CTX kicked my butt!



I've been rediscovering CTX this week and holy frijoles! Tough cardio! What the he!! happened? I think I've been doggin' my workouts!

Anyway, just thought I'd share.

Susan L.G.
I use CTX all the tine. It's got short varied cardio,great strength training, and AB work.It's easy to use and versatile!
I love CTX, too. I've been trying to convince myself to do CTX upper body again--I did it a couple weeks ago and had DOMS for days! But, it was great. I'll have to try the cardio when the weather changes here.

Does this mean I'm getting old because I can't take/have no patience for all the flinging legs and arms around on the various hi-lo sections?

Eek. I didn't feel that old. Hee.

Susan L.G.
I'm with you. Jumped into one a few weeks back and have now decided that this month's rotation is one week 4DS, then CTX the next for 4 weeks.

Think this will switch things up a bit for me and I like the short cardio every day with split weightwork throughout the week.

Just finished the first week of 4DS and will start CTX on Sat or Sun.
I plan on re-discovering CTX next week as well but I have a confession to make...I probably won't be doing much if any of the cardio. I am training for a race in October so running takes up most of my cardio time...

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