CRACY, STRONG AND LOVING IT January 2016 - January 2020

Good Morning,

I walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes today. Gorgeous today but snow tomorrow.

Debbie-this weather is exhausting at least the sun is shining. I am so ready to take the boat out.
Hi laides,

Workouts are done. I did SBF low impact cardio and 4DS LIS/ shoulder, calves and core.

Have a great Friday, everyone.
Today I did Total Body and had a really good workout. Not sure how long I will be doing total body, I probably should get back to one or two body parts a day but I'm really enjoying these workouts.

Did 4 circuits of 6 reps unless otherwise noted. No rest until I reached a new circuit. I warmed up with one of the HiiT workouts.

Incline Barbell Chest Press - 75#
Pullovers - 35#
Lateral Raise - 12's - did 8 reps each set
Dumbbell Shrugs - 20's - did 10 reps each set
Zottman Curls - 20's
Overhead Triceps Extensions - 30#
Leg Press Station - 155# - only did 3 sets as my knees were killing me
Firewalkers - 4 sets x 4 reps each way

Workout was 33 minutes, burned 202 calories. Avg HR was 119 and Max was 144.

Then I got on my treadmill and did the Tabata workout and then walked until I reached 40 minutes. Went 2.25 miles, burned 251 calories and went 5139 steps. Avg HR was 94 and Max was 200!!! What???!!!

Hope you all have great workouts and a great weekend!
Hi everyone,

Got an MRI done this morning. Just finished 4 DS BC/Bic and Tricpes plus SBF workout.

Have a great Friday everyone.
Good morning girls!

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF- Build & Burn- Kettlebell Kickbox Fusion = 26 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 302

Body Beast- Build Block 1- Shoulders= 38 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 311

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN+ 3 songs = 54 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 686
Distance= 5.0 Miles

Total calories burned= 1299

Roxie- High fives on yesterday's workout of walking on the treadmill for 35 minutes, WTG!!! :D:D Nicely done. I hope you have a great workout on tap and a blessed day.:)

Belinda- Awesome workout yesterday with SBF low impact cardio and 4DS LIS/ shoulder, calves and core. Then today's workout with DS BC/Bic and Triceps plus SBF workout. Wow! that's a double dose of workout awesomeness double high fives:cool::D:D! Have a blessed day! Ooh and I hope everything goes well with y our MRI. Take care and Hugs!:);)

Debbie- You're a rock star with your workout again. Today you started with one of the HiiTs warm up then did Total Body Weights 4 circuits with 6 reps using some very impressive weights. Also did a Tabata workout on treadmill and then walked 40 Minutes and distance of 2.25 Miles. You go girlfriend, that was pure Rock Star Awesomeness! High fives:cool::D:D

Hugs & blessings:);)

Good Morning girls!

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Zumba 101 Can't Dance- Dance, Dance, Dance= 37 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 303

Fit Split- Shred Cardio/Push Day- Timesaver #1 Just Shred Cardio+ Stretch= 29 Min
MV= 9.70
CB= 384

ICE- To The Mat Legs & Glutes- Timesaver #7 All Floor work = 23 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 188

Total calories burned= 875

Belinda, Roxie, and Debbie- I hope you all have blessed and wonderful weekend!:):cool:;)

Hugs & blessings:)

Good Morning,

This is a recovery week so I did hill repeats on the treadmill for 30 minutes then 3 Week Yoga Retreat Week 1 Foundation Core. I took advantage of the 25 off and bought the Ice Bundle even though I have two of the workouts. Hoping this week the weather holds out and we can take the boat out.
Today I did a total body workout. This was a tough workout, I almost stopped after 2 sets but had enough time to do one more.

Did 3 circuits of 8 reps. I warmed up with HiiT.

Barbell Chest Press - 75#
Chest Flies - 27's
Barbell Rows - 55#
Bent Over Lat Raise - 15's
Arnold Press - 20's (dropped to 15's on last set)
Upright Rows - 20's
Barbell Curls - 40#
Hammer Curls - 20's
Close Grip Barbell Press - 65#
Lying Triceps Extension - 15's
Dumbbell Squats - 30's (then dropped to 20's on last two sets)

Workout was 37 minutes, burned 264 calories. Avg HR was 134 and Max was 192.

