Damage Control

Well have a nice, relaxing time at the condo. It's like having a second home in the mountains-so nice for you guys!

Not much new here. I'm thinking of just going back to two upper and two lower weight workouts/week though. Feeling kind of like I either need a change or a week off again-and it feels like I just took one of those! I'll have to check my calendar to see when that was.

Right now though I just want to get through Friday and relax this weekend.

My calendar for September has 16 days of exercise or walking. I'm pretty disappointed with that. I was gone for a week in Maine and my job has been very stressful finishing up that project. I'm hoping work will slow down a bit for the remainder of the year. I actually worked 12 hours yesterday and was still in my pj's when the hubby got home from work. Ugh. I'm on-call through the weekend so I have to take my work laptop and keep an eye on things today and tomorrow -til midnight.

No workout to report for yesterday. Not off to a very good start. I will be doing a workout today before he head up to the mountains. I do a lot of walking there with all the paths. it's really nice. I'm thinking of doing STS for the remainder of the year. My body type requires more cardio than the average person but with the change in the weather, I can walk in the evenings. If I could handle 2 workouts a day I would that, but now that I'm older by body just can't handle that and I'm not sure it's worth it.

For October, I'm following the Galveston Diet and giving up alcohol. I really need to work on my nutrition. For weight loss, the macros are 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carb. It's all healthy fat from avocados, nuts and seeds. It takes a bit of time to get the macros right. It also includes IF for at least 16/8 and exercise. It's very doable for me. I'm really struggling with my weight and am so uncomfortable with the extra weight.

I think I will do cardio leg blast and abs this morning before.

Enjoy the weekend. I'll check back in from the mountains. I'm taking my tablet and can do any "no equipment needed" workouts.

We are enjoying the mountains and the all the colorful leaves. I walked 5 miles yesterday and did Yoga Relax last night. My hamstrings are so tight. Today I only walked 3 miles but the views are fantastic. I will be heading to the outlet shops and will get more walking in then, but it will be leisurely walking. I think DS1 will be coming up tomorrow so I will have someone to do things with. DH just stays here and I have to do everything by myself.

My eating is going pretty well. I did have small piece of fudge last night and will have one tonight too! Life is to short not to enjoy the local delights!

Hope you are having a great week.

Nice to hear you are finally getting some R&R time! I need to find a hiking buddy here. My DH is not into it either-he likes going on the streets and I get that-he doesn't want to fall. But we have so many hiking places where I live. It's so hard fitting in everything you want to do with work. Did you find any good deals at the Outlets? I need some new shorts-I have two pair left that actually fit my shape shifting bod.

I ended up stopping Burn Sets rotation last weekend. I am back to 4 days of weights and walking. So Saturday I did STS #17 legs and Sunday did Toasted Trisets Live. Then I decided to use Fit Split for the month of October. So last night was the Push workout and Thursday after work will be the Pull workout. I did pause last night between sets a few times and went as heavy as possible.

We came home yesterday afternoon. I spent the rest of the afternoon doing laundry and spending a bit of time with the girls. The only exercise I got up there was walking. I was walking with a purpose if you know what I mean. My hamstrings were so sore and tight. I did do Yoga Relax one night too.

DS1 wasn't able to come up. I did go shopping at the outlet and honestly it was pretty sad. The big Nike outlet was gone and building was empty as was the Old Navy outlet. I did by a small coach cross body purse and will have DH give it to me for Christmas. :)

Nothing to report for today either. I had IPL scheduled for this morning and then a haircut right afterwards. I came home and made lunch and am now going through the mail and paying some bills.

My shape shifting middle is on my last nerve. My clothes aren't fitting right and I have back fat too. I'm so uncomfortable in my skin right now. I've had my belly button pierced for almost 30 years and just took out my belly button ring a couple weeks ago. It's so frustrating that I can't seem to get this under control. I'm actually looking at tummy tucks. Seems extreme I know, but I am so uncomfortable with these changes.

My work schedule should be a bit lighter through the end of the year. We may have a few things here and there, but nothing like the project we just completed. I'm hoping that will help with my workout schedule. I'm thinking of working out early morning-530ish on M/W/Th. Those could be cardio or circuits. The other days could be straight lifting and walking. I'm still thinking of doing STS and I seem to make the most strength gains with those. They are a bit long though. The LIHI series is good with the shorter time frame, but heavier lifting which is what I prefer.

Do you have any weekend plans? DS1 has been moved to a new neighborhood to sell houses and I think the girls and I will be going to visit him at work tomorrow and check out the model homes. I need the decorating ideas too.

