Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I did JS SHRED: TB Primary Moves Circuit = 40 min plus SBF LB barre to strengthen my knees.
I will go for another walk today. It‘s nice outside. We are picking up the RV next week before the weather changes.

Debbie - we stopped giving gifts for xmas. It‘s getting harder and harder to find something. We decided to go on vacation instead. My husband tore his biceps in 3 different places. It happends.

Cookie - nicely done with your stretch and walk yesterday. What are you doing for TG?

Have a great Monday and workout.
'Evening! Got in a walk and more Essentrics. Really feel like I could use a few extra hours each day lately.

Deb, I'm struggling with gift ideas also. Sounds like you have a busy day between the cooking and transporting. How's the baby doing?

Belinda, seems like you're enjoying JS. It's exciting that Cathe's new series is finally coming out.

Today was a walk outside & Legs at the gym. I ran to Costco today, could not find parking finally parked far far away. I have never seen it that busy, just picked up a few things didn't even look around.

Belinda - Great job with JS shred TB, SBF LB barre & walk. Vacation instead of gifts sounds like a great idea. You must be excited to pick up the RV.

Cookie - Great job with essentrics & walk. A few extra hours a day would be nice:) The baby is doing well but still up every 2 hours for feedings.

ood morning,

I am getting RMR Metabolic Test done this afternoon. You can‘t exercise 14 hours prior to the test. I may take a rest day today or if I have time I will workout this evening.

Debbie - great job on your walk and leg workout at the gym. I am avoiding Costco, it‘s a mad house during TG and Xmas. Yes we are excited to pick up the RV. We have to winterize it and put it in storage.

Cookie - I hear you on a few extra hours. Great job on your walk. Yes, I do enjoy JS workouts. They help me to active but not wiped out.

I gotta run.

Today was a walk outside & a quick upper body at the gym. I bought the remaining items at the food store, I went during dinner time to avoid the crowds.

Belinda - Good luck with your RMR test today. Is it a hard test? Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?

Cookie - You must be getting ready for the holiday:)


Today was a walk outside. I cooked a lot today, only some small things tomorrow. I’m exhausted.

Wishing the both of you a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy thanksgiving,

I thought I posted yesterday? I did JS TB and SBF UB/stretch. It was mostly to strengthen your delts. I met up with DD in DC to get my hair done. We also had a late lunch afterwards.

I got my new Cathe downloads. I downloaded them all last night. Not sure what I will do or what is on the schedule for today?

Debbie - great job on your walks and quick upper body workout. I ordered/picked a small TG dinner for DH and I. We having a turkey breast, gravy, mash potatoes, green beans and another veggie. All I have to do is heat it up. I also picked up some nice desserts from the French cafe shops.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I did JS UB and SBF UB for the shoulders. If it‘s not to cold outside I will go for a walk later.

Have a great day everyone.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
It was a rest day for me sort of lots of cooking & cleaning up. It was a nice day, small gathering, my younger ds, wife & grandchild weren’t there since my DS worked but they had a small dinner when he came home.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts! It must have been fun having your hair done with DD. You will have to let me know if you try out the new workouts. It sounds like a nice dinner with DH.

Cookie - I hope you are enjoying the holiday.


Today I did a JS stretch + belly dance workout. It‘s too cold to walk outside. I think it‘s in the 30‘s.

Debbie - glad you enjoyed your time with your family. It is a lot of work. I hope you recovered today from all that cooking and cleaning. It was fun getting to spent time with DD.

Cookie - how are you doing?

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside it was colder than I thought. I also did STS 2.0 Supersets. We are going to dinner tonight.

Belinda - Great job with stretch and belly dance workout. I took a nap today;)

Waves hi to Cookie

Have a great weekend:)

Today I did SBF Christmas Stretch = 35 min plus Barre HiiT = 27 min.

Debbie - you are brave walking in those temperatures. It‘s been extremely cold here. No walking outside. Good job on STS 2 Supersets.

