I did get in total body trisets upper body on Wednesday, Thursday: CLB rounds 1-6 premix and Pilates, Friday 24 min of the first premix of party rockin step 2, and X41 low impact an fat burning circuit tough!! I was sore on Friday and I'm a bit sore today. Today I did yoga based abs and yoga relax express #1. Perfect because it has been a busy weekend with JTrain's 13th bday on Friday so we went out to eat (my eating was terrible this weekend!! Hope to clean it up tomorrow.) to Pizzaria UNOs and then dropped off a card at a homeschool graduation briefly as JTrain wasn't feeling well in the morning so we didn't stay for it. Yesterday I went to the Radnor Hunt Races (Steeplechase- horse racing with jumps, I wouldn't have known that until yesterday) with my mom while Hubby took all 4 to 2 baseball games that overlapped. Then we had to rush out soon aft the game and races for JTrain's performance night. Middle and High school homeschoolers performed: pianists, violinist, guitarist and a dancer. Then today after church JTrain has his Philly Missions trip meeting and then the 3 older boys had their piano recitals. We went home for dinner and then out for ice cream. Whew!
This week we are winding down school stuff. Wednesday is the final SALT program where the kids will perform some singing, for the lower classes and JTrain's class will perform a version of mid summer's night dream. And we will be out mush of the day on Thursday. So that only leaves 3 days of school, but we don't have much to do. I want to finish the science book, one chapter to go and finish the trivial game we started to create.
This week I'm hoping for:
Monday: some cardio, probably HiiT or tabata, is afterburn more wts (meaning could I still do upper body wts the next day?) or more cardio/HiiT?
Tuesday: XTrain upper body something
Wednesday: lower body, maybe CLB again that's a good on and it went by so fast!
Thursday: Pilates abs, not sure with it maybe turbo barre, but then I need to switch my upper and lower body stuff. But I'll be out all day for a Reading Phillies (minor league) game all day.
Friday: step or other cardio DVD
Saturday: maybe another X10 premix (leave for NC from Baltimore at dinner time)
Sunday-Tuesday: yoga but I'll be visiting my best friend in North Carolina, so who knows what we will do: Cathe, step class at the Y, kayaking, tubing, water skiing or just lounging around! I can't wait!! (I'll be back Tuesday night.)
Rmrmr- as for the reason we homeschool, in short we believe it's where God wants our family to be. We kind of just "fell into it" on the beginning. A few of our friends and family were doing it and JTrain was asking me to teach him to read at age three, I waiting until he was 4.5 and he learned super fast and still loves to read to this day, the others didn't learn to read as quickly or as fast , but they all love to read now. And my kids don't always listen to me by a long shot! And there are something's that am just not good at in teaching so they either use a DVD (Spanish, Latin, logic, writing) or take an online (writing) or live class (Spanish). I figure you may have sent your kids to school because "that's what people do" and maybe you didn't have any friends who started doing it from age 4. Now one of our good friends who started when their boy was 4 now has the 2 oldest kids in private Christian school full time and 3 kids in a rigorous homeschool co op 2 days a week, and it has been that way for a few years now. I have my oldest in a live Spanish class for 1.5 hours once a week and he has his online writing class 1x a week he also does Latin by DVD, which the DVD is only going ok. But the classes were great. CDawg on the other had takes no live classes, online or otherwise but does writing, Latin and Spanish and writing by DVD and does very well. Next year I'm still working on what classes they will be doing.
all my boys have always been ahead in math, B struggled with learning to read in the beginning so we had to go very slow for a while. I think they are all "on level" for writing. But don no like it, like me! Plus my boys are super active and they would not be able to sit in school for 8-9 hours 5 days a week with only a few breaks! They don't learn well that way. And they all learn differently. Plus if we sent our kids to that same Christian school (that is where I graduated from) it would be close to $30,000/year for the 3 older boys! There are too many things I don't like about our public school to even think about sending them there. We will all be done with school a little over 3 weeks before the rest of the schools because of the snow days.
. I will also have them continue to read (I provide a reading list) and do math over the summer, 2-3 days/week when they don't have camps. But yes it is a lot of work at times! The most rewarding job I have ever had! Ok that go a lot longer than I expected! Sorry!