surprised when I experienced Cathe’s choreographed step routines for the first time! What a delight! :7
I have always been a girly girl and had no interest in athletic sports, but I have always loved to dance and twirl from the time I was a little girl. The dance flair Cathe adds to her step choreography is what captured my attention, but the athletic side of her workouts challenges me and gives me something to focus on other than my weight and butt size because I have goals of being able to do certain advanced moves without modification. I like a good balance of both styles in the same workout. That gives me the best of both worlds.
I do not have any of the Hardcore Series DVDs yet. What is the choreography like in those workouts? The video clip I watched of IMAX3 shows a lot of athletic moves like jumping on and off the step. Does Cathe still add mambos, cha chas, pivot turns, and other dancy moves to these workouts?
Heather B.
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).