CRACY, STRONG AND LOVING IT January 2016 - January 2020

Hi ladies!

Today I did a 1-mile walk at lunch; Cathe Live Long & Sculpted Legs and Barefoot Fusion Walk from Jessica Smith on YouTube for more steps after work. Another awesome non-weighted leg workout from Cathe! Legs were shaking!!

Great job today everyone!
Today I did Cardio Coach 1 and had a pretty good workout. I like this one because it's under 40 minutes and when I don't feel like doing a long workout, this one is perfect.

Workout was 36 minutes, ran 2.43 miles, burned 268 calories (TM said 340) and went 5029 steps.

Some observations I made while I run. I've noticed this for some time, just never mentioned it. If this bores you, it won't hurt my feelings if you don't read it. :) This HR stuff fascinates me.

So while doing sprints my HR doesn't usually get past the 120's bpm. I've noticed this and sometimes get discouraged and I have raised my incline to get it higher, which works to some extend but not much. This may be a good sign, however, because it seem that my heart can do a sprint without much exertion.

When I do steady state or a faster jog, I tend to be able to get my HR into the 150-170's and yet it doesn't feel that way to me. My breathing is barely labored and it certainly doesn't feel like my HR is that high. So weird. Also, it takes my heart not even a minute to go back down to the 130's and lower when I'm done jogging.

Anyways, just wanted to put that out there.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Hi girls!:);)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Jessica Smith- Walk On- 10 Minute Quick Walks- Buns & Thighs Walk = 11 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 120

RIPT90 FIT- Minute by Minute Redux= 28 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 344

Fit Tower Advanced Boot Camp= 51 Min I used my old STS Fit Tower and it ceased up would not allow for adjustments. I think these workouts can be modified. I will try using fluidity bar where I can and it makes sense. Others I will have to do simply w/o FT and some I will use short step and risers. We'll see how that goes.
MV= 8.60
CB= 599

Total calories burned= 1063:):cool:

Jodi- Awesome workout you got in yesterday, high fives on getting your fitness in. Great job on yourn workoutn of 1-mile walk at lunch; Cathe Live Long & Sculpted Legs and Barefoot Fusion Walk from Jessica Smith on YouTube. Bravo!!! I hope you have a great workout today/rest day and carpe diem, have a blessed day.:);)

Debbie- Awesomeness with your workout today with Cardio Coach Volume 1. Great stats workout was 36 minutes, ran 2.43 miles, burned 268 calories (TM said 340) and went 5029 steps. Wow! that sounds like a fun and great workout gotta love those short but sweet workouts. Interesting observations on the HR stuff too! Have a blessed and fab Friday!:);):cool::D

Hello's and waves to Belinda and Roxie- Hey girls hope all is well with you both. Have a kick butt workout/rest day and have super amazing blessed Friday.:);):cool:

Hugs and blessings:)

Nora - I used my old tower, had no problem with adjustments. You really don't need a tower to do the new workouts. All the moves Cathe done before with a stability ball, high chair, step.
Hey girls,

I messed up my back again, I am in a lot of pain. Been taking it easy today. Not sure, what I am doing lately?

I hope I get a walk in tomorrow. Been doing lots of stretching and taking meds for my back. BBL!
Good Evening,

I did Charlene PiYo Strength and then a walk. My HR monitor stopped working while doing PiYo so no idea how many calories I burned.

Debbie- interesting read.
Hi ladies!

Yesterday was a rest day.

Today I did Cathe Live Summer 2016 Kickoff. What a fun workout! It has a little bit of everything in it...kickboxing, step, metabolic, weights...loved it!

Debbie-sounds like your heart is one muscle that's in great shape!

Belinda-so sorry to hear about your back. I hope you feel better soon.

Nora and Roxie- great job with your workouts!
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workork:

Leslie Sansone- 5 Mega Miles- Walk Miles 3-5 = 51 Min
MV= 7.60
CB= 522

Fit Tower Advanced Legs, Glutes & Core- Timesaver #1 Legs& Glutes Only= 33 Min
MV= 7.10
CB= 320

Total calories burned = 842

Belinda- I'm sorry about your back. Please take care and rest for a few days so your back can feel better. Your exercise is to rest, heal and feel better. I'll keep you in my prayers and healing.

