CRACY, STRONG AND LOVING IT January 2016 - January 2020

Merry Christmas!

Today I did SBF active stretch 3 and stretch. Felt wonderful. I am done with the Fit for Fall rotations. Not sure, what I will do next week. Maybe take it easy?

I will be back tomorrow.
Good Morning Girls:)

Merry Christmas:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 39 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 508
Distance= 3.75 Miles

KCM 30MTF-Muscle Up 2B Fit- W/O #1 = 28 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 229

Insanity Max 30- Cardio Challenge= 33 Min
MV= 11.50
CB= 518

Total calories burned= 1255

Belinda- Great job on yesterday's workout with SBF active stretch 3 and stretch. Felt wonderful. Have a blessed day and a Merry Christmas!!!

Roxie and Debbie- I hope you both have a blessed Christmas!!:)

Hugs & Christmas blessings:)

Good Afternoon,

I did KCM Build and Burn Cardio Core Circuit followed by StudioSweat Spin Recovery Ride w/Mike then we took down the Christmas decorations. Merry Christmas everyone.
Hope you all had a great Christmas. We had a nice one, can't believe it's already over. :( It gets built up from after Halloween to now and then it's over in a blink of an eye. It was a white Christmas here which is the first in quite a few years so that was nice.

Today I did one of my Cardio Coach mixes and it was a tough one. It had three challenges on it an by the time I got to the last challenge I was done. I did it, (5 - 1 minute sprints) but really had to slow down with the last two sprints. It was tough. I needed this after all the shit I ate this Christmas. Good Lord.

Workout was 60 minutes, ran 4.26 miles (woo hoo), burned 484 calories (Tm said 591) and went 8616 steps. Avg HR was 137 and Max was 190!!!

I then did the stretch from the Karen Voight Yoga Focus workout. Really needed that, my muscles are so tight again.

My DH got me a Fitbit Ionic for Christmas, it is sweet. Similar to the Blaze but has a lot more things on it. I just need to figure out how to use it all.

Belinda - Bear was only 8 years old. :( I miss him a lot. Maybe you should take a little time off from working out. You are always working out, your body will thank you for a few days off.

Roxie - Nice job getting a workout in on Christmas!! Awesome!!

Nora - You had a great workout on Christmas day as well! Nice job!!!

Have great workouts today everyone!
Hi girls!:)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.
I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Rockout Knockout- Timesaver #3 = 44 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 511

Insanity Max 30- Tabata Power= 33 Min
MV= 9.25
CB= 417

Jessica Smith- Walk On- 10 Minute Quick Walk- 10 Min Butt & Thighs Walk= 11 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 120

Total calories burned= 1048

Roxie- WTG with yesterday's workout of KCM Build and Burn Cardio Core Circuit followed by StudioSweat Spin Recovery Ride w/Mike. That sounds like fun! Great workout and have a blessed day!;)

Debbie- great workout today with you Cardio Coach Mix and Karen Voight Yoga Focus, awesome combo. High fives on your miles ran and stats, congrats!!!! I'm sure you had a great Christmas. I agree it goes by so fast. Have a blessed day!;)

Belinda- Hello's & waves- I hope you had a blessed & wonderful Christmas. Remember to have a fun and blessed day!:)

Hugs & blessings;)

Hey everyone,

Workouts for today is done. Kept everything low impact. I think, I have a heal spur again, something is sticking out of the side of my foot and it's hurting for the last few day's. Tomorrow will try to make an appointment with my doc. Maybe they can do an X-ray on my feet.

Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas!

Debbie - aww...Bear was so young (((HUGS))) I know it's been tough for you doing the holiday's. You are right, I should take a few day's off and let my body recover. Sometimes I forget to take a break.

Nora- hope you had a fabulous Christmas. I do have to admit, I am glad it's over. Good job today.

Roxie - great job getting your workout in. How are you doing?