Then I walked on my treadmill. Did that for 20 minutes, went 1 miles, burned 103 calories and went 2415 steps. Avg HR was 81 and Max was 107.

Hope you all had a great weekend and hope you all have great workouts!
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.;)

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up, SS1,Ch.1, Ch.2,SS2, ESS, CD,CN+3 songs= 53 Min
Distance= 5.0 miles
CB= 673

Body Beast- Build Block1- Back & Bi's= 50 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 410
* I forgot how many weeks to do of Build Block1 for Body Beast so Iam doing 1 more
before moving on to the next phase.

Total calories burned= 1083:cool:

Belinda- Great job on your walk Saturday with your DH. :)WTG!!! I know you'll have another good workout in mind for today, have a fun workout and have a blessed day!:);):cool:

Roxie- Good for you taking a recovery week dialing it back but still an active recovery week. Nicely done on hill repeats on the treadmill for 30 minutes then 3 Week Yoga Retreat Week 1 Foundation Core. That sounds like a great active recovery day WTG, have a blessed day. So how are you liking 3 Week Yoga Retreat? :):cool::D You will really like ICE its one I reach for often its a fave of mine, great saving with Cathe's $25 off coupon.

Debbie- High fives on your Total Body Workout w/Weights doing a circuit of 3 circuits of 8 reps, after warming up with a HiiT. T hen walked on treadmill for 20 Minutes. Great workout as usual and some very impressive weights I can only hope to be able to lift that much. Awesome workout packing a lot in there WTG!!! Killer Rockstar time efficient workout.:):cool::D Have a blessed day:);)

Hugs & Blessings:)

Good afternoon,

Yesterday I did SBF Lower barre workout.

DH and I dropped off some donations at the Salvation Army this morning. We filled up my entire car. It feels good to get rid off stuff we no longer use/need. I will drop off some books/dvd's at our public library this week.

Not sure what I will do today?

Roxie - you will love the ICE series. Good price too. Enjoy your recovery week.

Debbie - great job this morning.

Nora - good job with your workout on Saturday as well.

Today I did a workout that I haven't done since July of 2015!! I did Cardio Coach 4 and wow, what a workout. I have always had a big dread factor with this workout and I'm not sure why. I really enjoyed it and it was a great workout. I will definitely be adding that one into my rotation.

Workout was 45 minutes, ran 3.33 miles, burned 376 calories (TM said 452) and went 6564 steps. Avg HR was 141 and Max was 191. Loved this workout!!

Have great workouts everyone!! Sorry I don't have time for personals, running late...
Good morning girls!

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

ICE- Low Impact Sweat= 47 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 545

Fit Split- Boxing Bootcamp- Timesaver#1 Just Kickboxing= 34 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 418

Body Beast- Abs= 11 min
MV= 5.0
CB= 75

Total calories burned= 1038 :)

Belinda- Great workout Sunday with SBF Lower barre workout, WTG!!!:):D:cool: I have a great workout & a blessed day.:);)

Debbie- High fives on your amazing workout today with Cardio Coach 4, that is awesome WTG!! Have a blessed and wonderful day.

Roxie- Have a fun workout and day. Enjoy the sunshine and have a blessed day.:);)

Hugs & blessings:)

Today I did a total body workout and had a great workout. Upped my weights and really felt it. Heart rate was up there. I noticed at around 24 minutes into the workout that my FB was paused. WTH? I don't even know how it happened. Very frustrating that it is that easy to pause the thing. It must have been when I was doing pushups. Ribs are not hurting anymore thank God!!!

Did 3 circuits of 8 reps unless otherwise noted. I warmed up with XTrain.