Hello's and waves to: Roxie, Debbie, and Jodi all have a blessed weekend.:);)

Hugs & blessings:);)

Hey everyone,

No workout for me today besides a few short walks. My back is still hurting, I am almost afraid I have a slipped disc. If my back doesn't get any better I will make an appointment with my doc on Monday. Good news, our washer/dryer is shipped. It should be here by the end of next week.

Nora - Thanks you! Amazing job with all your workouts the last few day's.

Jodi - thank you! if my back still hurt by Monday I will see my doc. Good job as always.

Have a great weekend, everyone.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's quickie light Sunday workout:

Jessica Smith- Walk On-Walk Off Belly Fat Fast- 3 Mile Flat Abs Power Walk= 46 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 502

That's it for me today girls. Have a blessed Sunday Everyone.

Belinda- I'm sending your healing prayers and well wishes for your back to feel better, take it easy and rest. Just think positive that you strained or pulled a muscle in your back and it just needs rest and time. Think healing thoughts. Take care and have a blessed and restful Sunday.:);):D

Hugs & blessings:);)

Hi ladies!

Today I did FTA Total Body + Bonus Abs and Walking Intervals from Jessica Smith on YouTube. I really like the Fit Tower workout while I'm doing it, but again, the set up and put away time are what's holding me back from loving it. I do absolutely love using the bar for pull-ups! I actually repeated that section because I love it so much.

Enjoy your Sunday!
Today I did Xtrain Chest, Back & Shoulders. I had a great workout, love this one. I like all the exercises Cathe does in this workout except the Superman things. I burned my arm really bad on Thursday while using my oven. It is a 3rd degree burn right below my elbow on the back side. Man, that has been something to deal with. It is better better but really looks angry. I hope it heals soon. :(

Todays workout went like this:

Round 1
Tempo Pushups
- 24 reps (did all on toes except last 8)
One Arm Rotational Row - 16 reps - 25#
Side Leaning Lateral Raise - 16 reps - 5#

Round 2
Dumbbell Press on Ball
- 16 reps - 20's
"T" Band Pull - 16 slow, 10 fast
Shoulder Circle - 48 reps - 3's

Round 3
Reach Tap Push-Ups
- 24 reps (did all on toes)
"T" Prone on the Ball - 12 reps - 10's (this was hard, should have probably used 8's)
Alternating DB OH Press - 24 reps total - 15's (got to 22 reps)

Round 4
Chest Fly on Ball
- 16 reps - 20's
One Arm Row w/Tubing - 32 reps
Bent Over Rear Delt Drop Sets - 16, 12, 8 - 10's

Round 5
Lower Chest Incline Fly on Ball
- 16 reps - 8's (these are hard for me, not sure why?)
Dumbbell Pullover on Ball -16 reps - 25#
Double Arm Upright Row - 16 reps - 15's

Round 6
Incline Dumbbell Press on Ball
- 16 reps - 20's
Back Fly on Ball - 16 reps - 10's (could go up here)
Dumbbell "W" Press on Ball - 16 reps - 12's

Round 7
3-Way Chest Fly
- 16 reps - 15's
One Arm Row - 16 reps - 25#
Incline Hammer Front Raise on Ball - 12 reps - 5's

Round 8
Push-Ups - 12, 10, 8 reps (all on toes)
Superman "Y" on Ball - 32 reps - Skipped
Lateral Raise w/10-20 Degree Tilt - 12, 10, 8 - 8's

Workout was 55 minutes, Avg HR was 78, Max was 134, burned 147 calories.

Walked on my treadmill for 2 miles. TM said I burned 220 calories.

Belinda - I sure hope your back is better today. Good vibes to you girl!!!!

Have great workouts everyone!!!
Last edited:
Hi everyone,

STS M2 D13 plus walk is done. DH really likes the format of M2.

Debbie - thank you! My lower back still hurts, I was very careful today. I have to sub deadlifts on Wednesday with leg curls. Still can't bent over for some reason. Good job today.

Nora - thank you! Good job yesterday.

I am done today, have a great Monday.
Hi girls!:)

Just a quick check in, I gotta get ready to take Ares, my dog to vet, Ares is sick.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Tone Every Zone- Circuit #3 Fast Walk = 23 Min
MV= 7.80
CB= 245

RIPT 90 FIT- Body Fat Breakdown = 28 Min
MV= 7.80
CB= 298

ICE- Metabolic Total Body- Timesaver# 3 Warm up+Blizzard Blast+ Muscle Meltdown- Chest + Stretch= 39 Min
MV= 7.80
CB= 415

Total calories burned= 958:):cool:

Ok sorry for the brief checkin but I need to get ready to take my dog Ares to vet. Poor boy is miserable between itcyness and digestive issues.