That's it for me today. Have a great evening.
Good Evening,

I did KCM Build and Burn Upper Body Supersets after I got home from work. It is incredibly cold here today the high was 11 degrees and it snowed.

Debbie-good job today thinking of you.

Nora-good job today.

Belinda-I am feeling better. I agree with Debbie take a rest week.
Good morning,

JS WS3 UB and 1 mile walk is done.

Roxie - glad you feeling better. I will take it easy. Thanks!

See you all tomorrow. BBL!
Today I did a workout I haven't done since 2013!! It was the Low Impact Total Body Trisets. I did the Chest, Shoulders, Triceps premix which was 30 minutes. Friday I will do the Back, Biceps and Abs premix. I really enjoyed this workout, it was fun and Cathe has some really unique moves in this one.

Triset #1
Soldier Plank Pushups - 16 reps/12 reps (these were tough)
Shoulder Incline Press - 12's/16 reps
Lying Triceps Extension on Ball - 12's/16 reps
Repeat, no rest

Triset #2
Cross-Over Leg Pushups - 16 reps (these were tougher!)
Incline Shoulder Arches - 8's/15 reps
Plank Kickbacks - 5#/8#/12 reps
Repeat, no rest

Triset #3
Alternate Chest Flyes - 15's/16 reps
External Rotation Lateral Raise - 8's/10 reps
Dive Bombers - 10 reps
Repeat, no rest

Workout was 33 minutes, burned 246 calories, Avg. HR 139, Max 176. That was a high calorie burn for me with this. Surprised to see my HR was a 176 at some point. Even my average HR seems higher than usual.

I also walked on my treadmill for 2 miles and I think I walked for 36 minutes. I got bored towards the end and did the 11 minute tabata workout from my Treadmill app. Fun stuff!!!

Roxie - Thank you, my friend. I'm doing better. He's better off, I know he wasn't comfortable. Loved that little guy, though. :( It is cold here, too. It was only 4 degrees this morning. BRRRRR!!!

Belinda - Yes, he was young. I guess these things happen but wish it didn't happen to him. Yes, you need a few days off. Take them and don't feel guilty about it!!

Nora - You too girlfriend, you need a break as well. You ladies need to learn to take breaks, it is GOOD for your bodies!!! Nice job with your workout, though, you are an animal!!!!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Good morning girls:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Vol.3- W.up,SS1, Ch.1, Ch.2, SS2, CH.3,Ending Steady, CD, CN= 39 Min
MV= 9.30
CB= 508
Distance= 3.75 Miles

KCM 30MTF Cardio Pump- Workout #2 Pyramids= 33 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 315

Insanity Max 30- Sweat Intervals= 32 Min
MV= 11.75
CB= 513

Total calories burned= 1336;)

Belinda- Nicely done today with JS WS3 UB and 1 mile walk. I really like Jessica's Walk Strong 3 it is definitely a more intense set of workouts but still keeps it low impact with higher modifier options and feel like a complete system looking at all the type of workouts included. Good job today, now go have a fun and blessed day.

Debbie- Wow, you had a fun workout today and got to revisit LIS. Awesome workout today with LIS TotalBody- Trisets Lower body Split and
walked on treadmill for 2 miles for about 36 Minutes then finished with 11 minute tabata workout from my Treadmill app. High fives on that super fun workout, now go have a fun and blessed day.;) ps. Glad you are feeling better.

Roxie- Great job with today's workout of KCM Build and Burn Kettlebell Kickbox Fusion, WTG!! That is such a fun workout. Now have an awesomely blessed day.:)

Hugs & Blessings everyone:)

Today I did two cardio workouts and had a lot of fun!!

First I did Build & Burn Kickbox & Kettlebell workout which is just super fun! This workout was 28 minutes and I burned 211 calories. Avg. HR was 140 and Max was 185. I went 2056 steps.