Well, I had a good week at work-so that was a nice change! I still seem to run out of energy by the end of the week, though. Between work and not sleeping real well Friday was tough to get through.

4 days of weights seems to be the best spot for me now. I'd like to do more, and did more from July-October when I did LIHI and Burn Sets and got in 5 weight sessions a week. Maybe the shorter days are just making me want to cut back. I feel like I have to give the push and the pull workouts from Fit Split a 4 week go around on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are nice because they have heavy weight, low rep exercises for upper body and then add on squats or hamstrings. Saturdays will be an STS leg from the hypertrophy phase-at least I'm using STS a little bit! Sunday will be a full upper body workout.

I hear you on the ab expansion. I am only buying and wearing stuff that's comfortable. I even wore my "good" sweats to book club last time I went. And you know what-nobody cared! I'm slowly culling out all the stuff that has either gotten too big for me from shrinking in height, or too tight for me from shape shifting. I want a simple, clean wardrobe that feels good.

This weekend I'm going to an office party on Saturday night at 5 at one of my coworker's house. I will not stay long because PSU is on at 4 and I want to watch the second half. It's kind of a cocktail party, I guess. But it's outside around a fire pit so once it gets dark I'll go home.

Otherwise, I'm just doing what I want and need to get done (like wash). I'm in the middle of a good book called American Rust about a small town in western PA.

Have a great weekend!

I did a circuit and RWH CST on Saturday, Sunday was another circuit and lower body weights. Monday was a rest day and today I did RWH BSB and abs #1. Tomorrow will be another circuit. I think I'm going to do RWH for the next month-til Thanksgiving and then decide what I want to do for December. I forgot how long the STS workouts are.

They've split our patch team from 2 teams to 3 teams. I have 6 environments to patch Friday night. I'm already stressing about it. It's going to take forever with only 3-4 people. We usually have 5 or 6 people so we are not overtaxed.

My oldest and middle son will both be getting vaccinated because it is mandated by their employers. That makes me really happy. Still working on my youngest.

RWH is fantastic for weight work. It's the only one I was able to stick with for longer than a month. Tonight for me is Push weights of Fit Split. I have a 3 day weekend because my provider took tomorrow off and it's so much easier being off when she is. We are down 3 nurses and no one is even applying. Are you losing workers? Is that why your team is stretched more? I hope you don't end up working all night Friday.

My latest culinary adventure is making my own muesli. Have you ever tried that cereal? No sugar in it and you just mix whole grains, nuts, dried fruits and a little seasoning like cinnamon together. I love it! I let mine soak for about 20 minutes before eating and it's keeping me full until lunch.

I worked until 2:30am and was dragging all day yesterday. I went to bed at 9:30 last night and woke up at 7am. I feel much better today. I shouldn't have to patch in November or December so that's good. I've already drank 32oz of water....and done 2 loads of laundry. Almost time to go start my workout!

I need to be more consistent with my workouts. This past week I only got in 3 workouts. Patch week is tough. I didn't do any exercise yesterday, but I did do 2 workouts on Friday. A circuit and a leg workout. Today is another circuit and RWH CST and abs.

I really need to get this extra weight off. I feel so uncomfortable carrying this extra weight. My clothes don't fit right. UGH 15lbs would be good but 25 would be better.

DS2 is coming over today and bringing a couple of friends. Him and DH are cooking ribs on the grill, we have potato salad, green beans, and I'm making a salad too. I'm probably the only one who will eat the salad though. They are going to watch the football game.

Your meusli sounds delicious. I have oatmeal a couple time a week and I add 2 Tbs chia seeds and cinnamon and it's pretty good. Sometimes I add a bit of fruit to it also. I love finding ways to incorporate whole foods and eliminate the processed foods. You have a great example of that!

Enjoy your long weekend!!
Sounds like once you got through Friday night you had a very nice weekend. I had my 3 days off and it was wonderful. I went to bed early every night and felt good on Monday morning. I finished American Rust, made pizza, and just did weights on Saturday and Sunday. It was rainy and cold here, so I didn't even walk. I took no sleeping aids and ate like I do during the week. I feel like I have some control back and am not just reacting to things/stress.

Work is crazy busy. I'm trying to take things in stride and ended up staying late Monday to finish my day.

My son has Covid and DH has been tested but we don't have his results back. DS is very ill, but seems to be doing a bit better today. Trying to keep him hydrated is a challenge. He's been able to keep down a bit of pedialyte and bit of water too. I told just small sips but he needs to drink something. He hasn't eaten in 3 days. Between work and taking care of them I'm exhausted.