Chin Ups - Assisted
Pullovers - 32#
Barbell Deadlifts - 65#
Alternate Dumbbell Press - 20's - these killed. Last set was 7 reps
Lateral Raise - 12's
Incline Dumbbell Press - 32's
Pushups - On toes
Seated Dumbbell Curls - 20's on stability ball
Barbell Reverse Curls - 35#
Triceps Pushups
- 12/12/12 reps

Workout was 30 minutes, burned 189 calories. Avg HR was 124 and Max was 189.

Then I did the Tabata workout on my treadmill and then jogged until I reached a mile. Walked to cool down. 20 minutes, went 1 mile, burned 129 calories and went 2231 steps. Avg HR was 119 and Max was 178.

Nora - Nice job with your workout girl! You are always killing it with the calories. I bet you can eat anything you want too!!

Belinda - Great job with your workout. How is Brawler?

Roxie - Hope you are enjoying your recovery week! Still in the 20's here this morning! Yuck!!!
Good Morning,

I did 3 Week Yoga Retreat Week 1 Flow then went for a 30 minute 1.77 mile walk outside and might go for another one depending on if we go to the hospital to see DH’s mom. I hope to lay outside today way to windy to take the boat out.

Debbie-good job today. I am getting tired of being fat I see all this women in their yoga gear looking so tight and toned and I just want to look like that.

Nora-I have only done three of the workouts so its hard to say how I like it yoga isn’t my thing but I need more stretching.
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

KCM-30MTF- Build & Burn- Lower Body Tabata= 27 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 313

Body Beast- Build Block 1- Shoulders= 38 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 311

Jessica Smith- Walk Off Belly Fat- Belly Blast Interval Walk= 31 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 339

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD = 35 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 444
Distance= 3.30 Miles
I had to cut short my run my DH wanted to run an errand before my haircut appointment.

Total calories burned= 1407:cool:

Have great workouts and a blessed Wednesday! Sorry, so time for personals.:):cool::D

Hugs & Blessings;)

Hi everyone,

I did Tracie Metabolic Strength # 4 Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series - Full Steam Ahead + 4DS Chest & Back. I also did Joyful Movement Cardio with Natalie Spadaccino.

Have a great evening.
Today I did another workout I haven't done in ages and that was Cardio Coach 2 - but I did the version I put together. I really wish the warmup was more than just 2 minutes, I don't get it. I did the warmup over again, though. This was a fun workout, I enjoyed it. I had the settings I used marked on the card for the workout and they were really easy so I upped it with the incline and speed a bit. By the time I got to the last challenge I really felt it.

Workout was 40 minutes, ran 2.84 miles, burned 353 calories (TM said 385) and went 5730 steps. Avg HR was 146 and Max was 207.

No way on the 207, I actually seen when my FB said that and my HR wasn't even high at that point. I moved the FB around on my wrist and it went back down. So that reading was not right.

I also did the Ripped Abs II workout from Candace Grasso again. I was sore for 4 days after doing that workout last week. She has a bunch of cool workouts on YouTube. I really like this ab workout, it's quick and intense. She is really cut in these workouts, I wonder how she is doing now?

Roxie - I highly doubt you are fat. You workout too much to be fat!!!

Have great workouts everyone!
Good morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and I will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF- Build & Burn- KB Kickbox Fusion- KBKB-Timesaver One= 18 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 209

ICE- Chisled Lower Body Blast= 49 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 535

Body Beast- Build Block1- Chest & Tri's= 49 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 401

Total calories burned= 1145:cool:

Belinda- Great job on yesterday's workout with Tracie Metabolic Strength # 4 Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series - Full Steam Ahead + 4DS Chest & Back. I also did Joyful Movement Cardio with Natalie Spadaccino. WTG!! I know you'll have a great workout today as well. Have a blessed day!:);):cool:

Debbie- Another fun workout today with Cardio Coach volume 2 with a nice run of 2.84 miles nice calorie burn and step count. Then you also did Ripped Abs II workout from Candace Grasso. I didn't know she had a youtube channel, I'll have to check that out. Cool workout today WTG and high fives!!! You rocked another workout:D:):cool: Now go have a blessed Thursday.:);)

Roxie- I hope you have a great blessed day and a fun workout for today.:);)

Hugs and blessings:)


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