Continuing to "lighten up..."


What about this: I was doing L&G the other day and I try to pay attention to everything Cathe says because it's always so motivating. During the floor work (inner thighs), she does this evil }( laugh and then a few minutes later says "they're tired of my little games of add ons." I think that is SO funny. She also comments on "It's a Wonderful Life" (song) and say's it IS a wonderful life especially because they are almost finished.

I was wondering what everyone else thinks re: her funny comments. I think someone else recently posted a funny comment in forum gems so I thought we could compile them all in one place.

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Her funny comments kill me. And they get me every time. I love the outer body experience one in PUB during the biceps.

I like it in Leaner Legs when they lose count during the calf work and she says "you can blame THEM for that one".
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Love that evil laugh!!!}( She laughs like that as well in Muscle Endurance, I think, at the end, or what you would think is the end of bicep curls. Just when you think your done with like a jillion reps, she does the famous "evil laugh" and tacks on a few isolation curls.....Pure torture, and I love it!!!:7
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I like in Drill Max when she goes (during that jumping drill) "okay, we can do it, we are in this together." Boy, good timing, because that last drill is tough.
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>I >love the outer body experience one in PUB during the biceps.
That is one I know too well. The PUB bicep is probably the hardest exercise there is for me.

There are some more but I just can't think of them right now.

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Yep, I agree on the PUB comments when doing the tricpes. That's a definite OUCH!

I like it when she says on IMAX2 when we are doing the Pump Repeaters: "Oh, you look so good doing that." And it feels good too!


Also, in the Rythmic Step where they are going all around the step in big circles and turning at the same time she goes: "Weeeeee", just like a child when she is turning..That's fun too.

I like when she talks about her little guy, that after she has spent all time up with him (probably sick), she has no strenght the next day. She is a mommy just like many of us and it helps me relate.

My husband is doing P90X and he turned off the option where the guys speaks his funny comments in between so that he can concentrate more. So all he hears is the musci and when he gives directions on proper form only and nothing else.

With Cathe, I don't mind listening over and over again. I get a kick out of her funny bone. :) And she motivates us as well.

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She is so real, and I think that is what I love about her form of fitness. Get in there and do your best, and push yourself hard. One of my favorites is in one of the videos she says about the air "its free so suck it up" I don't know why I think that is funny, but I always laugh, but then I am so out of breath it hurts!:+
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There are a number that just make me giggle. One of my faves:

In ME she is doing low end static lunges and says "did I say that was favorite? No...I said it was YOUR favorite!"


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
RE: Continuing to

Her comment during S&H during triceps dips, "My arms are shakin' like a chi-WA-WA." Hee. :p

Susan L.G.
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In Rhythmic Step, we're doing the triples around the step. We just get done going one way and are tranfering to go the other way. She starts in immediately and says something like, "did you want to do a knee on that one... okay, do it now!"
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I like the time on High Step Training when she says “I hear a lot of breathing and no talking--they’re gettin’ me nervous.”

I like on that PUB Biceps part how they really seem to be having fun together even though they all seem to be suffering through it as much as I am. I also like how Brenda looks like she's cracking up after Cathe says the "outer body experience" thing.

I like it any time I feel Cathe is talking to me, though I often argue with her. Like she'll say "You look so good doing that," and I'll respond, "that's what you think." Or she'll say something like, "Ok, 16 more--you can do it!" and I'll say "You've got to be kidding me!" It's a nice ongoing conversation.

I agree that part of the appeal of Cathe is that she's real and funny. So many workout videos seem to have canned comments that they have read off a prompter--they're supposed to sound genuine, I suppose, but they seldom do.

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
RE: Continuing to

I can't think of a comment but I do love her laugh. She is just too cute if you ask me!
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I love when during the Step Blast challenge she asks "can you still feel your body at this point?". Somehow that always helps to push me through to the end! Oh and it's so cute how she sings along to "Kids in America" during the Body Max 2 warm up. And I know people have said it a million times, but I just adore that little dance she does at the end of interval 9 in Imax 2!

RE: Continuing to

"I just adore that little dance she does at the end of interval 9 in Imax 2!"

Me too, me too! I have always loved that little dance! Everytime interval 9 is over, I make sure to do the dance with her now. I'm such a dork!

Another vote for the "outer body experience" line in PUB. I crack up everytime because she looks like she's struggling just as much as I am!!


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