Have a blessed day everyone and please send healing prayers and well wishes for my boy Ares.

Hugs & blessings

Good Evening,

I did 21 Day Fix Cardio Blast this morning, decided to do 21 Day Fix for a week then spinning for a week. I watched a video about circuit type workouts are better for women in menopause to help lose wt. It's 107 degrees here today so no walk.

Debbie-that sounds painful. Good job today.
Hi ladies!

Today I did a 1-mile walk at lunch; Cathe Live Boot Camp Blast Off and 20-minute Interval Cardio from Jessica Smith on YouTube after work. Both of these were on the easier side, but I was up late last night watching Fear the Walking Dead so that was fine with me.

Debbie, yikes! I hope your arm heals quickly!

Belinda, glad your back is feeling a little better. Take it slow.

Nora, so sorry about your fur baby! Hope he feels better soon.

Roxie, 107! Yuck! Sounds like a good plan for your workouts.
Today I did Cardio Coach 3 and had a great workout. Love this one.

Workout was 40 minutes, ran 2.71 miles, burned 307 calories (TM said 374) and went 5582 steps. Avg HR was 128 and Max was 173.

I also did the Ab work from KP&C and after that I view KP&C again and forgot how much I like that workout. I may give it a try on Thursday for my next cardio workout.

Nora - I will say a prayer for your little buddy, I know all too well how hard that is when they aren't feeling well. Nice job with your workout.

Belinda - Please be careful. I don't think it's a good idea to do anything that involves your low back. Leg curls put pressure on the low back and you might make it worse. Just lay off the workouts for a few more days, it's not worth it. Take it from someone who knows!

Roxie - Glad to see you are doing workouts again! Hope things are going well for you after your move and the new job and all. I know that can be very stressful. And wow, it is hot where you are! We have been in the low 70's and I'm complaining that it's cold. Today it should be in the 80's and humid so we can't win. Oh well. At least it isn't snowing!!! LOL!!!

Jodi - Nice job with your workout! My arm is ok, it was bleeding pretty bad this morning because the stupid gauze keeps sticking to the burned area of skin. It hurts like hell to get it off. It's gross. I'm going to the store today to see if there is anything else I can use. Burns suck.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Jessica Smith- Walk On- 10 Mnute Quick Walk- 10 Min Butt & Thighs Walk= 11 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 120
I did not schedule this one but had to add it as I felt really sore and a bit tight. I needed a warm up in the butt and thighs so this did the trick.

Cardio Coach Vol 1- Warm up, SS, Challenge 1= 15 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 184
Distance in Miles= 1.23 Miles
I'm trying to slowly ease my way back into running.

RIPT90 FIT- Arms & Shoulders = 28 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 268

XTrain- D8- Hard Strikes= 47 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 545

Total calories burned= 1117:):cool:

Thanks everyone for your prayers and well wishes for my dog Ares. Please keep the prayers and well wishes coming. He's taking his meds, eating boiled chicken and white rice, doing his potty business but no #2 today so far. So I am hoping all that gets well and back to normal. I'm praying for Ares to get well and feel better.

Debbie- Great workout today with Cardio Coach Volume 3 & Ab work from KP&C, excellent workout WTG!!!! Thank you for your prayers. Have a blessed day!:):cool::D

Jodi- Nice workout last night with Cathe Live Boot Camp Blast Off and 20-minute Interval Cardio from Jessica Smith on YouTube and Fear The Walking Dead too! I'll have to let DH know that a new season has started. Thank you for your kind words and well wishes for my fur baby Ares.

Hello's & Waves to: Roxie, and Belinda. Roxie- I hope you are feeling fit & fab and have a great workout on tap for today and having a blessed day. Belinda- Please get some rest and take care of your back. I'm praying for your back pain to subside and go a way, take care and have a blessed day.

Hugs and blessings:);)

Good evening,

I walked for 30 min + did some ab work. That's it!

Debbie - thank you! I didn't think about leg curls putting a lot of stress on the back. I will do another leg workout instead, not sure what yet. Good job today.

Nora - hope the home cooked meal for Ares helps.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

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