I did walk on Monday and I'm heading out to walk now. I'm already over my 80hours. I will probably take tomorrow off and Friday is my normal off Friday.

I need some control. I'm planning on starting a meal plan very soon. I just need to get prepped for it.
OMG-I am so sorry to hear about your son. Don't hesitate to go to the ER if he develops any trouble breathing. The younger groups do have more GI issues so hopefully he'll rebound soon.

Thinking of you guys....

DH also has Covid. I've been cleaning the house like a mad woman. The air purifier has been running non stop for months. So far the girls and are fine as is DS3. I think my son has turned the corner and is doing a bit better. He at a popsicle yesterday and had about 4 ounces of a smoothie.

Wow. How many days have they been quarantining? Have the rest of you been tested? Praying you all get through this. You're doing great pushing fluids.

DS1 has been in quarantine since Monday, DH since Tuesday. The girls and I were tested on Friday and should get our results back sometime today. DS2 tested positive also. I took him some medication and some soup yesterday. He wasn't doing too bad yesterday. I think DS3 should be tested today too.

I've been taking DH's temp and pulse ox numerous time a day. He is diabetic so extra attention is needed.

I was off most of the day on Thursday and had Friday off. It wasn't relaxing with all the cleaning I had to do. I'm not feeling very well this morning. I have really bad sore throat and my ears hurt. More like a cold, but you never know these days. I did workout on Friday and did RWH CST and abs 2. I may go walk today around the lakes. It's very peaceful and the views are beautiful. It's outside and away from everyone.

Oh my. Please, please, take care of yourself. Don't worry about working out. You need to rest. Even if it's just a cold-rest and drink lots of fluids.

Take care,

My cold is getting worse so I went for another Covid test today. It's feeling like a sinus infection though. The pain and pressure is familiar to me. The girls and my covid test from last week came back negative. The girls need to be able to stay in school so we are just taking extra precautions with them in the house.
How are your feeling? I hope you and your family are all on the mend! Not much going on here. I've switched to trying to do Pure Strength for few weeks. The two upper body are both around 40 minutes and the standing portion of the legs without stretch clocks in at 38 minutes. So totally doable after work. I substitute the first standing lat pulls with pullovers with a 25 lb. dumbbell. I'm going to try to stick to this until Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, we made plans to go to DH's sister's in New Hampshire this year. I took off Wednesday to travel and then we'll drive back Saturday. My niece and her partner will be there. He's from Australia and we've never met him. They've been together about 10 years! The did live on the West Coast for a few years and of course, moved back the same year DS2 moved out there. So it will be nice to see them. She's a nurse practitioner in an ER in Rhode Island-riding the Covid wave.

DH got his booster on Friday and had no bad effects. I will probably get one at work sometime.

Making a red lentil stew today. It's been rainy here a lot.

Take Care,

I'm feeling a little better today. The headache just won't go away. I didn't work this morning, but plan on logging on for a few hours this afternoon. I need to get through a weeks worth of emails at least.

DS needs a negative test result to return to work. He was tested on Friday and it came back negative on Sunday night. He is still not doing well though. He ended up staying home from work today and was able to do a little work from home this morning. I slept in and then did laundry when I got up.

My SIL and MIL made us some food and my BIL delivered it on Saturday. We have some nice home cooked meals for a few days. Now that I'm starting to feel better, I'm getting a grocery list together and will have my son do the shopping for us.

Wow, I haven't done the Pure Strength series in years I'm sure. At this point, I don't know when I'll have the energy for a workout. Walking down the block to the mail box is difficult at this point. I'd like to do STS at some point. The workouts are long-well an hour anyway.

How nice that you are going out of town for Thanksgiving. Is DS1 coming with you?

What a week-TGIF! Not a good sleep week for me. The impending holidays are giving me some really weird dreams/nightmares. One night my brother was shot by my uncle-to give you an example. Been processing my estrangement more.

DS1 is not coming. He's very aloof and that's just the way he is. And another issue that keeps me up at night. I can't figure out a way to reach him.

How is everyone at your end feeling? A lot of the staff got their boosters yesterday and now feel like crap. The lab tech put in her two weeks-it's getting dire there with staffing.

The weather is in the 20's this week in the mornings so I have not been walking to work. Only got two days in during the week (B/B on Tuesday and Legs on Wednesday). Maybe that's why I'm not sleeping better? Not a good week at all.

The new series is weight focused I see. It might be like STS but only 45 minutes-sounds great!


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