Did you buy anything for Black Friday?

I will be back later.
'Evening! Sorry for not checking in but some of visitors decided to come early and then others stayed longer than expected! While it is nice, I feel like I can finally take a short breath. Tomorrow is another dinner ...

Deb, doing all that cooking is a lot of work! I'm sure your mom appreciated you doing it and bringing it to her place. How is that little grandchild doing? We've had to put lock on some of the kitchen cabinets and remove a lot of things since ours is now crawling. They grow very quickly.

Belinda, I haven't downloaded yet. Must have deleted the email from ordering, so I'm hoping the order number is on the package when it arrives. That's supposed to be Monday. We had been speaking about replacing my car with a newer model with updated safety features, with the idea in about two years only having that one car. We'll dh made an appointment to look at one today, and we came home with it. So, yes, I guess we did small business/Black Friday shopping! Now I know why he asked dd and her fiancé a few times what time they needed to leave to day (he wanted to go check out cars!).

Today was a walk outside it was cold but bundled up. I feel like I am coming down with something, hopefully not.

Belinda - A Christmas stretch workout sounds like fun as well as barre work. I think it is a little bit warmer by me compared to you & Cookie. Still not liking this cold weather:(. I have my eye on an older generation iPad & basic Apple Watch saw really good deals at Walmart for Black Friday.

Cookie - it sounds like you had a fun but busy Thanksgiving. I forgot about having to baby proof the house:). We are babysitting for a couple of hours Wednesday so my DIL can run errands.

Good morning,

Today is our 41 anniversary. DH and I going for brunch this morning and dinner tonight. Busy day just eating, lol. Tomorrow is infusion day and I will see the anesthesiologist afterwards. If all goes well on Tuesday we are picking up the RV from Alabama. I hope I will do another stretch today.

Cookie - glad you had a fun TG. I forgot about having to baby proof the house, lol. Yes, they grow quickly. You can contact Cathe‘s customer service, they respond quickly. I only bought things I needed for Black Friday.

I need to get ready.
'Evening! Eldest ds and dh picked out a tree today, and later on we went a hockey game. Next weekend we'll decorate it. JS total body circuits today.

Deb, now is a good time to get those products, if you're really interested. I thought I was doing a pretty good job since I have my great nieces and nephews here frequently, but nope, I failed at baby-roofing. You're going to love being so close to be a frequent babysitter.

Belinda, happy anniversary! Enjoy your dinner. Busy week for you. Hope all goes well.

Today was a walk outside. I slept in late today, didn’t even here DH leave. I made my Christmas sauce glad to get that out of the way.

Belinda - Happy Anniversary!! It sounds like you have a fun day planned. Good luck with your infusion. You have a busy week picking up the RV.

Cookie - Great job with JS TB circuits. It must feel like Christmas with the tree up, and it sure is cold enough:). I can’t believe how much snow Buffalo is getting! Thank you will look into the products.

'Evening! Just got home from work, so no time for a workout today. The new Cathes arrived today so I may try one out tomorrow.

Deb, you must have needed that rest. So smart getting the Christmas sauce done early!

Belinda, hope you had a lovely anniversary and that the infusion went well.

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. My new Cathe workouts arrived tonight too.

Belinda - Hope all went well with your infusion today.

Cookie - Our mailman delivers late usually around 7PM. We used to get mail in the late morning.

Good morning,

Thank you for all the anniversary wishes. We had a very nice day. Couldn‘t do much in the cold.

Sorry for not checking in yesterday.It was a crazy busy day yesterday. The infusion went well. I had to see the anesthesiologist late in the afternoon. Took longer than I expected. We didn‘t get home until 7 pm. Took a shower and went to bed early.

Debbie - my DVD’s arrived yesterday too. I will play with the dvd‘s this weekend. Have fun.

Cookie - mine arrived yesterday too. Have fun.

I will be back later today. Gotta pack. Haven‘t done that either.
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