Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! JS Push Pull today. Boy, what a workout! I should sleep good tonight. DH's snoring has been so bad the last couple of nights, I moved to another room to catch some sleep!

Deb, were you impacted by the snow? Hope you're having a great time.

Belinda, glad you're resting and the surgeries were such a success! That's great.

Deanna, do you have a preference for workout type?
Hi! I think of all workout types I've done, I like metabolic/aerobic weight training the most. But I still love all types, with yoga being my least favorite. I still do some yoga though.

Yesterday we went and visited friends it was fun. We haven’t ever spent so much time indoors in FL. No snow here but it sure feels like it could. We had some more furniture delivered but one piece was the wrong color so sent it back.

Belinda - Happy to hear your surgery went well. How amazing your vision is so good, worth the surgery! It must feel good to not need glasses since you had them all your life.

Cookie - It sounds like you had a good workout. I’m sure snoring partner can be a problem. We have several friends who sleep,separate because of it. Do the snore strips work?

Deanna - I’ve never been to New Mexico but have heard it’s beautiful. Is it always hot there?


Yesterday we went and visited friends it was fun. We haven’t ever spent so much time indoors in FL. No snow here but it sure feels like it could. We had some more furniture delivered but one piece was the wrong color so sent it back.

Belinda - Happy to hear your surgery went well. How amazing your vision is so good, worth the surgery! It must feel good to not need glasses since you had them all your life.

Cookie - It sounds like you had a good workout. I’m sure snoring partner can be a problem. We have several friends who sleep,separate because of it. Do the snore strips work?

Deanna - I’ve never been to New Mexico but have heard it’s beautiful. Is it always hot there?

It's usually pretty warm here but we've been experiencing that cold air like most people, just not AS cold as farther north.

Today was 1/2 of walk on the beach & Street. It is still cold here. We ran some errands and it was actually much warmer inland. The sun came out today. Eating lots of soup;)

Belinda & Cookie - Hope you are having a relaxing weekend.

Deanna - It does seem to be cold across the US.


Debbie - thank you. It is amazing how much I can see after my surgery. My right eye I think needs more time to get used to the lens. It feels great not have to wear glasses anymore. I couldn‘t see out of them if I tried. I will donate my old glasses. Wished I could go for a nice walk. It‘s so cold outside. Nice job on your walk.

Cookie - my husband snores a lot.Sorry he keeps you up.

Deanna - it‘s cold everywhere. Hopefully it will warm up soon.

Evening! Got in a walk yesterday and a longer one today.

Deb, I love soup! Think it is my favorite type of food. Are you pleased with how the furniture is looking in the rooms? Must be exciting to see it all coming together. I haven't gotten dh to use the sore strips yet. I sleep a lot in another room b/c of him.

Belinda, glad your vision is doing so well. I still wear glasses to read and use the computer, so most of the day! Does your husband's snoring bother your sleep?

Deanna, it was on a Cathe road trip that I really found a type of yoga I liked. I still like metabolic workouts, and strength workouts, but after injuries (and probably age) am enjoying more Essentrics, Pilates, yoga, and flexibility workouts too.

Today was a walk on the beach. The weather is better still covered up but nice in the sun. We caught up with some neighbors. They live here six months so they let us know what’s going on.

Belinda - Great you were able to get a walk in. It’s amazing the results are so quickly with the eye surgery.

Cookie - Are you able to walk outside this week? I love the furniture, wish I had it in NJ s8nce we are there most of the time.


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