Dancy Moves


Who likes them, who doesn't?

I love the dancy stuff, but have to have lots of impact moves with it or I don't feel like I get a good enough w/o.

What about everyone else?
I love dancy moves; the more, the better. I love the challenge. My favorites are Rhythmic Step and Step Blast. I also really like IMAX 3. But I do agree you don't get enough of a workout without the high impact moves in between.

I don't like them.I prefer athletic moves and HATE pivoty moves (I even change most pivots to mambos).

I especially hate when there's a combo of dancy or pivoty and impact, like in IMAX3. I dislike the pivoty moves more than the impact in this one, though, because impact I can modify.

One thing I used to like about Cathe's step workouts is that they WERE more athletic than dancy.
Love the dancy moves!!! I used to dance professionally for many years and I guess I love the challenge!!!


Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic.
Love them! I also used to dance as a child through undergrad in college and love the challenge as well as the mental release that accompanies the focus it takes to get all the moves down correctly. As Cathe says in Imax 2 (?) "All that turning and pivoting and you free up your brain"
I love the dancy moves. I take advanced jazz dance so I really focus on form when I'm doing them and get a great workout. In my dance class I find it's the combination of being up on your toes and the leaps that really work me hard.
When I do Cathe's dancy moves I focus on dance posture and being light on my feet.
I like the dancy movies, and I have recently acquired some Christi Taylor DVD's. I am still having trouble when she turns the step vertically, but I find that some more complex choreography helps to keep things interesting.
I love the dancey moves which is something I never would have believed a few years ago. Surprised myself totally!
I love, love, love the dancy moves. :) Rhythmic Step is my favorite Cathe step workout followed by Step Blast. I love the choreography in Step, Jump, & Pump and the CTX Series too. I love mambos, cha chas, pivot turns, triples around the step with turns, and even sashays. The dance flair Cathe adds to her step workouts is what makes working out fun for me. The athletic moves are great for intensity, but I prefer IMAX2 over the original Interval Max and rarely reach for Cathe’s earlier workouts. I love to pivot, spin, and twirl! Cathe adds just the right combination of athletic power moves for intensity and creative dance moves for fun. I especially love the rhythmic moves. My favorite part of Interval Max is the combination with the rhythmic L-steps during the tropical island song. I recently discovered Kari Anderson’s workouts and love her style too. She is very dance-oriented in the purest sense of the word. Her workouts are less intense but a lot of fun to do. I hated step aerobics until I tried Rhythmic Step. I had only experienced the very basic up, up, down, down moves of the FIRM Classics. I stuck with floor aerobics because I was under the impression that step aerobics was boring and uncreative. Then I was pleasantly surprised when I experienced Cathe’s choreographed step routines for the first time! What a delight! :7

I have always been a girly girl and had no interest in athletic sports, but I have always loved to dance and twirl from the time I was a little girl. The dance flair Cathe adds to her step choreography is what captured my attention, but the athletic side of her workouts challenges me and gives me something to focus on other than my weight and butt size because I have goals of being able to do certain advanced moves without modification. I like a good balance of both styles in the same workout. That gives me the best of both worlds.

I do not have any of the Hardcore Series DVDs yet. What is the choreography like in those workouts? The video clip I watched of IMAX3 shows a lot of athletic moves like jumping on and off the step. Does Cathe still add mambos, cha chas, pivot turns, and other dancy moves to these workouts?

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
I LOVE the dancy moves. That's what makes the workout interesting and I think they are a lot of fun.

The dancy moves, even tho' they are harder to "get," make the workout less likely to get boring after time.

Dancing is the main activity people do because it's fun, and that's the secret to sticking to working out - finding something you love to do! I've so many times about overweight people who started to line dance, polka, square dance, etc., because it was fun, and they lost weight in the process - it was a happy bonus.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
I am sheepishly stating that......I don't like dancy moves. :eek: I like basic easy to follow moves that you don't have to think about how to do. I can still add intensity so that I'm getting a good workout but give me a basic kick, up up, down down, and repeater anyday! :p My mind's got so much stuff going on in it that it's hard to concentrate on learning dancy moves so it's a nice break for me to not have to "think" when I'm working out. HOWEVER, get me on a dance floor and this rule is out the window. I'm a dancing fool!!! Shake your bon bon!!! :+

> My mind's got so much stuff
>going on in it that it's hard to concentrate on learning dancy
>moves so it's a nice break for me to not have to "think" when
>I'm working out.

Exactly how I feel.
I have to think enough doing other things, I don't want to have to think so much during a workout.
I much prefer athletic moves to dancy moves. I typically like to be able to figure out a workout in one or two tries. Except maybe for some pivot moves, however, I don't really count Cathe's stuff as dancy, not even her newer stuff. When I think "dancy", I think of Kari Anderson twirling all over the place, or Christi Taylor whose moves I have yet to figure out.

I love the dancy moves!;-) They're fun, especially pivots and ponies. The faster the pace the better. Makes me sweat. I love lot's of jumps, dancy moves and CARDIO! So if you are like me, tell me which dvd's to get :7
>I have always been a girly girl and had no interest in
>athletic sports, but I have always loved to dance and twirl
>from the time I was a little girl.

Heather, I'm with you here. I grew up hating recess and P.E., but I loved tap lessons. When I began stepping again last year, I couldn't believe how much fun to be had with mambo cha-chas, pivots, twirls, and spins.

>I do not have any of the Hardcore Series DVDs yet. What is
>the choreography like in those workouts? The video clip I
>watched of IMAX3 shows a lot of athletic moves like jumping on
>and off the step. Does Cathe still add mambos, cha chas,
>pivot turns, and other dancy moves to these workouts?

I don't have Imax 3, but I have Low Max, and it has some dancy stuff. Some say it's boring, and Cathe does repeat a lot of her old moves, but that's fine with me since I'm a recent convert. I love Low Max's 6-count mambos, reverse mambos, pivot turns, and shuffles. On the down side, Low Max uses the same repeater knee/sculpt 7's to change directions in nearly every combo. That was too repetitive for my taste.

I understand why some don't like dancy stuff, but to me it makes the workout go faster. If I keep doing the same move over and over, I'll nod off on the step and risk injury. (Has anyone heard that excuse yet?)
I would get Rhythmic Step, Step Blast, Low Max and IMAX 3. I'm just like you, the more turns and pivots the better.
>I don't like them.I prefer athletic moves and HATE pivoty

I agree with this comment. I doent like dancy moves at all...but I do like functional, athletic moves.
I find dancy moves a p.i.t.a. and detract from the workout. I like to skip pivots and turns because I don't have room nor do I enjoy being dizzy. It took me almost a year to feel brave enough to try Rhythmic Step and it is taking me some time to get the moves down. It's fun, but I'd much prefer simple choreography. If I wanted to dance I'd learn swing!
I love dancy moves and think Cathe does a great job of combining them with more intense athletic moves so your heartrate stays up there.

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