Cone Biopsy of the Cervix??

Hi All: I'm kinda having a bad day. Just out found this morning that even after chryotherapy (6 months ago) and a loop excision of my cervix (3 weeks ago), there are cancer cells (squamous cells) on my cervix. I'm in shock, scared but trying to be rational. The next step is a cone biopsy of the cervix, they will take the cancerous tissue and healthy surrounding tissue, the goal is for this to be curative. We discussed options if the biopsy reveals more cancer but I'm going to try not to think about that.

Surely some of you have experienced this or know someone who has. I'm curious to hear your stories or those of your loved ones. I also need some moral support and ((hugs)). Unfortunately, in my experience, my loved ones diagnosed with cancer inevitably got sicker and died. I'm very scared.

Take Care
I had to have a cervical biopsy last year too. It is scary. I know someone who had the cone biopsy & it all turned out ok. The best thing, for me anyway, was to try not to worry & just make the best decision based on what is happening NOW. So, get through this & if you need to deal w/more later, you can cross that bridge then. I am sorry that you have to deal w/this at all. There are just so many more options available now w/early detection.
Hi Laurie - First of all, big, gigantic {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} to you. I know how scared you are. I've been through this twice. It is scary as hell to get that phone call. The very good news is that you did the right thing by getting your checkups, where they are able to catch this early. My doctor, whom I love dearly, calmed me so much the second time around (different doc the first time). He said that I should be worried if I hadn't had a PAP in 10 years and these cells had been growing inside of me for that time. And even then, chances were good that I would go on to live a long life and die of old age. If you are going to be told that you have squamous cells, these are the kind that you want to have. It is still scary, and the procedures less than fun, but you WILL be fine. I get normal exams again now.

Forget about the word cancer. You just have some funky cells growing on your cervix that they are going to take care of. One day, maybe you and I can meet up at the old folks home (of course, in excellent shape at 182 b/c we still work out to Cathe :D) and laugh about how silly we were so long ago to be worried about those funky ol' cells growing where the sun don't shine!

Now, I certainly don't mean to make light of your situation - just trying to make you smile and take some worry off because like I said, I have gotten that call, and the day I got it, I was finally having a good day after a long bit of being sick with some sort of flu or something. I finally felt like a person again, had been just smiling because it was a beautiful day, and was driving to take care of some dogs when that phone call came. I felt like I had been knocked in the head with a boulder, and I just cried. I went around scared for some time. Now I'm just trying to share some of my hindsight and doctor's wisdom with you - he was amazing about keeping me calm.

Oh my goodness! I cannot even imagine. I would be so scared too Laurie! I don't have any experience to share regarding your situation but will def keep you in my thoughts & prayers. I wish there was more I could do to help....BIG, BIG HUGS!
BIG BIG HUGS coming your way, along with lots of prayers. My mom had the chryosurgery and I had a friend that had it a couple of times. I don't remember if either had the biopsy but they are both totally fine, as you will be! I know people will say try not to worry but for me, it's almost impossible so I won't say it. Just know people are thinking of you and you've got lots of prayer and support on your side!
{{{{{{{{ Laurie }}}}}}}}

I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. I have no experience with this but wanted to share a story about my friend. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer just a few months after her second child was born. She had surgery to remove one ovary then chemotherapy. Her DH had an affair during that time and a divorce followed. It was the darkest periord in her life:( Fast forward 18 years and she is completely cancer free, remarried and has a third child! She is my hero. I share this because I want you to know there is always hope.

I will be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Please keep us posted and let us know how you are doing.

Lynne, thanks, you are so right. There are so many options. I need to put that big "C" into the back of my mind and proceed positively (that'll be easier tomorrow ;-). You're right about staying in the present. I'll do my best to not waste mental energy on wild speculation.

Shanna, me and my funky, no sunshine cells thank you. My 17 year old daughter Marley was with me and a very calming, rational presence afterward. She reminded me to be grateful for early detection and said she was sad I had to go through it but now worried because she KNOWS I'll be okay.

Debbie, thanks for your thoughts and prayers good to know if I forget to pray for me that you'll put in a good work for me xo

Kim, good to know your Mom's okay. Thanks for acknowledging that not worrying is a challenge. I'm going to try and reign my mind in from 'stinkin' thinkin'

JJ, women who triumph over adversity rock my world and inspire me to the core. It's so true, getting through the dark days is tough but the light is much sweeter and the good days more of a gift after climbing out of the valley. Thank you so much for sharing that.

Take Care
Laurie..I also don't have any personal experience to share regarding your situation but I just wanted to send you some encouragement and many {{{{{HUGS}}}}} :)

Hi Laurie,

I understand your fear of hearing the word cancer. It must be terrifying. I know of a few women that had cervical cancer over the years and they are all alive and well. I don't know them that well to know exactly what type they had but I think it is a very good thing they all survived. Best wishes to you and although it may be hard, try to think positive thoughts and not bad ones, those will only scare you.


My step-daughter has endured this whole experience that you are going through. Two years later, she is fine and no further complications or treatment. Try very hard not to worry too much. This is fairly routine. I don't want to minimize this in any way.. it is a scary thing to go through.

Let us know how it goes - prayers go with you.
I have had the chryo but not the cone. It was very frightening to get the call and then the doctor couldnt schedule me for 6 weeks... I totally freaked. I wanted it done there and then. Anyhow, please try not to worry. It is not uncommon but really good that you are right on top of it. Happy to say all has been well in my cervix for the last 20 years;) Hang in there!
Sending good thoughts and prayers, I know how you must feel, mine were located in different areas (skin cancer and breast calcifications that had to be removed).

That call is something so dreadful to listen to, its a very good analogy, getting hit the head with a boulder...

The first day is really really bad, the second day into the third you start to reason with yourself, but you must stay positive, you have to! I did know someone who had cervical cancer and went through the same procedure and she is completely fine today. This is one malady that is highly curable when caught early. My very best wishes for you!
Did I miss when this started, Laurie??? Anyway, big hugs to you {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{LAURIE}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
I'm very heartened to read the responses you have. Looks like there were many before you who came out just fine. :D Not to minimize how you must be feeling, but it's a relief to me to read meowracer's comments.
Laurie...I have no experience here to offer you. But, wanted to send big {{{HUGS}}} your way. You will be in my thoughts and prayers...
Thanks EVERYONE for sharing your experiences, hugs, prayers and support. I just did a Kickboxing workout and spent some of my fear and frustration. I worked yesterday which was the best thing. I know in my heart I'm okay but this unwelcome guest in my body weighs heavy. Sharing with my forum friends is comforting, reassuring and lightens the load. Thanks again! :)

Take Care
(((((HUGS))))) your way. Please keep us posted. Remember, post at any time, day or night, we'll be here.


I've been sort of where you are a few years ago; I had a funky pap smear and had a colposcopy (sp?) done. The procedure itself was no big deal, the doc and two more docs took another look at the piece of my cervix with lab techs, etc. It didn't end up being cancerous. I was famous there for a minute!:cool: Anyway, it sounds like you're facing a more frightening picture going in and for that I send you hugs and a little emotional brace for you to keep your chin up. ;)

I'm sending tons and tons of hugs your way and I'm sending another batch to your family. It sounds like you've got some great support in your daughter! Please let us know how everything is going since we're all thinking of you.

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