Good Morning.
Well, I slept in again this morning so no work out
...BUT... I ended up taking a class at the gym last night so y'day wasn't a rest day after all! It was a "crossfit" class. I personally don't think that's the right name for it. I'd just call it bootcamp but it's not my gym so it's not my business.
LOL Anyway it was a good class just the same. A little running and kickboxing to warm up, and then circuits comprised of things like sprinting, push ups, kettlebells, and round house kicking a heavy bag (the kind that stands on the floor). It finished up with some good ab work and a stretch. It was a good class and I have the kettlebells legs to prove it now!
After the class I hung out at the gym for another 45 minutes all marvelously sweaty n stank while I watch him finish training somebody and then we were going over some things. I think he forgot he wanted me to train that guy tonight so I'm not going in (shhh! Don't remind him!!!
) but I'm going back Saturday to start going over the sales end of it....ROLE PLAYING! UGH!
Tonight is a bowling night for DH and DS will probably want to play video games for a while so if I'm lively enough I will work out after dinner. Just not sure what I will do yet....
Lori:: Wow, that sure was one doozie of a work out you did! I hope you have use of your arms today at work!
Nice, loggin' the O/T already! Busy is good! ITA!
Yep, we leave for Vegas one week from today! Excited!
No one is going with us. It would have been nice but it just wasn't in the cards. It's ok. I'm sure we'll still have a great time!
Jacque:: I think you asked me where to find the challenges and I forgot to answer. Sorry.
Apparently you didn't need my help anyway though!
You GOTTA try that hip thruster challenge! Cathe says that move is the BEST GLUTE MOVE AROUND! Nothin' beats a great set of glutes, you know! LOL
TG:: Nice STS work out!
Well I think my novel about covers it!