Good morning girls!
I just finished today's workout and will now check in.
Here's today's workout:
Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up, SS1,Ch.1, Ch.2,SS2, ESS, CD,CN+3 songs= 53 Min
Distance= 5.0 miles
CB= 673
Body Beast- Build Block1- Back & Bi's= 50 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 410
* I forgot how many weeks to do of Build Block1 for Body Beast so Iam doing 1 more
before moving on to the next phase.
Total calories burned= 1083
Belinda- Great job on your walk Saturday with your DH.

WTG!!! I know you'll have another good workout in mind for today, have a fun workout and have a blessed day!

Roxie- Good for you taking a recovery week dialing it back but still an active recovery week. Nicely done on hill repeats on the treadmill for 30 minutes then 3 Week Yoga Retreat Week 1 Foundation Core. That sounds like a great active recovery day WTG, have a blessed day. So how are you liking 3 Week Yoga Retreat?

You will really like ICE its one I reach for often its a fave of mine, great saving with Cathe's $25 off coupon.
Debbie- High fives on your Total Body Workout w/Weights doing a circuit of 3 circuits of 8 reps, after warming up with a HiiT. T hen walked on treadmill for 20 Minutes. Great workout as usual and some very impressive weights I can only hope to be able to lift that much. Awesome workout packing a lot in there WTG!!! Killer Rockstar time efficient workout.

Have a blessed day

Hugs & Blessings