Today I did
RIPT90 Fit Back & Shoulders. Had a great workout. I really like these workouts and can't wait to do them. This one really works your back and shoulders even though it's only a total of like 21 minutes.
This is the workout:
SET 1 - doing these in circuit style going from one exercise to the next
Lateral Raise: 12 reps - 12's
Back Flyes: 12 reps - 12's
Upright Row: 12 reps - 15's
SET 2-4 - Supersets
Pull Ups: 5 reps - Used my assist band with this - I am so glad I bought those, they are awesome!!!
Overhead Press: 12's - 10 reps
Did this superset 3 times no rest at all.
SET 5 - doing these in circuit style going from one exercise to the next
Lateral Raise: 12 reps - 12's
Back Flyes: 12 reps - 12's
Upright Row: 12 reps - 15's
Dumbbell Row: 12 reps - 20's
SET 6-10 - Supersets
Pull Ups: 5 reps - Used my pullup bar with the assist bands again.
Overhead Press: 15's for 3 sets/12's for last two sets - 10 reps
Did this superset 5 times no rest at all.
Since this workout was only 20 minutes I did Power Hour Abs as well.
Workout was 31 minutes, Avg HR was 81, Max was 107 and burned 88 calories.
I also walked on my treadmill for 2 miles and then did the stretch from Power Hour.
So everyone out there with animals, how do you get a cat to stop peeing on everything? I have three cats and one of them pees on my counter tops, flat top stove, up against a garbage can. WTF? He started doing this about a year or so ago and the vet told us to get more litter boxes (at the time we only had one really big one for all three cats). I got two more boxes and the peeing stopped for a while. Now it's starting up again and he is doing it almost every day. I am so frustrated, I don't know what to do. We talk about getting rid of him but my heart can't stand that thought, I love the little guy. I just don't get why he is doing this. We have those sprays that is supposed to keep them from peeing in the same place again but that doesn't work. We bought those oils that only cats can smell and is supposed to make them more docile and not spray or pee but that isn't working. Does anyone have any tricks they've used to fix this problem? Or are we going to have to get rid of him?

Can't stand that thought...
Belinda - Hope your back is doing better. Ouch on picking up Brawler. I love CC's, cannot get sick of them. My knees hurt doing anything else but these workouts, I don't get it.
Roxie - Hang in there, these things don't last forever. Hopefully another job will open up for you somewhere else, just keep looking. If you haven't yet, check out and sign up for it. It is awesome and will let you know when jobs come open for your line of work in your area.
Nora - Nice workout again yesterday!! High fives on that!!
Jody - I really want to start doing Cathe Live. My DH said I can have internet in the workout room. I told him once I get tired of the workouts I'm doing, we'll get it hooked up.
Hope you all have great workouts today!