Then I did Cardio Coach 1 and did well with that workout. That workout was 36 minutes, went 2.4 miles, burned 299 calories (TM said 329) and went 5039 steps. Avg. HR was 141 and Max 204!!!! Now I don't know how that is even possible? My FB was reading way high with both workouts and I'm not sure why? Although the Blaze was doing that as well, just not this high. So I'm not sure if my HR is higher than usual or what? It certainly doesn't feel like it is.

Nice workouts everyone! Hope you have a great one today as well!
H girls ;)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Jessica Smith- 10 Minute Quick Walks- Happy HiiT Walk = 11 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 120

Strong & Sweaty- Cardio Slam= 51 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 627

Insanity Max 30- Tabata Strength= 33 Min
MV= 10.0
CB= 451

Total calories burned= 1198 Nice!

Debbie- Great workouts done today with Build & Burn Kettlebell Kickboxing and Cardio Coach and nice stats too! WTG you're a rockstar!! Now go have a blessed and awesome day.:)

Roxie, Belinda- I hope each of you have fun kickbutt workouts and a blessed day!:)

Hugs, Blessings and Happy New Year!:)

Today I did Low Impact Total Body Trisets. I did the Back, Biceps & Abs premix. I had an excellent workout, this one is fun. Not sure why I haven't done this more often?

Triset #1
One-Arm Row w/Leg Raise - 25#/15 reps
Incline Hammer Curl w/Twist - 15's/16 reps
Ball Crunches - 8#/16 reps (Didn't feel these)
Repeat, no rest

Triset #2
Stability Ball Pullovers - 25#/15 reps
Alternate Curls - 15's/16 reps
Ball Exchange - 16 reps
Repeat, no rest

Triset #3
Rear Delt Flyes - 5's/16 reps
Concentration Curls - 12#/15#/15 reps/10 reps
Reverse Crunches - 32 reps
Repeat, no rest

Workout was 35 minutes, burned 230 calories, Avg. HR 129, Max 164. Another high calorie burn for me with weights. :)

Also walked on my treadmill for 2 miles. Burned another 254 calories and went 4913 steps. Avg HR was 115 and Max was 135.

Nice workouts everyone! I probably won't be back until Tuesday. I am going to figure up a rotation using Cathe and Kelly workouts, maybe even add in some RIPT workouts as well. I will have a plan by Tuesday.

Happy New Year everyone!!!
Hi girls, T.G.I.F.:)

I had to change my workout today so bummed I wanted to run, but hurt my lower back and probably shouldn't do that so I did something else.

Here's today's workout:

Jessica Smith- Walk Strong 3- Cardio HiiT= 32 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 371

Jessica Smith-10 Minute Quick Walks- Bonus Chair Stretch = 12 Min
MV= 2.50
CB= 41

Total calories burned= 412 ;)

So that's it for me today. I will take it easy, not sure if I'll be up to workout tomorrow or Monday have to see how I feel then.

Have wonderful workouts, be safe, healthy and have very Happy New Year everyone!

Hugs & Happy New Year Blessings!:)

Good morning girls!:)

I am forced to take time off from working out with my low back hurting not sure how long that will be a couple of days or longer. This has me bummed big time, I really wanted to run yesterday and do my workouts but could not. I did try some Jessica which felt ok but still probably should not have done that so I am trying to be good and not workout and let my back rest. I guess have to confess I'm a workout-aholic, LOL!! I know big shocker right, LOL!!

Belinda- Nice workout yesterday with JS Yoga + Strength, really liked that one. Plus, walked 2 miles. WTG!!!! Ok you know I'm feeling jealous right, I so miss working out already. Ooh you ordered JumpSort, cool I hope that is awesome & fun for you. Have a blessed day and Happy New Year!!:D:)

Debbie- I hope all is well with you and have a Happy New Year!:cool:

Roxie- Have a very Happy New Year!!:cool:

Have a blessed and Safe Happy New Year!:):cool:

Hi everyone,

I did a walk and JS Barre Sculpt this morning.

Nora - hope you feel better soon and listen to your body.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and weekend.

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